Reviews for Hymn of Two Souls
rini chapter 5 . 5/5/2015
please more again.i loved this story
kkmbigfan1 chapter 5 . 4/25/2015
This story is beyond awesome plz you have to continue it ! I love your writing style its so fluid pls I absolutely adore this story! Pls pls pls pls continue updating!
Nicki chapter 5 . 1/13/2015
It's Wolfram, of course ;)) I'm sooo Happy I'm fangirling now :D
Gosh, I really love scenes like this after a series of dark words.. Love Angst because of this ;)
Please continue the story.. Please?
Eevee chapter 5 . 4/19/2014
I don't expect to see this story ever finished, but I loved every bit you've written of it. Your writing is good, your story is interesting, and you pull it of well. You keep the characters more IC than most writers in the KKM fandom - and you treat Sara as what he is by the time the anime ends: Yuri's friend, and not a villain! I was really, really happy to see that. I loved the way you portrayed Yuri and Wolfram's relationship in here too - it felt very sweet but at the same time also realistic - Yuri still being afraid to tell Wolfram he loves him even after they're married! - and it wasn't sappy and cute just to be cute. I loved the sunrise scene in particular.
makyone chapter 5 . 6/6/2013
Update! Update! Update!
Cras chapter 5 . 5/20/2013
Do will you finish that history? I was waiting for three years, and still conserve the hope what you finished -someday.
This is a really a good fanfictions (made me cried so much, poor Yuuri, poor Greta, my feeling and heart yet feel hurt :C) and make me want read more and more, and is a pity then you stopped just like that. This plot promises a lot, and you are a wonderful writer...
I see that you published this year (I see your profile, how a motherfucker stalker XD), and I question if you don't have inspiration for continued or... maybe just forgot :/

OK, really I wanna know if you have intentions to continued... do you? (please, tell me yes!..*O*
I keep thinking that you should continue.)

This is the first time that I leave you a review with my account because my English is very bad, and I was shamed... I sorry if kept mistaking. (Fucking english xD).

Well, Thanks for the history. I like it...and of course you still stay in my favorites
LG Consor chapter 5 . 12/8/2011
This story is so good. I'm seriously looking forward to new chapters :D.

I really like how you make Wolfram's new identity as someone that interesting and also their first(?) encounter to be absolutely coincident, just like a normal event in one's daily life.

I'd love to see Seff have a crush on (what's that girl's name again?) before he regains his memories. A slight crush enough to make Yuuri jealous will do :D.
ImmortalRei chapter 5 . 9/2/2011
I just read through the chapters in one go. Crying now. -sniffles- Interesting cliffie. Will hang on to see if future updates.
Raywolf Shibelt chapter 5 . 4/17/2011
Love this story so much! Thanks for sharing... Please, update soon?
i knew it a fire mazokou cant lite them sleves on fire and i knew wolfram wasent dead even when they said he was teah wolfram was reincarnatted a hot new person kawaii :P
shie0917 chapter 4 . 4/13/2011
hope you're happy...i'm a mess now from all my crying!

psst...i'm enjoying every single minute of this!
shie0917 chapter 3 . 4/13/2011
*throwing tomatoes, eggs and stink bombs* poor gretta! i was crying with her!
shie0917 chapter 2 . 4/13/2011
omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! omg! great story...i hate cliffies!
shie0917 chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
O captivated!
hypocritical-critic11 chapter 5 . 3/26/2011
I love the cliffhangers! The story is interesting and the characters were realistic too. Please finish it!
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