A.N: WARNING: There is quite a LOT of swearing in this, sori, its mainly Grimm's pottymouth, his 'french'

Enjoy and Review

Thank You

Chapter 5; 4th Part – Quincy

Lessons in Life

Where is he? His eyes quickly roamed over the occupants around the bar as he crossed his way through the dance floor, his gaze fell on Hitaka, the older man signalled back to the dance-floor. Ama turned, eyes darting over all the dancers, looking for that unmistakable orange hair, but no sign. A sinking feeling began to creep its way into the pits of his stomach, he ran off and searched the tables circling the dance-floor. Women flirted and smiled, trying to catch his attention but his focus was on an orange haired teen that was nowhere around.

Fates let him be alright

Ama hurried, pushing his way through the crowds to the bar, "HITAKA! My brother! The kid he's,"

"Zangetsu?" interrupted the man, "Not around? Maybe he left,"

Ama was too panicked in that moment to fully comprehend the luck of Fate that the kid had used the same name as he had predicted, not that it was much of a guess it being the boy's zanpakutō name and all. "He can't have left," he grounded out, "I just came from the entrance, he couldn't have passed me,"

"He may have headed to the upper level then," Hitaka answered, nodding towards the VIP lounge that overlooked the ground floor,

"NO! I was just there!" he belted back, the panic in his voice and worry written all over his face made Hitaka realise this wasn't just some drunken overreaction, Ama was sober and serious!

"I..." stuttered one of the young bartenders,

"Speak Up BOY!" demanded Hitaka,

"Heslippedoutbackwithagirl," he answered in a rush, "say 5minutes ago," said the young man nervously,

Ama bolted to the wall, pushing it free with his palm and sliding it away, he kicked hard at the outer door, loosening the top hinge off.




"I think we'll get quite a pretty penny outta you boy, no doubt a lot of pretty penny's if your brother pays up aye," he leered into Ichigo face chocking him as he lifted him off the ground and up against the alleyway wall. Ichigo felt his breath fade, his boiling eyes straining against losing consciousness, white spots were appearing in his vision. In the distance a loud bang and then he was falling, a strong hand stopped his knees from hitting the ground.

"Steady there Master Zangetsu," the familiar voice of that colonel bartender drifted through his fire crazed mind, Ichigo tried to answer but his throat felt raw instead he screwed his eyes shut against the pounding in his head, "Take it easy; you're safe now, your brother is here." Hitaka tilted Ichigo's head, noting his dilated pupils, "Drugged," he surmised, "Fire Ice! You'll just have to pull through it kid, no other way,"

"Oh dear," came the familiar voice that belonged to the Mr. Peacock club host man. Ichigo's eyes sprang open, Mr Peacock stood in front of the now unhinged emergency door, the young bartender from before had the woman in a strong grip he looked to Ichigo with sorrow.

"Sorry kid I didn't mean to; I thought..." he shook his head, "Sorry!" Ichigo nodded in return; they were both fools.

"Handle them before I kill them myself," growled a voice in the darkness, a body came flying, landing with a groan at Mr. Peacock's feet. A tall man stepped from the shadows, fury engraved on his face, his fists stained with blood.

Ichigo realised then how easily it had been to impersonate a Winters, the man was foreign looking and had the same eyes as him. Above the broken door the neon red lights of the fire exit sign cast an ominous haze over them, making the man's hair look like dancing flames.

"Oh course Mr. Winters," answered Mr. Peacock hauling the bloody and injured man from the ground and turning back into the club, the bartender with the girl followed turning into the narrow hallway between the club and outer walls.

"Be easy on the boy, Ama" warned the older man as the man named Ama turned his fiery gaze on Ichigo.

Ichigo pulled himself up to his full height but the other man obviously still towered over him. Zangetsu had been right about the name but he couldn't even fathom how at the moment; the scruff of his shirt was grabbed; he was jerked forward then slammed back into the wall roughly. The guy was gonna call him out; Ichigo could see the debate in his eyes. Yeah the guy and the old man had just saved him, but he had used the guy's name, bloody hell he had posed as his 'brother', and as believable as it looked, he doubted said man would let him get away with it. Shit

"AMA!" growled the older man, but the young man paid no attention, his jaw clenched and eyes ablaze.

