Chapter 7: Secret's Out

An hour has gone by since RJ and Heather fell asleep and the hedgies are getting very worried. They've been searching for a long time and have called out RJ and Heather's names, but every attempt was met with no response.

Ozzie is currently searching near the spot where RJ and Heather are napping. He looks and looks but still can't find his daughter. He decides to search somewhere else. Ozzie goes back the way he came when something in the corner of his eye catches his attention.

Ozzie (Whispering to himself): "What's this…?"

He thought he saw something that looked like white opossum fur through a bush where a lack of leaves created a small gap. Ozzie slowly walks closer to take a look. Suddenly, a bushy brown-white tail partially covers the white fur. Ozzie goes inside the bush and quietly gets closer to the gap. He uses his paws to part the leaves forming the gap even farther, and what he sees makes him gasp: RJ and Heather are cuddled up close and are napping together. RJ's arms are wrapped around Heather in a hug, Heather is lying against RJ's chest, RJ's tail is coiled around Heather's waist, and they're both grinning while they sleep.

Ozzie can't help but smile as his heart is filled with delight and pride for his daughter. He gazes at the two of them while they nap together. Ozzie folds his right paw over his left and touches his chest in awe. He slowly starts heading back to the log with a grin of his own on his face. He meets with the family back at the log and tells them to call off the search. He then tells them what he had seen.


A few more hours go by and RJ yawns. He slowly opens his eyes to see that it's late afternoon now. He looks to the right at Heather who's still asleep. RJ grins.

RJ: "Heather…"

Heather keeps sleeping, so RJ kisses her cheek. Heather starts to open her eyes and lets out a yawn. She gets up and faces RJ, smiling while she does so.

RJ: "So, did ya have a good nap?"

Heather: "Sure did."

RJ: "It's getting kinda late, lets head back."

Heather (Nods yes): "Sounds good."

The two walk back to the log paw-in-paw. Half way there, Heather stops which draws RJ's attention.

RJ: "What is it, Heather?"

Heather: "What about the others? They'll wanna know where we've been for so long."

RJ: "Shoot. You're right…What're we gonna tell them…?"

Heather: "More importantly, how are they gonna take it?"

RJ: "Well—"

Hammy: "RJ! Heather! There you are!"

RJ and Heather immediately let go of each other's paws.

Heather: "H-hey Hammy!"

Hammy: "Where were you?!"

RJ: "We were…just taking a little walk."

Heather (Going with RJ's lie): "We went by the road where Vincent used to live.

RJ: "Since it's virtually guaranteed that he won't come back again, I figured it's a nice place to drop by from now on."

Ozzie comes in with his arms crossed, and he decides to fib about his reaction to the two lovers just as they are fibbing about their explanation.

Ozzie (Sounds annoyed): "For five hours?"

RJ: "Listen Oz—"

Ozzie (Very stern): "Don't 'listen Oz' me."

Heather: "Dad, we can explain."

Ozzie: "There's no need…I saw you two out in the woods taking a nap."

Both RJ and Heather's eyes widen in shock. Never in their lives had they felt so busted.

Ozzie: "I know what's going with you two right now, and I really don't like it!"

RJ lowers his head.

Ozzie (Fights to not smile): "Now, here's what I want you both to do from now on: I want you both…to stop lying and just admit that you're in love."

RJ and Heather look at each other and back to Ozzie. They are very confused. Ozzie starts cracking up in laughter.

Ozzie: "I was just playing with you! Ha ha haa! I've known you've been in love for a LONG time!"

RJ (Sighs and wipes sweat off forehead): "Whew…"

Heather: "How did you know?"

Ozzie (Walks up to Heather and puts his paws on her shoulders): "Heather…I'm your father. I know you. You're growing up…You're already 18 and starting to become a young woman. Ever since you started acting…'different' after that first week of spring RJ came to us, I knew it was only a matter of time…I knew you were falling in love."

Heather: "Really…?"

