Trembling Earth
It started like any other day. Stephanie, the personification of Haiti, got up at 5:00 in the morning and began working in the fields to work off her climbing debt. As noon approached, she had already met with various peacemakers, attended meetings with her Caribbean siblings, and send an assortment of letters thanking different letters for their donations. It was now around five and she was waiting for Marisol, the personification of Dominican Republic, to eat dinner and help her clean her house.
She was sipping tea, admiring her vast art collection…
When it happened.
It took her a while to understand what was happening. All she could tell is that her house was shaking, she was shaking. Her heart pounded painfully against her chest. Her breath came in fast pants; she thought she was having a heart attack. But it was worse.
She stumbled toward the window, coughing hoarsely. Her eyes widened at the scene. Dust obscured her vision but she could still see clear enough. The houses that used to be there were no more, ruble replaced them. She could scream as she saw blood fill the streets but she couldn't, her lungs filled with the same blood.
She hacked up the blood on her wooden floor as the earthquake racked her body. She could feel the people dying and hear the people crying for help. She wished she could help them but all she could do is huddle in the middle of her room, trembling as countless aftershocks racked her body. The pain soon forced her to black out.
It was shortly after 6 when she woke up. Her mouth was dry with blood her people shed. Her heart was still extremely painful against her chest but it had stopped bleeding now. She had enough strength to help herself up and lean on her couch. Her leg has been broken, Stephanie realized, as she winced as she got up. Her face had a slight cut running against her pale cheek.
She hopped toward her door and opened it. Her mouth gaped as she saw the sights. Bodies blocked the streets. Pools of blood surrounded the rubles of houses. She bit her lip to keep from crying. She ignored the crippling pain of her leg. Her eyes watched the scene emotionlessly.
Stephanie looked up. A familiar, large bodied shape jumped out of a helicopter followed by 3 others. She recognize them to be Alfred, America, followed by the Italy brothers. Alfred grinned at her.
"Al-fred?" She asked, disbelievingly. He grinned
"Yup," he said, flashing thumbs up, "heard about the earthquake, and I thought 'what hero I would be if I didn't come' so here I am!" he pointed to the Italys "and Romano and Feliciano decided to come too."
"Ve~ we have to come to help our dear Steph-chan," he smiled. "Francis-nii and Marisol-chan are coming soon too. Ludwig would have come to but he had a really bad hangover…" and the Italian continued to ramble while his brother was about stab him with a stick.
"I have my doubts about that potato bastard," he growled. "But you are not him so I don't mind helping you." Stephanie smiled sadly at him.
"Thanks…all of you," she said. She held on to Alfred to support her as she walked gingerly on her leg. "I appreciate it a lot…"
And she did. Because for once, the trembling earth stopped shaking.
Written in remebrance of the terrible earthquake that happened in Haiti. My aunts were caught in there but their houses remained untouched. Its not very good but i hope you like it anyways
My condolences to anyone who has lost or is still waiting for word of their relatives.
Expect a "post" fic