Reviews for Total Drama Action: Totally Interactive
TieDyeWitch629 chapter 10 . 8/31/2010
I am way overdue for your review, darling. No more sickness though :)

Aww Liam still cares for Blair, stupid Kimberly (I hope she burns)but I wish she would just give in already! Oh wait...she's still dating Riley, that's right. Well kudos for her for not cheating, last thing we need is more drama.

You do very excellent with the drama dear, very good but any more I'm going to smash my computer screen. There's already enough drama in the TDI universe with the stupid shipping war.

"What a waste of bubbles." Annaleigh shook her head.

Did I ever tell you how much I love her? She is the bubble-head doll love of my life!

Awwww Blair and Annaleigh became friends again! I hope...And what's this? Blair and Todd being civil even caring towards each-other? Well of course, they think they're in a life and death situation.

Ah Juliet, ever the peace-maker of the team and caring sweetie. I love her too though it'd be amusing to finally see someone kick Kimberly's behind.

Of course I'd expect Jason and Liam to watch Paris Hilton's butt while they battled for life in a lethal situation. Why am I not surprised?

MARK NO! *Gets down on hands and knees while shaking fists at the sky* NOOOOOOOOO! *Gets up and wipes dust of pants* Okay I'm done.

Ah Todd, my boy, the ever caring leader that just gave Kimberly's ego a major blow.

I honestly can believe that Jason and Annaleigh would have the freakin' most adorable relationship. Nothing romantic but most likely a brother-sister relationship like what Todd has with Serena.

Noooo! Not Annaleigh! And Kimberly...Kimberly can go on.

Oh No! Not Riley! Not Bambi! Chetan! Aaaahhh!

And poor Blair having to go into Bloomingdales and for her info, there can be surprisingly good stuff there.

Sorry to see that some of the other ones like Austin and Annaleigh dying. Shouldn't Bambi and Riley be there too?

Ah Kurt kinda makes my day :)

There, not as a long review as I thought it'd be but I hope it fits and I can't wait to see what happens next!
someone better than you chapter 10 . 8/31/2010
Nice! This has got to be one of the greatest stories EVER! (Don't let my comment get to your head queenie! XD)

You're doinbg great girl but \you've gotta update at a faster rate. It's going too slow. Understand if you get too bored or what not but you still need to continue and you need to update fast for that, specially since there are a total of 28 contestants.

Can't wait for the aftermath! :-)
AquaAce327 chapter 10 . 8/23/2010

This challenge is an epic disaster movie and I LOVE it! It makes me think of the zombie challenge from last season (I have no idea why), but that's okay because I really liked that challenge.

I think you did an awesome job making this chapter realistic. If it were a movie, I'd totally see it!

I can't wait to see the end. Keep up the great work!

Deleted21-06-11 chapter 10 . 8/23/2010
Hey! Nice job on the quick update :) (and I'm a bit quicker on the review :P)

Interesting, this is definately a cool challenge, it's pretty intense! Though I have to say, dead Bambi and dead Riley are REALLY freaking me out. I'm guessing they're not really dead though...

Aha... I loved that Chris had the same shade of mascara as Annaleigh - though I agree, what a wate of bubbles! ;P

I'm really curious about the rest of the campers, 'cause we only really got to see half of them this chapter, so hopefully we'll see a bit more of the others soon.

And you're doing a great job on the website, keep it up!

Thanks for updating so quickly, if we're lucky (and review?) maybe we'll get another quick update!

Sarcastic Spirit
Deleted21-06-11 chapter 9 . 8/18/2010
Wow, I had thought I had reviewed this... I was positive I had, I definately remember typing something... but I guess not. There's a chance there was some error with the submission of the review or something, because you should've gotten a review a while ago. Sorry for the wait though, as I said, I could've sworn I'd reviewed.

Kyle stealing the camera was cool, definately awesome to see the show from a camper's point of view.

Ooh, Tory's angry! With good reason, but I do believe she did go just a little bit too far. She must be feeling pretty cr*ppy though, since her boyfriend cheated on her with her friend, and then her ex (who used to be a super close friend), took sides against her. I know I keep repeating this, but please! Let Tory get back to her awesome kickbutt self after she gets over this and redeem herself. I'd give almost anything to see the old Tory back, with all of her friends...

Anywho, sorry this took so long! I hope you can update soon, 'cause as always, I can't wait to find out what happens next!

Sarcastic Spirit
AquaAce327 chapter 9 . 8/17/2010
I totally loved the behind-the-scenes perspective of this chapter. Its a very refreshing change.

So much drama in this chapter! I was anticipating Tory confronting Serena and Ian, but too bad it was cut short (I can't wait till they pick it up again).

I'm excited for this challenge. The way you told the story was so cool; I really liked it shown from the Kyle's camera. As for the movie it was based off of... I want to say "Cloverfield", but I'm not sure...

Keep Up the Great Work! :)

Ellie Slaughter chapter 9 . 8/11/2010
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I love this chapter. And goshhhhhh, I can't think of the movie! I was like what the hell, I know this. It's going to bug me until I figure it out.

