Title: Hymne of Two Souls.

Author: isumi'kivic'


Pairings: YuuriWolfram, mentions of ConradYozak.

Warnings: BL, yaoi, shounen-ai, whatever you want to call it. =]

Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou belongs to Takabayashi Tomo-sensei. I own none and this fic is not made for any profit.

A/N: Hello again! I can't help myself to start another fanfic when a plot-bunny hopped into my mind in the middle of the night, so here is the result. I hope this would be able to brighten your day a little bit. =3 Thank you, HARPGO, for all your help and amazing advices, and for sparing your time to beta this doomed fic of mine. XP

That aside, everyone, I hope you enjoy~

A Kyou Kara Maou Fanfiction

Hymne of Two Souls

Chapter One: The Beginning of an End

The loud cries of a baby reverberated to the corner of the room—white, pale stone walls trapping the sound so it wouldn't escape outside. The night was unusually dark; the thick clouds covering the half-moon shining up in the sky while the night breeze had changed to the chilly night wind, an omen that it'd rain hard quite soon.

Laid on the cold, hard stone floor, in the middle of a circle drawn with indecipherable symbols in it, was a wailing baby wrapped only in white, thin blanket. Its golden hair was spread out on the white blanket; tiny fists were swung in various ways as its limbs flailed. Its eyes were squeezed shut, and little drop of tears were falling off its eyelids. Two male figures clad in white robes stood by the door of the room; their faces completely obscured by the hood covering their heads, as they kept their eyes fixed on the little wailing mazoku on the floor.

"Is it still him?"

"No. I do believe this one is my son."

Cautiously, one of the men edged closer to the center of the room, halting his steps in alarm whenever the infant's sobs were caught in his throat. As the baby continued to wail, however, the man slowly closed the distance—the other man followed him just a step behind—before finally kneeling on the infant's side. A small, affectionate smile played on the man's lips as he carefully brushed the arrays of golden locks crowning the infant's head.

"He's got Celi's eyes. It's such a vibrant color."

"Brother, are you sure—"

"Yes. This is my responsibility as the Maou's husband—and as a father. My son would not live a happy life if I let him grow under this circumstances, not to mention he would endanger the whole Shin Makoku—perhaps the world. We can't be selfish."

"But you will have to sacrifice half of your soul and your life! You'll die!"

"You are aware that I bring you here for a reason, aren't you, my dear younger brother?" The first man turned his head slightly to look up at the other man. "You will be the only living being who knows about this in a span of two months. I have modified this seal that I would be able to live for another two months, in which I will try to get myself an honorable death and make sure no one will be suspicious. No one is to know about this after I die except you. You will be holding a very important role, because there's always a possibility of the seal weakening, and he could always take over my son's body."

The two of them fell silent as the baby's cries slowly subsided, enjoying the feeling of a hand running through his golden crown.

"I'll leave my son in your care. Promise me you'll take care of him."

"…I will." The promise was spoken in a whisper, and yet the tone was resolute. Smiling almost solemnly, the first man looked down on the infant. It had stopped crying and was now sucking on its tiny fist, glancing up with tearful eyes. Two pairs of non-identical green eyes met—and the baby grinned.

"You'll grow to be a fine man, my son." The hand petting the golden hair was pulled back, and the man bit his own thumb, drawing blood from it as he lowered his finger back onto his son's chest. Expertly, he drew the same exact circle as the on the floor there, and clasped his hands over the symbols.

"Forgive me."

Then, the room was enveloped in a blinding light.


He snuggled closer into the warmth of the figure in his arms, sighing contentedly. It was times like these that he would gladly admit to Shinou that he owed the sly spirit a lot of things. No, not about the being chosen as a Maou or his successful alliance with the human nations or having such wonderful and loyal people supporting him—merely for the fact that here, in his arms, a beautiful blond angel was sleeping peacefully.

Their naked bodies were covered with a huge blanket, with grand embroidery adorning its edges. The steady rise and fall of his husband's chest made him smile—he'd definitely wake Wolfram up if he were to move, even just an inch. The blond had always been a heavy sleeper, but if he slept in Yuuri's arms, any movement the Maou made could wake him up in an instant. And now, under the faint sunrays sneaking into the Royal Chamber through the curtains, the Prince Consort looked so perfect and so peaceful that not even the King could bring himself to wake the blond angel up.

A wonderful moment.

Not for long, though. Several raps on the door were heard, followed by a cheerful "Heikaaa..! This humble servant of yours is coming to greet you this morning…!" that could only belong to Günter, and the figure in Yuuri's arms stirred.

