Title: Under the Bed
Author: CosmicalMadison
Summary: A young Sammy thinks something is under his bed. Dean checks it out. Gen.
Warnings: None
Characters/Pairings: Weechesters
Genre: Hurt/comfort, family
Author's Note: My first every Supernatural fic. Hope you enjoy.

It happened when they were young, staying at a motel by themselves while Dad was off hunting. Dean woke up in the middle of the night and looked over to the other bed, saw his brother sitting in the middle with blankets wrapped tight around him, looking nervously toward the edge.

"What's wrong, Sammy?"

The younger boy turned to him with wide eyes and whispered desperately, "Dean, I think there's something under my bed."

Dean was instantly on edge, reaching for the pistol always kept in the nightstand. "Don't move; I'll check it out." He got out of his bed and cautiously approached Sam's. Training the gun on the darkness beneath, he quickly dropped to his knees and made a sweep of the space. There was nothing there, only the usual solid wood all the way to the floor. No room for any kind of creature.

Dean stood and smiled at his brother. "There's nothing there, Sammy. Go back to sleep." He turned to do just that himself, but Sam caught his arm and looked up at him with those big, adoring green eyes.

"Thanks, Dean, but…"


Sam looked away, embarrassment coloring his cheeks.

Dean smiled gently at him. "Hey. Would it make you feel better if I stayed here with you?"

His brother looked back up at him and nodded.

"All righty then, scoot over." Dean put the gun away and slid into the bed next to his brother. "Better now?"

Sammy cuddled up to him and whispered, "Yeah. Thanks, Dean."

"No problem, kiddo. Now go back to sleep."