Author's Note: This wasn't originally going to be a songfic, but I was listening to my ipod and a song came on that was just so perfect for it. So I named the fic after the song and each chapter title is a song lyric (not in order though). The song is "Turn to Gold" by the Senate, I'm not surprised if you haven't heard of them, but they're really good.

I'm going through and editing typos in my stories right now, and getting rid of way outdated author's notes while I'm at it. And fixing the formatting which got all screwed up for some reason. Just for the record, this is going to be slash, as in with gay characters. If that bothers you, for Merlin's sake don't read it! And don't sent me reviews about how you hate gay people. I don't like trash in my inbox. Thanks.


Disclaimer: I don't, not have I ever, nor will I ever, own Harry Potter. I believe that should be pretty obvious.

Chapter One: We've Done the Same Thing All Before

Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy hated each other. Of course they did. Both boys were in their third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, both were the Seekers of their House Quidditch teams, Gryffindor and Slytherin respectively, and both were intelligent and did well in their classes; Albus was especially good at Defense Against the Dark Arts and Scorpius excelled at Charms. In addition, the boys' families did not get along in the least. They had been on opposite sides in the Second Wizarding War and Albus's and Scorpius's fathers had been enemies all throughout their school days. They boys were just carrying on the tradition. There was one way, besides their opposing houses and contrasting looks (Albus had short, messy, black hair and green eyes while Scorpius's eyes were gray and his blond hair was sleek and long), there was one way in which these two boys were very different. Albus was effortlessly popular. Due to his father's fame (his father was Harry Potter, Savior of the Wizarding World) and his general good nature, nearly everyone at school (except for many of the Slytherins of course, and the few people were jealous enough to hold it against him, and some upper years who didn't really notice him) liked him. Scorpius, on the other hand, was a bit of a loner. His family, which had been one of the most prominent in the wizarding world, had fallen out of favor after the war. He had a small handful of friends and tended to keep to himself. He had maintained the Malfoy attitude of being above everyone else, which most of the other students either resented or found laughable. Scorpius wasn't particularly friendly with most of the students, but he didn't go out of his way to be mean to them either. For Albus, though, he made an exception.


It wasn't unusual for Albus Potter to go wandering around the school at night. It wasn't allowed, of course, but that had never stopped Albus, or most of the rest of his family either. Although his older brother James had inherited their father's Invisibility Cloak (since their father could now go invisible without help from the cloak), he had given Albus the Marauder's Map: a map which had been created by Albus's grandfather and his friends and which showed the entire Hogwarts castle, including all of the secret passages, as well as all of its inhabitants, represented by moving labeled dots. This map, combined with Albus's naturally small size, allowed him to sneak around the castle with ease. Often Albus took his cousin Rose Weasley, who was the same age as him, and/or his friends Asher Thomas, Morgan Tuland, and Jerry Mortman with him on his nighttime explorations, but this time he only wanted to retrieve his copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, which he had left in the library. It was on the way back to Gryffindor Tower that Albus heard crying coming from the boys' bathroom. Curious and slightly concerned, Albus quietly opened the bathroom door and stuck his head in. A boy about his own age was kneeling on the tiled floor, sobbing his heart out. His long, pale hair was covering his face and his shoulders were heaving up and down. Albus could tell that the boy wasn't crying over something trivial like a bad grade on an essay or being turned down for asking a girl on a date. He sounded as though his heart was broken.

Albus opened the door all the way and slipped into the bathroom. Crossing to the other boy, Albus knelt down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey," said Albus softly. "Are you okay?"

The boy's head shot up and Albus gaped at him.



"What are you doing here?" said Albus, dumbstruck by the fact that the sobbing boy on the bathroom floor was his nemesis.

"None of your business, Potter," spat Scorpius, jerking away from Albus. "Go away."

Albus stared at Scorpius. His eyes were were bloodshot and there were tear stains on his cheeks. Albus opened his mouth to say something, though he wasn't quite sure what, but Scorpius cut him off before he even started.

"If you say anything about this to anyone, I swear, Potter..."

Scorpius's words were threatening, but his tone was almost pleading, and Albus saw a shadow of fear in his eyes. Any harsh comment died on Albus's lips. Scorpius had pushed himself up off the floor, briefly exposing his pale forearms. It had only been a moment, but Albus had clearly seen a row of parallel scars and scabs running crosswise up the other boys wrists and forearms. Scorpius saw the direction of Albus's gaze and yanked his robes back over his arms, hiding the cuts from view.

"I'm warning you, Potter," he said, a definite note of pleading in his voice.

Wordlessly, Albus nodded, and Scorpius swept out of the door, leaving Albus standing there, wondering what was going on with Scorpius Malfoy.


Over the next two weeks, Albus kept wondering. He watched Scorpius surreptitiously as much as he could, but nothing seemed different about the Slytherin. He was as aloof and collected as ever, and he gave no acknowledgement that the incident in the bathroom had ever occurred. But Albus couldn't forget the look on Scorpius's face that night, couldn't forget the fear and pleading he had heard in his voice, couldn't forget the cuts he had seen on Scorpius's arms. He hated Scorpius and Scorpius hated him, but something was definitely wrong with the other boy, and Albus couldn't decide whether or not he should get involved. Maybe he should just tell a teacher, but he had promised to Scorpius that he wouldn't tell anyone and, despite his hatred of Scorpius, Albus was a man (well, boy) of his word.

Asher, Morgan and Jerry noticed that Albus was a bit preoccupied, but Albus passed it off as exam nerves, as their first term exams were fast approaching. It was partially true, Albus did have to study for his exams, so he did his best to push Scorpius to the back on his mind. He had almost managed to convince himself that he must have imagined the desperation in Scorpius's eyes when he took another solo trip through the halls late at night, this time to find an empty classroom in which to practice a really cool Defense spell that Rose had found in a book earlier that afternoon.

His path took him once again past the boys' bathroom where Scorpius had been two weeks before. On a sudden impulse, Albus paused before the room and pressed his ear to the door. Sure enough, he heard stifled, gulping sobs coming from the other side of the wall.

Albus bit his lip. Should he go in? It wasn't really any of his business, and it was Malfoy for Merlin's sake, but...

Albus opened the door and let himself into the bathroom. Scorpius was siting on the tiled floor again, sobbing into his crossed arms. Albus stood in the doorway, watching the Slytherin cry.

"Malfoy, what's going on?" said Albus bluntly, though not meanly. "This is the second time I've found you balling your eyes out in this bathroom. Obviously there's something wrong."

"Butt out, Potter," said Scorpius without looking up. "Leave me alone."

"Malfoy, I don't like you," said Albus. "I've never liked you and that isn't going to change just 'cause I've seen you blubbering. But I'm not going to kick you when you're down either."

Albus took a step toward Scorpius and saw that Scorpius was holding something in his hand. Peering over his shoulder, Albus realized that it was a razor, and it was edged with blood.

"Malfoy," said Albus, taking another step closer. "What are you doing?"

Scorpius quickly tucked the razor out of sight and covered his left wrist with his robes.

"Nothing," he said defensively.

Albus squatted down next to Scorpius. "Malfoy," he said bluntly, "do you need help?"

"No," said Scorpius aggressively.

"Okay," said Albus, standing up and brushing his hands off on his thighs. He walked to the bathroom door and was about to leave when he looked back at the blond sitting on the bathroom floor. Their eyes met and they both looked away at the same time. Then Albus walked out into the hall and shut the door behind him.

AN: Just because the story's finished doesn't mean I don't like reviews ;)