"Fuckin' Hell kid!" he shoved him into the wall again, "First FREAKIN' Rule in Life: DON'T FUCKIN'! ACCEPT ANY FUCKIN'! THING FROM FUCKIN'! STRANGERS!" he roared into Ichigo's face and pushed off him.

Ichigo blinked partly from the ringing in his ears and partly because of his own disbelief. The guy, named Ama turned to the old man standing behind him who was shaking his head and chuckling softly to himself; "The boy's been dosed with Fire Ice, d'you have to make it worse for him by blowing up his eardrums?"

"HELL YES!" Ama answered, he stepped back from Ichigo and rubbed at his eyes, if he hadn't turned back the kid would've been...he didn't want to think about it. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and let the relief set into him, "Hey Hitaka d'you mind not telling the missus aye?"

Hell he couldn't have Kasumi find out, she'd burn his ass and inform Kisshōten and the Elders of his stupidity, "Kassie would have a fit if she learnt he got into trouble 'cause I coaxed him out." Now as scary as his fake fiancé is, she didn't even amount to the fear Kisshōten instilled. His own grandfather would be at his throat, beside the other Elders' own natural inclination, and again the boy's life would be ruined because of him.

"Aye, of course; quite a fiery fiancé you've got, damn scarier than mi own wife I tell you,"

Ichigo couldn't believe his ears; the guy was covering for him, what the hell? He had to be hallucinating or something, it had to be the drug in his system and the stinging in his ears that was doing this. Damn it; if he wasn't drugged up he could've high tailed his ass outta here long ago and avoided this confrontation.

"Che you should try her 'cooking', I'm scarred for life," The old man's booming laughter echoed off the alley walls. "I'll take care of Zan here," Ama thumbed his hand to Ichigo still slumped against the wall behind him.

"You better boy! Don't make me contact your grandfather over this, he'll have you both in the shit you hear, and I'll be helping him if need be! You got it?"

Ama stiffened at the mention of his grandfather, of their grandfather, "damn," he muttered under his breath that the old man's sonic hearing picked up,

"What was that?" Hitaka bellowed warningly

"A Yes...Sir!" snapping to attention and mocking a salute, Hitaka shook his head in amusement and grabbing the broken door, slammed it shut behind him as he headed back to work. Ama turned around the moment Hitaka was gone; Ichigo still leaning heavily against the wall and eying him suspiciously.

The kid looked like shit; his lips were bluish with cold, his body raked with shivers, cold sweat drenched his skin plastering his orange hair onto his forehead, his eyes dilated and blood shot with the look of agonizing pain behind it all. Damn it kid, mentally he was shaking his head at the predicament, on the outside however he relaxed his stance, plastered a fake but convincing cocky grin on his face, and lit up his eyes with the closest imitation of arrogance, "Eh is that anyway to look at your Nii-sama; especially when said Nii-sama just saved your ass!"

"Stuff off!" Ichigo replied pushing himself away from the wall and staggering for the street up ahead,

"No chance in Hell, brother...Zangetsu? is it," Ama grabbed the kid's upper arm to support him, "I said I'll take care of you didn't I," and he took off striding down the alley, dragging Ichigo with him.




'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep'; it all came in quick succession.

"Please tell me that's a good thing" spoke Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of the 8th division, in timid cheerfulness as he gazed up at the large screen in the Comm. Room of the 12th division. His Lieutenant Nanao Ise watching worriedly at his side as multiple little bright spots popped onto the screen of the magnified map of Karakura Town's northern district, each beep signalling a new spot before it faded just as quickly as it had appeared

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" screeched Mayuri

"What's going on?" asked Captain Jyuushiro Ukitake entering the room and coming to their side, his eyes widened as the 'beep' sounds continued and the short and sudden flashes of small bright spots appeared in the same location on the screen.

Then silence an eerie silence, save for Mayuri's ranting; "No no no no NO! Bring it back, bring it back FOOL!" he screamed at an attendant, smacking the poor man on the head and pushing him off his chair, Mayuri sat typing quickly away at the keyboard, the map on the screen expanded, zooming out, trying to find the source. His scream reverberated in the room as he smashed at the keys, the large screen now showing a flat view of the Living World.

"I don't understand," spoke Nanao quietly, turning to her Captain, "What's happened?"

