Total Drama Action: Totally Interactive

So I'm sure you guys know about the past season and guess what? I'm adding ten next contestants this season! I'm doing this because, who doesn't want so fresh faces to see what they bring next season.

This is also dedicated to the amazing ktd123! She's awesome and so is her amazing story "Total Drama Island: Again!"

You're sitting home bored, flipping through channels looking for something exciting to watch. Your friends promised a summer full of late night parties, sunny beaches and pranking the old lady that always gives the nasty candy on Halloween.

Instead now you're stuck home as they all summer school, it's been raining like crazy, and the old lady down the street… she won the lottery and now lives in Florida.

So you grab the television remote and keep flipping through the channels and on every channel, they seem to be showing the kids from that T.V. show.

What's the name… Total Drama Island: Totally Interactive!

"Today seemed like a bad day for the Paparazzi when Hyacinth-"


"So how's it being on tour with such a great band Alex?-"


"And sharing the cover on Vogue's annual It list: Serena Van Der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf-"


"Looks like the cast of the hit reality show: Total Drama Island: Totally Interactive have joined forces for this cause-"


You look at the coffee table on the living room and see magazine covers featuring the teens of the show.

Wow, how can a simple reality show make these guys into celebrities?

"By joining this show!" shouted an oh-too-familiar voice from your television screen. You turn to look at the screen and see a bright smile and a handsome face.

"As you probably know, I'm Chris McLean and we're back" The host was standing into of a gleaming golden gate that above read "Paramount Pictures".

"Not only am I back, but I'm coming back with a brand new season of the Total Drama franchise we're calling Total Drama Action: Totally Interactive" Chris smiled at the screen "So with this new season; we also need ten new teens to compete with your favorites from season one and we're desperate" Chris begged as the camera zoomed in on his begging face, showing off some his wrinkles.

"Now after the success of the first season, we got thousands of applications but all of them lacked that special thing that makes a reality show great: Drama!" said the TV host with a smirk "And since this show is Total Drama Action, we're looking for the best of the best"

Maybe that's exactly what you could do to make this summer fun again. So you smile as Chris says "Just send in those applications and Who Knows? Maybe you'll be here in sunny California competing in Total… Drama… ACTION!"


1) So I'm accepting TEN new contestants and I've already have some stereotypes that I'd like for next season like: The Romantic, The Obsessive-Annoying Fan, The Movie Nerd, The Clueless Jock, The Out of Control Girl (Party wise), The Cowboy, The Evil Guy, and The Diva Movie Actress. BUT you don't have to send in those stereotypes if you don't want too just that those stereotypes will ensure you a better spot next season.

2) Don't send in characters that you obviously sent into other stories. So, if you fill out more than what I ask for, I'm going to be able to tell you're one of those people that submits your camper to every single one of these stories without reading the first chapter.

3) I really don't like it when characters are very bare. I like descriptions and specifications! Be as colorful as possible with your character, make them spark!

4) If you're going to use foreign words could you explain to me what they mean? Sorry about that, but I only words in the languages of English, Spanish and a bit of French (actually very slim French)

5) Another rule with characters, I would really, really, really like creative one. For example, my friend ktd123's story 'Total Drama Island: Again!' has so many interesting characters that come from different backgrounds and nationalities. Just something creative and new would be great.

6) And just have fun! Isn't that why we're all here :)

If you can't think of a stereotype, that's fine, but try to describe the character good in the personality section. But anyway, applications! Anything in parentheses you don't have to write. It's just there to explain what I want for each thing. Again, DON'T WRITE THE STUFF IN PARENTHESES!

Name (and nickname if they have one):

Age (15-17):

Gender (for those wacky names that I just can't tell):


Appearance (hair, eyes, skin tone, build, etc.):

Regular Clothes:

Bathing Suit:


Notable Traits (are they freakishly tall? Do they talk with an accent? Stuff like that…):

Color That Represents Character (I'll explain this one below):

Personality (please make this more than a few words. I like sentences better):





NOT Talents:

Paired Up:

If Yes, What Kind of Person:

If Yes, How Do They React Around Them (flirt? Watch from a distance? Get freakishly clingy all of a sudden?):

Short History (Family, where they're from…):

Why TDI:

Audition Tape (Totally necessary! I'll explain this below too):

Does Your Character Use Bad Language (may sound dumb to ask, but… a lot? A little? Not at all?):

Can Your Character Drive? (if I told you why I need this one, that'd spoil it):

Quote from Character (optional, explained below):

Favorite Challenge from Original TDI (optional):

Challenge Suggestions/Requests (optional):

Other (I'm not really sure what else there is, but…):

I might have to explain a couple things…

Color That Represents Character: this is for later on in the game if they ever have to do an individual challenge. The color is to represent them. For example, if they have to grab a rope from somewhere or something, the rope with be marked with their color. Try to pick a color that you think nobody else will pick (like midnight blue or gray or beige or something.)

Audition Tape: This is completely necessary. Why? I'm not going to put the entire selected applications up in a chapter, probably just their name and audition tape. Why this? Well, if you can already see everybody's phobia, what's the fun of a challenge that has to do with those? Or if everyone can see that this person has a deep dark secret, than it's not exactly a secret anymore, is it?

Quote from Character: This can be either a quote your character has said in the past, a quote you want me to somehow fit into the story that they say, or both. Just specify which one. Why? I don't know. Just for fun.

Also, if I need any additional information, I'll just ask either in an author's note or PM. So have fun!