But, as always, review when you can. :))
Just Another Fanatic chapter 9 . 8/10/2010
Another good chapter. And I swear I know this movie, I just can't think of the name. It takes place in New York City and 'filmed' by coincidence from a home camera. It's going to bother me that I can't think of the name now.

Anyway, when Alex was drunk and Serena told Bronze to take him to bed, for some reason, I imagined him replying either "I'd bet he'd rather you take him," or "I'll take you to bed if you'd like." I don't know why I thought of those, but to me, that's more likely his responses, but he'd still probably help Alex anyway in the end. But the alcohol was totally on key.

It was fun following Kyle around the whole time. I kind of saw a different side of some of the people, and the same side as other. Anyway, it was cool of Kimberly to give Tory some bad information so they could warn Ian and Serena.

Can't wait for more.
CocoTheDreamer5454 chapter 9 . 8/10/2010
great job! fitting all those charecters into one chapter must be rlly anonoying, but the blair scene was really good. keep it up
someone better than you chapter 8 . 7/30/2010
Finally you updated! Nice chapter, though I felt you didn't divide the challenge fairly enough between chapters 2 and 3.

Laila's the first eliminated huh? Unexpected but understandable. I just thought she would hold out longer considering she was the centre of attention so much.

An aftermath? ALRIGHT! Can't wait to see it! Though I hope it's not just one chapter but a complete episode like the normal ones. Good luck!
CocoTheDreamer5454 chapter 8 . 7/25/2010
sorry i didnt reveiw sooner. i just got back from camp and what a great chapter. the berries thing got to me. and as far as laila... atleast she got a hug. cant wait for more gossip!
Deleted21-06-11 chapter 8 . 7/22/2010
Hey! So this review is gonna be WAYY shorter than the last, 'cause that was honestly bordering on insane, and I've got a ton to do today!

Anyways, so sad to see Laila go, she was so cute and funny. Oh well, I guess someone had to go, and she was at least super excited to be hugged by Alex. :)

And I complement you on your writing. It just keeps getting better and better, keep up the good work! If I compare this chapter to any of your early chapters of TDI:TI, there's HUGE progress :) You should be proud!

Ooh! Cliffy! I wonder what's going to happen next! Tory's certainly not going to be happy, not at all...

So, please update as soon as you can, I cannot wait to see what going to happen with the whole Tory/Ian/Serena thing! As much as I dislike Tory this season, I still can't hate her completely, so I hope things work out and we get to see some of the old Tory again soon.

Nice job, looking forward to more!

Sarcastic Spirit
Ktd123 chapter 8 . 7/20/2010

(I told you I'd start the review like that.)

First off: I love the title of the chapter. It's funny. Poor Adam. He didn't deserve that slap. It's not his fault he's dumb. :)

Sasquatchanakwa! I totally forgot about him!

I'd be terrified of a bear with a paintball gun. I'd be especially terrified if I were Todd. Paintballs hurt! One to the forehead would kill! That's bound to bruise.

Tory finally gave Kimberly the beating she deserves. I really have no clue why it took her this long to tackle her. Kim didn't stand a chance!

I really think Liam (I wrote Lima the first time I tried this) should get over Blair and move on. Clearly he has the ability to hook up with other girls and he's hot. What else does he need? Hopefully he can move on and there will be better Blairs along the road. I prefer Riley and Blair to Liam and Blair, mostly because I think it's cute that he's such a good guy who's still himself around her even though he's such a weirdo.

To say I'm glad that Blair found out about Ian and Serena is an understatement. It's about time somebody figured it out. Maybe this will pick up the pace on the more slow-paced drama. I smell a confrontation about that coming up soon!

It's okay Kurt. They all secretly want to have a sleepover. You can paint Jason and Liam's nails and Adam can braid Abby and Hyacinth's hair.

I really have no idea who I'd want to win in a fight against Laila and Charlotte. I know Laila means well, but it is kind of overboard. And I'm sure Charlotte didn't mean to be mean... well, maybe she did.

No offense to Bambi and Eddie, but I really think they have no chance at staying together this season. They've definitely gotten off to a terrible start this time around.

And of course it's down to Laila and Charlotte. I think we all knew it would be Laila just because freakouts seems to stand out in the minds of the cast more than mean-ness. If they voted off the mean people first, there's no way Blair or Heahter would've made it so far.

Alex's goodbye to Laila was really sweet though. Definitely an amazing way to end her time on the island.
AquaAce327 chapter 8 . 7/15/2010
Congratulations on completing your first challenge! XD

I'm kinda sad that Laila got voted off, but I guess it had to be done. It would've been awesome to see her and Charlotte duke it out some more. I'm still excited about the drama happening with the other characters.

Great Job!

LazyAwesomeNinja chapter 8 . 7/15/2010
Woot! Awesome chapter!

Eddie and Kurt FTW!

Love ya babe!

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