The two best-friends shared a look of dread, "History I'm afraid my dear Nanao...history!" answered Shunsui solemnly

"We must be certain, we must be certain you fools!" Mayuri screeched, his gaze burning into the nearest attendant, the nameless attendant ran to the data that had been running, series of coded data printed on long sheets, he scrambled through it trying hastily to compute the number,

"Fifty nine," spoke Nemu in monotonous conviction

"Fifty Nine?" "Fifty Nine?" "Fifty Nine?" echoed the three captains present, baffled at the number

"The Kokhabi have their own King - a Lord General with his own Zero-division: a Commander General as his second and Counsel Commander's reigning over each of the eight districts," clarified Unohana serenely from the doorway where she stood with Isane at her side. "That explains the extra 9; their Lord General it seems, has yet to arrive. I will notify Yamamoto, have your data ready for presentation within an hour Mayuri,"

"Yes yes," he waved her away, moving to another – not broken – station to type away at,

"Captain?" she asked worriedly as they left the 12th division, his solemn face unsettling her

"Have my best clothes pressed and ready for after the meeting Nanao dear, I think I'll drop by home tonight, chat with my folks and all," he said turning away from her, and using shunpo he headed off with Jyuushiro.

Nanao was distressed; her Captain only returned home for his parents' death anniversary, laying a wreath and talking about the year's events. Even for the Winter War showdown her Captain had not shown the solemnity he had showed just now, even then he did not see the need to visit his parents' grave for one last talk.




They'd long since made it out of the main city centre, Karakura Park was close in the distance, but the guy's grip was strong, and his strides were forcing Ichigo to practically jog at his side if he wanted to keep his arm in its socket and not be ass-dragged down the street. He couldn't take it; he'd had enough, "Damn it! Just SHOVE OFF!" he pelted, pushing off Ama's strong grip only to stumble onto his ass, "I can handle myself, my dad's got a clinic. I'll pay you back for what I owe you." Ichigo stood unsteadily and dusted himself off with as much composure as he could muster,

"Uhuh, while dad was definitely quite medic-smart, he's got no clinic unless you plan on visiting him in the afterlife, and you ain't got it that bad if it's that kind of melodrama you're talking about,"

What the? "I ain't your brother," Ichigo grounded out

"Too right you ain't; just imagine that, brothers Ama and Zangetsu Winters, the freakin' poetry in that is enough to guarantee a life-subscription of fangirls! The Winter brothers; Heaven and Moon Cutter – sounds like a Cowboys & Indians tale, don't you think?"

"You can't be serious," Ichigo looked at him as if he was crazy,

The edge of Ama's lips quirked, "I'm not, just like you're not my kid brother like you said; are you even called Zangetsu?" he wondered if the kid would reveal his real name,

"My name's Ichigo," he spoke with a challenge sparkling in his eyes,

"Ichigo aye?" commented Ama watching a scowl appear quickly on the boy's face, "Are you really? 'Cause considering the way you look at the moment, you more like need an Ichigo,"

"Are you trying to be funny?"

"No, just serious; your name means 'he who protects' or 'prized guardian angel'," the boy's scowl lifted and he could see that he was impressed, not surprising too, what with the kid's hair colour, it was easy to take a different more obvious meaning to it, "I know 'cause my grandfather's name is Ichigo," Nothing but interest sparked in the kid's eyes which meant he really was clueless about his Quincy lineage.

Our grandfather

"Listen here Ichigo, you can head home and explain to your father how you've got an illegal drug in your system, a drug that a lot of youngsters these days are getting off on,"

"No shit?" he interrupted, baffled that there was idiots out there that wanted to feel like this,

"Yeah, I don't get it either! I don't know your father, but you look like you're still in school, and I know there's school tomorrow, I also know the spring break is the following week, so unless you don't mind being grounded for that holiday I suggest you let me help you. We're here anyway," he gestured to the building across the street,

Ichigo turned to the building, recognizing it immediately; his eyes bulged, NO WAY!




"HOLY FUCK!" Grimmjaw cursed slowing his bike as the traffic light blinked red and the pedestrian bell rang out. Two vehicles in front of him the crowd burst onto the road, mostly passengers from the train station, but amidst the crowd he spotted a tall figure clad in a long corduroy navy jacket, black cowboy boots and was that a freakin' Van Helsing hat he had on. Besides the questionable get up was the unmistakable pentagon emblem, well disguised within a chrysanthemum design on the shoulder patch, but obvious to Grimmjaw eyes.