Audibly, Yuuri sighed. If he didn't answer the Royal Advisor right now, Günter would, no doubt, burst into the chamber fretfully—as he had done on two separate occasions before—and it would result in a livid Wolfram and an embarrassed Günter running out of the Royal Chamber trying to hide his bleeding nose.

"I'm awake!" reluctantly, he called out. "Just give me a second to clean up in here!"

Silence, and then the sounds of Günter's steps going away drifted faintly into his ears. Yuuri sighed once again—he'd hoped to enjoy this peaceful morning a bit longer, but—

"Clean up? Just tell him you can't go out naked." The slightly irritated, sleep-hazed voice greeted his ears, pulling him back to reality. Looking down, Yuuri realized the angel in his arms was now awake, gazing at him sleepily with those brilliant green eyes that reminded him of the deepest bottom of the lake. Suppressing the urge to laugh, the Maou bent down slightly to steal a kiss. "Good morning. Did you hear Günter—?"

"Wimp. Of course I did. He's always so loud it's possible the maids in the kitchen might have heard him, too."

"Not a wimp..." an automatic counter slipped out of his mouth, and he grinned at that. "You're going to spend the day with your troops?"

Wolfram snorted. "I'm a Prince Consort before I'm a commander now. I'll be helping you with the paperwork first." He paused, before adding, "And maybe with the dance lesson. There's no way I'd let Günter teach you something I'm pretty good at."

Yuuri smiled in amusement noting the possessive tone, but then blinked in confusion. "Wait. Dance lesson?"

An incredulous 'I-knew-you'd-forget' stare was directed at him. "The ball is tomorrow."

"Say what?!" almost horrified, Yuuri abruptly sat up. "But—but wait, no, that can't be! I mean, Celi-sama had just informed everyone about it yesterday!"

Wolfram shrugged. "Hahaue is that fast when it comes to organizing parties. Especially partied like this." He peered at Yuuri tentatively, and said, "You know, if you don't hurry up, Günter will come back pretty soon."

Nodding—still half-amazed at Cecilie's unbelievable party-organizing speed—Yuuri absently grabbed his black night robe and got his things.

Wolfram was stretching languidly like a cat when the Maou was about to open the door, so he turned towards the blond expectantly. "Aren't you coming?"

"In a second. Go ahead."

Again, Yuuri nodded. He opened the door and stepped out into the hallway—but the call halted his movements—"Yuuri?"

Frowning, Yuuri wondered if that was a tentative tone he'd heard in Wolfram's voice. He turned a little, blinking in confusion. He hadn't done anything wrong this morning, had he? It was only ten minutes since he woke up!

Emerald eyes stared at him, and a shade of pink adorned Wolfram's cheeks as he said deliberately, clearly, "I love you."

Yuuri could feel heat rushing up his cheeks, and he laughed nervously. No matter what people think about the marital relationship of the Maou and the Prince Consort, no matter the rumors said how intense the love between them, said Maou and Prince Consort actually rarely said the three sacred words out loud to each other. Now that he thought about it, Yuuri couldn't remember any time he said those words to Wolfram. It was just too embarrassing. He was just—not ready yet.

So he flashed a wide, boyish grin instead at the blond, and replied with an "I know," before closing the door behind him.

Wolfram stared at the huge door blankly.


The party was not meant for Cecilie.

It wasn't for Yuuri or Wolfram, of course, because they were now married, unlike three months ago—even though that fact never stopped the single, noble girls from trying to get the young Maou's attention in hopes of being chosen as concubines. The party was definitely not for Greta, because she was only ten and while she understood quite clearly the concept of courting, thanks to Anissina, her adoptive parents absolutely refused to let her be courted yet. Not for Conrad either, because Cecilie seemed to know that her second son had something complicated going on with a certain orange-haired spy. It was a secret only a handful of people knew, by the way.

The party was for Gwendal.

The stoic man had promptly refused the very idea, of course, but Cecilie had cleverly exclaimed, "Look at those wrinkles, Gwen! You need a lover to caress them away with a loving touch!" And of course, all Gwendal could do was glare—almost helplessly—while Conrad felt his smile itched to break into the widest grin he'd ever had, and both Yuuri and Wolfram could only hide behind his back, barely suppressing boyish laughter and not-so-subtle snickers.

That was yesterday. And the ball would be tomorrow.