Ozzie (Nods yes and grins): "And I couldn't be happier! Better it be a guy who's mature enough to respect what's best for the family than a wild teenager who plays by his own rules and only cares what's best for himself. I just need to know one thing…" (Looks at Heather seriously) "…Do you truly love RJ for who he is?"

Heather stares at RJ briefly then turns back to face her father.

Heather: "Yes."

Ozzie (Looks at RJ): "And do you truly love my daughter for who she is?"

RJ looks at Heather then back at Ozzie.

RJ: "Yes."

Ozzie: "Well, you both love each other, so it's perfectly alright."

Heather: "Oh, dad!"

Heather wraps her arms around her father who does the same to her. She looks up him and mirrors Ozzie's big smile.

Heather: "Thank you SO much!"

Ozzie: "I just want you to be happy…That's all I've ever wanted you to be…And you'll be happy with RJ, right?"

Heather: "Yes!" (Nuzzles Ozzie's chest)

Ozzie (Looks at RJ): "Do you promise to make my daughter happy as long as you're together?"

RJ: "Of course I promise, Ozzie. And I want you to know that Heather is the only one I will ever love."

Ozzie grins and nods appreciatively at RJ. He then looks down at Heather who looks up at him.

Ozzie: "Heather…?"

Heather (Looks at RJ): "I promise to only love you, RJ because you're my one true love too…"

Ozzie: "Then what are you two waiting for?"

Heather and RJ run up to each other and embrace in a big hug.

Note: I admit that Ozzie's reaction is very unrealistic when it comes to fathers trusting their daughter's and her boyfriend's actions—but I believe readers need something different. I have nothing against it, but it's undeniable that too many stories in movies, books, and TV shows have taken the over-clichéd conflict of the overprotective father having to warm up to the new boyfriend. And this story will have plenty of emotional/relationship conflicts later.

Ozzie: "Now I want to go ahead and make a few things clear. What you two were doing this afternoon with each other is fine. You can sleep like that together, but you do know which 'sleep' I'm talking about, right?"

RJ and Heather in unison: "Of course."

Ozzie: "I was just making sure, which brings me to the next subject. You can become mates whenever you want to, but regardless of whether you choose now or later, no mating until Heather is at least 21 years old."

Heather: "You didn't have to tell us that, dad. We want to take things slow, to savor our relationship."

RJ: "Yeah. To go through the years of dating, so we get to know each other better. Oh, and by watching movies together…" (To Heather) "But no chick flicks."

Heather (to RJ): "If that's the case, then no macho-man movies."

RJ (Makes a funny grimace): "I guess I'll have to give chick flicks a try then. But you still have to watch movies with fast cars, lots of explosion, and the strong action hero saving the damsel in distress."

Heather: "Deal."

Ozzie: "You're already compromising, that's a great start! And most importantly of all:" (Tilts head in a playful way) "No more lying…"

RJ (Embarrassed): "Yeah…We're sorry."

Heather: "We were afraid that you wouldn't let us be together. That none of the family would…"

Ozzie (Genuinely surprised): "Why would you think that?"

RJ: "Well, we're different species, I'm five years older than Heather, and—"

Stella: "—And what?"

Heather: "Stella what are you doing here?"

Stella (Smiles): "Come on girl…You don't have to be the same species to fall in love!"

Tiger: "Exactly! Oh, and Ozzie told us about you two napping together when he got back from searching for you both."

RJ: "Yeah, we were gonna use that phrase as our ace in the hole."

Verne: "Not much of an ace in the hole when everyone knows how you're playing."

The rest of the family comes in and congratulates the two lovers.

Heather: "I guess we don't have to worry about keeping it a secret anymore."

Everyone laughs; they're all alright with another interspecies relationship.


At night, everyone is sleeping in the log. RJ and Heather cuddle up together and wait until everyone is asleep. They look at each other lovingly.

RJ: "I love you, Heather."

Heather: "And I love you, RJ."

They kiss, snuggle up even closer, and fall asleep. And little does Heather know that RJ plans to take her on a real walk in the morning. A very special walk…