A Fuckin' Kokhabi Raiden in Karakura, but before the traffic light returned to green Grimmjaw realised there wasn't just one! The majority of the crowd passing were Kokhabi Raiden! In some tiny way they wore their pentagon emblem disguised amidst other patterns, a hair clip, a bag pattern, a freakin' crocheted beanie. Some were even bolder; using instead the flower emblems of the Gotei13 along with the assigned Division number and colour - all within the Gotei13 rhombus symbol.

Some were in pairs, some in small groups, and others by themselves; some dressed up as if they were going to hit the town, and others dressed like they had just finished from a late night at the office, even had suitcases and freakin' paperwork in hand. Some were disguised in touristy getups, others as inconspicuous locals, a few just stuck to dark, mysterious and stay-the-hell-outta-my-way looks. There was even two obvious as hell Kokhabi because of their attire; one was wearing a long white wig dressed like a shinigami with a freakin' Captain's haori, the other also dressed as a shinigami, but with a straw hat and draped over his captains uniform what was obviously a woman's kimono. Fuck they've got balls, he watched with the slightest of smirks as the twin men dressed as Captains Ukitake and Kyoraku of the Gotei13, casually made their way to the other side of the street, totally oblivious of the looks they received from other commuters.

There was over two dozen of them, and though Grimmjaw couldn't sense reiatsu permeating from any of them, he could smell them, that subtle hollow scent that only other hollows could detect.

Fuck it's starting!




Ama pushed the double doors open, the lights flickered on revealing a large circular communal bathing room; through the glass sliding door Ichigo could only see marble walls and ceiling. The glass door slid open for them, "Welcome to the catwalk," Ama commented of the raised walkway they were on, a dozen shower spigots on either side and at the far end numerous bathing tubs built in the ground. Ama strode over, walking around the empty bathing holes, grabbing a towel in one cupboard and a number of what looked to be coloured bathing soups and bottles of stuff from a small pantry in the corner. Adjusting some levers and knobs he tossed the soup bar thing and emptied the bottles into a nearby tub as it began to fill, and grabbed a small stool as he walked back to the dumbfounded Ichigo.

"Okay, take a shower to get the grime off you and cool you down," he placed the stool down and dumped the towel on top, "the tub there should be full and ready by the time you've finished, it'll shut itself off once full. If you go back through the glass door and take the left it'll lead you to the changing rooms. I'll leave you some fresh clothes there; you can just chuck your own down the laundry chute."

"What was that you put in the tub?"

"It'll help against everything you're feeling right now and the side-effects you'll feel once the drug wears off," and with that Ama walked out leaving Ichigo to himself.

Ichigo tore off his clothing walking down and under the closest shower head; water sprayed down instantly on him, he could almost feel his skin sizzling with the contact, steam rising into the air around him.




"Where the FUCK is ULQUIORRA; damn emo-bastard fuckin' taking off without a fuckin' care!" bellowed Grimmjaw, slamming open the door of the kitchen. Ashido sat at the bench, a coffee in one hand and a cigar in the other, a maroon eyebrow shot up at Grimmjaw. "The Kokhabi are here, all those fuckin' ranked bastards are HERE! And Ulquiorra's still out!"

"Are you certain?" asked Ashido calmly,

"As certain as Kisshōten's and Tomi-dono's hatred," he grumbled, plonking himself down heavily on the stool opposite and stealing Ashido cup of coffee,

"Not good!"

"My edited sentiments exactly!" he growled out in frustration, sculling the remainder of Ashido's coffee.

"All we can do is wait for Ulquiorra's return," spoke Ashido gravely

"I know," Grimmjaw said quietly, rubbing at his eyes in frustration, "We'll need more coffee then," he sprang up from the stool determined to busy himself through the long night.




Through the ceiling windows was a greyish dark outside, early morning, he must've been asleep in the tub for quite some time, enough that his hands were still slightly wrinkled. Ichigo hugged the thick jumper closer to ward off the pre-dawn chill, his breath floated out in a white cloud in front of him. He slid the door open quietly, he couldn't resist exploring the place a bit; when he was little he had wanted to be a part of this club, they only accepted the best, not even money could guarantee you a spot.

