Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever owner the rights to 'Charmed'. Besides If I owned Drew Fuller I wouldn't even bother writing fan fiction, I'd have much better things to be doing with my time. *winks*.

Summary: Okay, forget about Bianca. What if Chris was actually gay? What if his partner was in the resistance with him? What if his partner came back to the past to tell Chris that he knows who gets to Wyatt?

A/N: Hey, sorry this took so long to write up but I've never written an actual sex scene before and it was kind of awkward. I kept writing and re-writing it until I got it right. I hope you like it.

Oh and just in case any one doesn't read the small writing at the top of the chapter, here's some bigger writing. THERE IS A SEX SCENE IN THIS CHAPTER DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER AGE IN YOUR COUNTRY!!!

"Look can we get back to the matter at hand, please?" Piper stood up getting everyone's attention. "Wyatt's what's important right now, we can worry about those two and their relationship with Leo later!" The girls agreed with her and I knew that Piper was right. It took a minuet but after getting Micheal to tear his gaze away from Leo he agreed too.

"So, Gideon. How do we get proof he's the one that's after Wyatt?" Paige asked.

"We need to get close to him. Make him think we're still oblivious to his plans. Maybe he'll slip up. If not who ever gets close enough to him will be able to search his office at magic school. Maybe he's keeping information there." Micheal suggested.

"I'll do it." I'm not surprised when Leo nominates himself. Truthfully it would probably be a good idea, I mean if Gideon is already Leo's mentor then a connection is already there, but I can't help but think because of that connection it will make it easier to manipulate Leo. No it needs to be someone else. Mike and I can't do it cause there's no way Gideon would trust one of us. That leaves the Charmed Ones. I have an idea.

"Mike…" I nod over to the corner. The others are not happy with this move but of course, future consequences. "…we can get Paige to do it."

"No Chris! Paige doesn't become a teacher at Magic School until September."

"Well, that's only a few months away. Maybe we can speed things up a bit. Get her into the school and close to Gideon. She'll be able to do it. You know she will." I insist. I'm right about this and I'm not going to back down. Mike knows it as well.

"Fine. But we have to be careful about this. We can't change too much, we don't know what effects it will have on the future." Mike told me.

"Mike, I get it. Relax I've been here for months I know what I'm doing." We finish talking and go over to the others.

"We think Paige should do it." I say.

"Huh?" Phoebe.

"WHAT?!" Piper.

"Why me?" Paige. I looked at Leo but he wasn't saying a word. I ignore him for a moment and speak to the girls again.

"Paige, in the future you become a teacher at Magic School…"

"What's Magic School?" Phoebe cuts in.

"I told you this was a bad idea Chris, they don't even know about Magic School!" Mike says.

"Magic school is a place where young witches go to train and learn about their powers." Leo explains. I nod and continue.

"…right, anyway by September of this year you would have known all about Magic School and you become headmistress."

"Headmistress, you say." Paige replied flirtatiously, raising an eyebrow. I try to contain a shudder at the images that conjures up. She is my Aunt after all.

"Yes. Headmistress. You teach some classes also." Mike continues on. "Chris thinks…we think that since Paige is supposed to work at Magic school eventually and that time is so near, we can just speed things along. Surely a new teacher working at the Magic School will have reason to spend time with the headmaster."

"They're right." Leo admitted reluctantly.

"Alright, well how do we get me a job there?" Paige asked. That however left me stumped. Surprisingly Leo came up with the answer.

"We can say I was telling Piper about the daycare facilities there for Wyatt. We'll say you expressed an interest. Maybe we can get you all into the school to have a look. You can tell Gideon that you've always had an interest in teaching. We'll see where it goes from there. Either way you'll get a foot inside the door as they say." It made sense and I nodded.

"Okay, Leo can you go to Gideon now and tell him about the day care for Wyatt. I mean he already has a lot of magic available to him. Tell him that Piper wants in a school where she doesn't have to worry about him exposing magic."

"Now hold on a minuet, mister! I want Wyatt in a normal school. He needs to have a real life too." Piper said to me.

"He will. He can go to both. Maybe having him in both will teach him quicker where he can and can't use his magic." I tell her.