Today, the nobles invited to the party started to arrive, quickly filling Blood Pledge Castle with new faces with various expressions—hopeful, expectant, haughty, friendly. For the sake of politics, Gwendal had decided to invite representatives from the human countries that were allies with Shin Makoku, although Cecilie had muttered something about Gwendal wanting to change the ball into an informal political conference in objection. It was precisely why Yuuri was not surprised to see the King of Shou Shimaron stepping down from his golden carriage, jumping lightly onto the ground with his white robes fluttering gracefully behind him.

"Sara!" The Maou wasted no time in rushing out, grinning widely to greet the ruler of Shou Shimaron. "It's been some time! You're quite early—woah!"

He couldn't quite finish his greetings for Sara had quickly launched himself to hug him tight, a "Yuuri!" was happily ringing from his mouth. "It's been too long! I'm glad to see you again!"

Grinning, Yuuri patted the long-haired boy on the back warmly. "Ahahaha. Yeah, the last time you came was for my wedding, right?"

"Hmm..." Sara hummed a little, before drawing back and lowering his eyes in a somewhat sad expression. "Yes. What a pity—I was hoping I could be the lucky one, but it seems I couldn't win from Lord von Bielefeld, could I?"

"Aaahh.." Yuuri automatically scratched his head, a shade of red quickly spreading on his face, a sign of him feeling awkward. "Um. You know—"

"That was a joke," Sara smiled up, beaming brightly. "You haven't changed at all, still easily flustered, aren't you?" He let out a ringing laugh, "That's why it's always fun to tease Yuuri! Now, shouldn't you let me see your husband? I think I'd like to talk to him—I didn't get to congratulate him after the wedding since I had to return so quickly to my country, remember?"

A pair of slender arms sneaked to grab his left arm, and Yuuri just had to blush. Sara was pretty, he himself had to admit that, and it was just logical for any boy to blush when a pretty person flirt with them. Oh, yes, Saralegi flirted with him all the time, but he knew better than to take it seriously. The blond was doing it only for fun; or so he admitted to Yuuri months ago.

But Yuuri forgot that the people who saw them might not think the same.


Wolfram watched from the side of the piano where Günter played; green eyes following the graceful movements on the dance floor in irritation. The melody slowly drifted and filled the room with a serene atmosphere, and to him, it seemed like the couple dancing on the dance floor was in their own world.

The thought flared something hot within him.

In the middle of the room, following the melody played on the piano, Sara and Yuuri danced gracefully, moving in time with the taps of Günter's fingers on the piano. The Maou was leading Sara; none of his usual clumsy movements were made as they stepped together—left, right, left, left, right—one of Yuuri's hand resting comfortably on Sara's waist as Sara looked up, smiling brightly.

He didn't like that sight. Not at all. Yuuri was his husband; Sara didn't have the right to just waltz in and exclaim about how much he wanted to dance privately with Yuuri—because stupid Yuuri was so dense he'd never realize an advance even when it was tossed out right into his face.

Yes, he was jealous. And yet—

You think they look good together, don't you?

Wolfram blinked, startled at the echo in his head. What was that? Distracted from his jealousy and anger, he concentrated a little, but there was no trace of the previous echo in his mind. Was it only his imagination?

The melody's final crescendo brought him back to reality, and he saw the dancing couple make their final swirl—and the melody slowed up as their dance came to an end. And then Günter was clapping, seemingly in tears as he said, "Wonderful! It was a very beautiful dance, Heika! You have made me so proud of you! What a sight you two have been on the dance floor!"

Wolfram rolled his eyes, thinning his lips in anger.

See? Even Günter thinks they look good together.

Inaudibly, the Prince Consort gasped—his hand flew to his head. Confused, he tried to concentrate again. No way. That was definitely not his imagination. What. The hell. Was that?

A faint chuckle echoed, followed by a soft You can't deny it.

His eyes widened.

"Wolf?" A tap on his shoulder snapped him out of the trance, and he actually jumped in surprise before taking a hurried step back and looked up—only to meet Yuuri's confused onyx eyes staring at him. The Maou blinked several times; his hand still waving in the air, almost like trying to reach Wolfram—except Wolfram had recoiled. The Consort gulped, hard, before allowing himself to move forward.

He took Yuuri's hand in his.

"Sorry, I was—"

"Is something wrong?" always, always concerned. Stupid wimp. Wolfram rolled his eyes, and slowly shook his head. A small, relieved smile was granted to him for that, and Wolfram sighed, allowing a little smile to spread on his face as a reply. Yes, nothing was wrong. He might be a bit too tired after training his troops and doing all the paperwork while Yuuri had to greet the nobles who had come to stay.