A club for only the greatest of protectors his mother had commented, and it was because of this that he had tried so hard at his karate club though Tatsuki made him cry, a lot. But his mother was always proud of him, and he wanted to be the best, to get into this very club and make her even more proud of him. That dream died long ago but it was still nice to finally get a look at the place, and worth sneaking around; the training room he was in was huge, like a mini auditorium, and only one of many. He wandered to the centre, spinning slowly around as he looked up at the glass ceiling, the morning stars twinkling away above.

"Are you warm enough," the voice ripped through his quiet contentment, Ichigo swivelled around quickly spotting that Ama guy standing at the door way.

"I use to want to go here, get in and all," he spoke to break the silence as the guy stepped further into the large room and tilted his head up to the grey morning sky. "A few years back my sisters and I got in, we were at the park and Yuzu was busting to go toilet but, well it was a hot summer and the park was crowded with families and some kid's birthday party, so the closest place was here,"

"You actually got in?" Ama asked not taking his eyes off the twinkling stars slowly disappearing,

"Yeah, Karin banged at the service door and busted in the moment it was opened, guy had no choice really since Yuzu bolted straight through too," a smile slowly crept its way onto his face, "and then she saw a butterfly,"

"A butterfly," repeated Ama, still keeping his eyes on the sky,

"Yeah, when she was returning to us; a butterfly of all things inside this locked down building. She went after it, and Karin went after her, and of course I went after them both. We got as far as the entrance hall before we were spotted and kicked out, chasing a butterfly didn't sound very convincing to them," he chuckled to himself,

"There's more right?" Ama asked, taking his gaze away from the sky and looking at Ichigo, seeing his bemused smile through the semi-darkness,

"Yeah, as we walked away I turned back, and there was this old man standing at the windows on one of these upper levels and I swear he had a butterfly flying round his head like a halo," he chuckled shaking his head softly,



"Old man's name is Miso, crazy but brilliant old coot; always has a butterfly with him. He's a member here but only comes by during the weekends for lunch," answered Ama fondly

"So he is real, and a member aye?" he sounded impressed

"Yeah he's stronger than an ox, can snap your bones with just his skinny wrinkled hands, and I've seen it done when one idiot swatted his butterfly," Ichigo's eyes widened in horror though Ama couldn't guess at what precisely, "You said you use to wanna go here, what's changed, you too good for the place now"

Ichigo face shifted instantly, his eyes now wistful and sad, "It's hard to get a membership here, you're selected by skill and all, even if you won all the country tournaments it still doesn't guarantee you a ticket in. You need more than skill; this is a club for only the greatest of protectors right? I...I wanted to... just to make my mom proud," he managed a small smile, "it doesn't matter anymore,"

'greatest of protectors aye? che...you have no idea.' The guilt rose up tightening his throat, "Let's go kid," spoke Ama after a long while; Ichigo merely nodded casting one last look at the training room before following him out.




"He should be back by now! It's fuckin' five in the morning, hell even the twins are up-&-at-'em," spoke Grimmjaw frustrated as he paced the floor in front of them. The Uzume twins, Sazanami and Isunami, waved their hands at the mention of themselves up; they pinched their nose and screwed their eyes preparing themselves for the awfully tall glass filled to the brim with the juice of some hideous fruit.

"Grimm, stop pacing you're making it worse," groaned Isunami closing his eyes from the dizzying blue traipsing to and forth in front of them

"STOP FUCKIN' STALLING AND SCULL THE FUCKIN' THING ALREADY!" he boomed back at them and then continued pacing back & forth. They grimaced but complied, shivering in disgust after the last drop.

"Kisshōten-kun must still be at home, he's probably just having breakfast with Tomi-dono. Give it another hour,"

"Another hour? The fuckin' Kokhabi have had the entire night to set their shit up, he should be back by now, since when has Tomi-dono not known what the fuck's going down, he would've sent Ulquiorra back by now,"

"Unless Ulquiorra isn't with Tomi-dono," said Hikari upon entering; Ashido having relieved him from his post over the Inoue Apartment, "maybe he's with Kisshōten-sama now or even facing Aizen."

"Rewind please, you mean the Kokhabi are here, in Karakura Town here, and not like waiting on the outskirts here,"

"And you call yourself my twin!" Sazanami said amused, "were you not listening to Grimm's loud and endless ranting about them, or is his hair just too distracting to our muddled mind,"

"It's just soooo blue!" Isunami stretched out a hand, his eyes wide in wonderment, Grimmjaw scowled annoyed that none of them were in the least bit concerned, did they not believe him?