"Fine, but I'm not happy about this." I know she's not but there's not much anyone can do about it right now.

"I'll go see Gideon now." Leo orbed out leaving five people and a baby behind.

"Well if that's it for the moment I've work to get to." Phoebe said.

"Yea, I'm going to need to go and tell the temp agency that I won't be available anymore." Paige stands up.

"No you can't!" Mike says.

"Why not?" she asks.

"Well, if anyone found out that you quit just before you got this job it might look suspicious. No, you need to keep going about your normal routine until Gideon offers you a job. He can't know that any of this is pre-arranged."

"I guess so. Fine I won't quit just yet then. I'd better get going anyway though. I do have a job today anyway." Paige orbs out leaving me with Mike, Wyatt and Piper.

"I'm going to make dinner. Would you like to join us?" Piper asks us both. I'm kind of shocked. Before today she's never once offered me dinner, heck any type of meal. I try to hold back the jealousy I'm feeling knowing that it's irrational. Mike looks at me but I avoid his gaze. I don't want him to see the longing in my eyes. Certainly not when it's directed at my mother.

"Thanks you Piper but I think Chris and I have a lot to catch up on. Much has changed since he left the future." I glance up at that. What had changed? Was it good or bad? Was it something I did?

"You're sure? We can talk about this more, sort out the details." Piper continues.

"Well…" Mike was always a sucker when it came to a home cooked meal. I guess we all where. It was so long since anyone in the resistance had an opportunity to have a proper sit down meal. I wouldn't really blame him if he agreed. "…okay, that would be nice. Thank you. What time do you want us to be here?"

"I'll just call Chris when it's ready. You can orb over." We say our goodbyes and I orb us both to the back room of P3.

When we are there I practically collapse onto my bed. I'm exhausted. I feel like so much has happened. I guess it has.

"Chris? Are you okay? Do you mind about dinner, I wasn't thinking." Mike babbled on so I just grabbed him hand and got him to sit down on the bed beside me.

"No I don't mind. I know how long it's been since you've had a proper meal. It's okay. It's just a lot has happened today. I finally know who got to Wyatt and well I'm sort of in shock." I explain.

"Oh Chris." Mike caresses my cheek and turns me towards him so that we are facing each other. Our faces are close; very close.

"I've missed you." I tell him. He doesn't answer me just kisses my cheek. He does the same to the opposite side slowly working his way around until his lips meet mine. It's soft at first, a simple hello.

"God I love you!" Mike says. Then the intensity changes. The lips on mine are forceful, pushing against mine, trying to gain entry. I push back with vigor. Before I know it we're lying back on the bed and I'm supporting my body weight with my arms so I don't crush Mike beneath me. His legs surround mine and the feeling of his strong thighs makes me moan with need. It's just been so long, oh so long.

I push my pelvis down towards him and feel the beginnings of his hard on. His hands are wandering now. They move down my back and arms and rest on my lower back for a moment before he grabs my ass and grounds me against him hard. I kiss his neck and bite. I want to mark him, see a large bruise on his neck proving to the world that he is mine. I suck on his neck and feel the blood rush up to the skin.

My hands move down to his jeans and I start to unbuckle them. His hands move up and they take my top with them. Up and off my head the top goes; then it's tossed carelessly on the floor somewhere. I finally open his buckle and I un-sip him carefully. I push his jeans down and as I'm doing that he sits up suddenly. I have to grab the wall to keep from falling off the single bed.

"Sorry." He whispers and he pulls his top off before working on my jeans. I'm too impatient so I stand up and just take the jeans and underwear straight off. Of course they get caught on my shoes but that's quickly fixed. Then I take his shoes off and remove his jeans and briefs completely. I straddle him again and I feel myself twitch as our cocks meet for the first time in many, many months. I kiss him again, moaning into his mouth.

I start to rock my hips and we settle into a hard and fast rhythm. Hands wander and I feel a dry finger run down over my hole. I break off the kiss and reach into my bed side drawer. Just 'cause I wasn't getting any action didn't mean I didn't help myself now and then. Besides it was great stress relief.

I hand him the lube and he opens the cap talking a large amount into his hands. He kisses me and then I feel a single finger breech me. I gasp.

