Reviews for Thank You
Brenda247 chapter 18 . 9/13/2017
Firstly, Ulquiorra's not dead again, right ? Two because I hope someone will save him .And three , where's the others chapters ?
Brenda247 chapter 12 . 9/13/2017
A brillant chapt. I'm glad I'm not the only one who have notice the similarity between Kaien and Ichigo. And Nitwit is my new favorite word. Lol.
Brenda247 chapter 11 . 9/13/2017
Ingenious !
Brenda247 chapter 10 . 9/13/2017
Brenda247 chapter 9 . 9/13/2017
That's what I call ' Hiding in plain sight'.
Brenda247 chapter 3 . 9/13/2017
Indeed. It became a little more complicated.
Brenda293 chapter 18 . 12/16/2014
Oh putain de merde ! That 's a swearing in french for Grimm kitty . Now back to the story you must have been hit by a lightning to imagine something that the intrigue and Kisshoten -sama ,now I know why she warned to keep Akira away . Cause she knows he will try to Ulqui .But I would not want to be you .Because the way I see it ,your in a dead end .And I have not idea how to get out .But I hope you do know ,I cross all my fingers .so you come back soon .And thank you for sharing your work .
Brenda293 chapter 17 . 12/16/2014
That is so Ichigo . But just one silly question . How old are Ichi and co ? I mean if they are 17 and they're in last year in school ,this won't be surprising .But if not ...
Brenda293 chapter 16 . 12/16/2014
What had just happened here is intolerable! Someone just backstab Ulqui ! And if like Akira had say , that everyone know of the Ulqui treason because of a tree . Then who can really help him now ?
Brenda293 chapter 15 . 12/16/2014
But can Ichigo compete for the Throne ,cause like you mention it he's a Shinigami-Hollow and Quincy heritage ?
Brenda293 chapter 14 . 12/16/2014
So Kisshoten -sama is a woman but then didn't Ulqui agree that His brother and Rukia 's has a meeting ?
Brenda293 chapter 13 . 12/16/2014
With Aizen into the game now their move is more risky but where are Ichimaru and Tosen ?
Brenda293 chapter 12 . 12/16/2014
Firstly everyone was in character. Secondly Ulqui claims he could understand admiration and loyalty but not love .Wouldn't it be easier if he fall for her ? Cause let's face it the deal he made with Rukia isn't worse than what Mika and Byakusei (correct me if it isn't him )had done .And thirdly I assume when Ulqui proposed to make her stronger that he'll help her learn Bankai , maybe .But isn't this risky since Rukia would be out of her gigai and in the enemy's territory ?
Brenda293 chapter 11 . 12/16/2014
The whole multiple point of vue was very interesting .I would even ,if I may , suggest that all the future battle be into this style .And other thing ,I 'm a hopelessly romantic , so whatever reason bring them together , I'll just be grateful .
Brenda293 chapter 10 . 12/16/2014
Don 't worry Ulquiorra wasn't OOC at all . And Nnoitra Jiruga was the 5thEspada and the 9th Espada 's name was Aaroniero Arururieri .I know cause this one gets his ass kick by Rukia .
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