"The fuckin' Kokhabi are here, all of those ranked fuckers and NONE of you are even batting an eye about it. The FUCKIN' CAVALRY is HERE! WHAT PART of THAT! do you NOT FUCKIN' COMPREHEND!" there were moments that highlighted the difference between himself and these Quincy, this was obviously one.

"The fact that a meeting hasn't been called yet means that the Lord General hasn't arrived yet, since Ryo ain't here then we've still got time," spoke Zora groggily, "...somewhat," he added,

"How much time?"

"'Until the end of the week, time was never on our side anyhow,"

"Trust me to walk into another FUCKIN' WAR!" roared Grimmjaw, this got the twins smirking, "Che...Now whose up for a big hearty OILY breakfast! Bacon, eggs, onions, fried tomatoes, and buttered mushrooms on potato-hash,"


"Smothered with maple syrup and yoghurt,"


"Not forgetting some hot bread smothered with butter and crème fraîche and ALL watered down with a glass of *noni, raw eggs, and skim milk!"

"Urgh!" "I think...I...urgh...MOVE!" "Evil smurfian bastard!" Three very green looking figures dashed out of the kitchen putting their best hirenkyaku to use and racing as far away from their blue-haired nemesis.




The walk home was a silent one but surprisingly not awkward, a silence where two individuals were comfortable in one another's presence, on the way he had accepted a *bougatsa, simply explained as a pastry despite the obvious, it was delicious, thought it was dusted with sugar but with a minced meat filling, accompanying the on-the-go breakfast was strangely enough, jasmine tea. The oddity of jasmine tea served at a foreign bakery certainly struck him but the strength of the tea helped to wash down the richness and sweetness of the pastry, so he didn't complain.

The front entrance was bi-passed and so they walked along the street along the side of the house, the street wall running underneath his bedroom window,

"This is me," he stopped, pointing up to open window, the other man halted and eyed the window, then setting down his cup at a safe distance on the ground he hefted himself easily onto the wall,

"I'll give you a leg up," spoke Ama looking back down at Ichigo's bewildered face, "there's no way you could make that jump kid," he explained, No way a normal kid could make it, if you were a normal kid and I was a normal man thinking that your normal too. Ama was so use to playing 'normal' from his other assignments, it frightened him how easy it was to pretend with his own cousin, his only slip was about their grandfather and honestly that wasn't a slip at all,

Of course, normal people don't make jumps 10feet high and 3feet away, "Yeah thanks," Ichigo placed his now empty plastic flask on the wall and pulled himself up.

"Leave the evidence," Ama commented nodding to the plastic cup, he knelt on way knee, locking his hands. Ichigo placed his foot on it, "Ready, set...GO!"

He was launched straight into his windowsill, his bed and even Uryuu's obviously not slept in, he hoped into the room, Ama was already crossing the street, two takeaway mugs in his hand. "Hey," Ichigo called in a loud whisper, Ama turned eying the orange head at the window, "Thank you,"

Ama lips quirked in a half smile, "No problem kid, we're brothers after all," he replied with a grin. Ichigo watched him leave until he rounded a corner, Uryuu rounding the same corner towards the house. He caught the young Quincy's eye, their gazes locked for a moment, a moment that was long enough to communicate

I won't ask if you don't




AN: I used what was mentioned in the anime to translate Ichigo's name; in the fight against that gate guardian giant Ichigo explained his name as first prize and 'go' for guardian angel. And I'm not sure if it was his dad or Urahara that said his name means 'he who protects'.

*noni – it's a fruit, scientific name is morinda citrifolia, also known as the beach mulberry, but here in the pacific region it called noni. The fruit turns almost white when ripe and has a really strong smell. Not surprisingly its also known as the cheese fruit or "vomit fruit", but it is really REALLY good for hangovers! Just a glass or shot should do, but if you take a shot daily or so prior to a big drink up, you'll last longer! Not that I'm advising that!

*bougatsa – greek breakfast pastry, it's really nice, I prefer the ones with custard but it also can come with minced meat, with sugar over it!

Kind of rushed the ending part, but I want to get this thing rolling so forgive any errors or just plain wrong word(s).

I'll squeeze out the 'Audience with the King' in the next chapter.

Reviews are appreciated

'til nxt time