It stings at first but my body quickly becomes adjusted to the intrusion. Mike starts to move his finger in and out, the stimulus is driving me to distraction. I groan in disappointment when I feel the finger leave me. However it is soon replaces by two fingers which immediately start a scissoring action. I'm fucking my self on his finger. Not knowing what feels better, his fingers in me which I push back onto; or his hard and dripping cock that I'm pushing down onto.

I stop thinking about it when I feel a third finger enter me. God it's amazing. How I've missed this. "Love you…God I love you. Missed you so much, missed this…ah God!" I can't help but say. It's like I've no control over my mouth. The fingers are removed and I look at Mike when he lubes himself up.

"How do you want to do this?" He asks me.

"I want to see you." He nods and I lift my hips. He holds his cock steady while I carefully lower myself onto him. It's tight and it burns but it's just so good. Soon I'm at his base and I feel his balls against my ass. I rais myself up before slamming back down again. Ungh… It feels so good.

I speed up and soon we are both panting heavily, sweat drips off us. I kiss him again putting everything I am into it. The salt on my face surprises me but I guess this isn't the only release I need. It's been very hard dealing with everything here. But I push that thought out of my mind. Right now I just want to live in the hear and now. Not the past or the future.

I feel Mike's cock hit my prostate and we're both moaning together. I can't hold out for much longer and by the looks of it Mike won't last much longer either. Mike grabs my dick in his hand and starts to pump it up and down. I'm leaking pre-cum and the lube that's still on his hand is making it feel amazing. I push down one more time before I feel Mike cum. The feeling of his cum hitting my prostate is what sends me over the cliff. I cum with a loud guttural noise and collapse on top of him.

"Chris? Are you okay?" I'm lying under the covers with Mike now. My head is resting on him chest and his arms are around me. I nod against his chest. I can't help the tears. I make no noise but obviously mike can feel them as they hit his skin. "Chris, answer me." I look up at Mike without lifting my head off his chest. He looks worried.

"I'm fine." I sigh.

"No you're not. I know you. You never cry for no reason. Heck you barely cry when there is a reason." Mike says. I know it's true. I don't like to expose myself like that to other people. Mike's different though.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so emotional. You're right it's not like me. It's just, I've been through so much since I've been here. It's so hard to see them all alive. I can't even tell them who I am. They can't know and that hurts so much. What's worse is, they hate me so much I doubt they'd even care if I did tell the truth…" I trail off.

"That's not true. You know it's not, Chris. From what you've told me about your Mom , she was a very accepting person. She'd accept you. So would Phoebe and Paige."

"I notice you didn't mention Leo." I say quietly.

"That's because he doesn't matter…"Mike said with conviction; but then he looked at me and a strange expression crossed his face, "…does he?" I look down again, not wanting to see Mike's face right now.

"I don't know. I mean he's so different here. I mean yea I know he hates me and doesn't trust me but that's just 'cause he's trying to protect his family. He's not like future Leo. He's different…" I trail off. I don't know how else to explain it.

"Fair enough, but that doesn't mean I have to tolerate him. I'll hold my tongue and won't cause trouble but that's all I can promise." Mike says.

"That's enough." I say and kiss him on the lips.

"CHRIS! DINNNER'S READY!" I hear Piper call. I tell Mike and we quickly get a shower and change. Twenty minutes later we arrive at the Manor. Everyone else is already there. Paige and Phoebe look like the cats who caught the big juicy canneries.

"What were you to up to that you're so late?" I try my hardest not to blush. It doesn't work. I should create a spell that controls the blushing reflex. Leo looks kind of shocked. He really shouldn't be, I mean Paige did out us with her comment earlier but I guess he didn't hear or else he thought she was joking.

Trying to be the grown up I say hello to everyone and sit down. Mike sits beside me and Piper brings out a beautiful meal. Just like I remember. My tear up slightly but I reign in my emotions in time for no one to notice. No one that is except Mike. He understands how hard this is for me. He puts his hand on my thigh under the table and I instantly relax because of it.

Maybe just this once I can relax around the living ghosts of my past.

A/N: Well, let me know what you think.