"Yuuri!" another excited exclamation came from Sara's direction—the bespectacled King was rushing towards the huge window facing the direction of the flower garden. "Those flowers! I haven't seen them before—they look very magnificent…"

"What flowers?" both Wolfram and Yuuri moved closer to the window, peering at Cecilie's flower garden. The spread of blue that belonged to Conrad's Stand upon Earth, the violet layers of Secret Gwendal, the red color blanket of Celi's Red Sigh, the yellow stretches of Beautiful Wolfram—those were quite usual. The unusual flower Sara was pointing at was another kind of yellow flower, with five or six petals mostly. Yuuri would confidently say that it was a sunflower; except a sunflower would be much bigger and taller.

"It's called Yuuri's Naiveté." Wolfram answered. "It is a new hybrid from Cavalcade that Hristo Cruyff-san brought here months ago, and Hahaue named it after Yuuri."

"It's beautiful, and definitely an eye-captor." Sara let out the sentence as a breath, before turning to Yuuri and smiled his blinding smile. "Yuuri-Heika, I'd appreciate me if you show them to me… perhaps later, if you don't mind?"

"Actually," Yuuri grinned, albeit a bit sheepishly—he could sense the suppressed dark aura emanating from Wolfram, and he knew he'd have to make it up to his husband later on. "Gwendal might need me later—why don't we just go now?"

"That's great!" Sara beamed, and his arms found their way on Yuuri's left arm again, pulling the Maou out of the ballroom in an instant. Günter followed with a cry of "But Heika, we do have lessons after this…!" leaving Wolfram standing still by the window, blinking owlishly.

Well, he didn't expect Sara to move that fast—

he might take Yuuri away from you.

A biting pain suddenly seared through his head, and Wolfram gasped—not quite in pain, more in shock—but the pain was gone in a flash, leaving him wondering if it had only been his imagination. But it was the fourth time he heard the voice; inside his own head, to be exact, and he had to admit he was a little frightened. The last time he heard thoughts that weren't his own in his head was when Shinou possessed him—but, now, he'd recognize Shinou's voice anywhere. This voice was different… it even sounded more like his own. What was—

"I was just thinking that Saralegi-Heika looks good with Yuuri-Heika. Then again, he looks amazing with anyone who is also a beauty."

"Now, Doria, don't say that! Saralegi-Heika could never outperform Wolfram-sama…"

"But you have to admit he's been acting cute and flirty towards Yuuri-Heika. Oh, Shinou, forgive me, but I have to say the two of them make a cute sight!"

"Elle, you saw them dancing just a moment ago, right? How was it?"

"Ah, I think Saralegi-Heika would be a potential love-rival for Wolfram-sama, seeing how he so casually flirts with Yuuri-Heika, and Yuuri-Heika seems to allow him, too. I haven't seen him reject Saralegi-Heika's advances—should we open a bet?"

"Fantastic! Finally we'll get to see some possibility of drama going around again."

The casual chattering—gossiping—slowly faded away as the oblivious maids trudged down and passed the window he was standing by without so much as a glance—proof that they didn't notice him standing there. Wolfram snorted softly—the maids always gossiped. He knew better than to listen to them, although he had to admit, he'd talk over about everything with Yuuri tonight. About Saralegi and his advances, about how Yuuri was so dense that he—

He let him flirt. Maybe he does like it when it's Sara who flirts with him, not you.

Wolfram stiffened. His eyebrows knitted, and actually heard the voice chuckle this time, and it echoed, sending pulses of pain into his head and rubbed that fact in:

He's never said "I-love-you" to you, has he?

His back hit the wall, and green eyes widened—so wide Wolfram was amazed his eyes didn't fall out of their sockets—and muttered, almost brokenly, "Shut up, shut up, shut up. Whatever you are—whoever you are—shut up…"

It's all his fault for being a wimp. For being so dense. His fault for screwing you out at night and acts all jolly and too friendly with everyone the next day.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up—"

He's using you. You're married and you never get a single "I-love-you."

"No, no, no, it's not—it doesn't matter—shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Another echoing, mocking laughter, and it stopped.

Wolfram let his body slide down the wall. Arms wrapped around his knees, he took a deep, shuddering breath.

Something was wrong.

He needed to tell someone.


A/N: Yuuri's Naiveté is the flower that appears in Season 3—the one that looks like a tiny sunflower. I completely made up its origin, however, but if anyone knows where it comes from, tell me and I'd change it. =D

Reviews would be very much appreciated. Constructive criticisms are loved, and flames would be ignored, thank you very much.


-isumi'kivic' and Ilde-