"I wanna be useful too boss!" Matsuda announced.
"Hey Matsuda?" L asked.
"Yeah?!" he replied with excitement.
"Could you carry me to the candy store?" he asked him.
~*~*~*~*~TEN MINUTES LATER~*~*~*~*~
Matsuda walked down the sidewalk, carrying L bridal style. Everyone who walked by stared and whispered about the pair. As they neared the candy store, Matsuda set down the detective on the sidewalk.
"Hey…I'm gonna go to the bookstore next door. Okay?" he asked.
"Mmhmm. Go ahead," L told him, walking toward the candy store.
As L opened the door and headed into the candy store, Matsuda ran into the shop next door to escape for a moment.
L walked into the heaven he had always dreamed of. The walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of candies in all shapes, colours, and textures. He headed for the counter and rang the silver bell. He was amused with the ding it made so he continued to hit the bell until a slender hand stopped his. He looked up to see an adorable young boy with navy blue hair behind the counter.
"Can I help you find anything?" he asked.
"I think you're very attractive," L told him.
"Uh…thanks?" the boy replied awkwardly.
"I'm L," the detective said, offering his hand.
The boy took his hand and shook it, "I'm Marth."
The boy jumped back as L used his hand as a support to climb onto the countertop. He sat down, hanging his legs over the opposite side of the counter.
"What are you doing?! You need to get down!" Marth cried.
"Alright," L said as he jumped behind the counter with Marth.
L grabbed his hand and led the boy into the back storage room. Marth struggled against his grip until he had made it into the storage room. L trapped the navy haired beauty between himself and a shelf full of bags of candy. He crashed his lips against the young boy's and Marth gave in to the mysterious customer. He wrapped his arms around the older boy and pulled him closer to him. L parted his lips and the boy followed, allowing L's tongue to explore his mouth. Marth moaned into the kiss and slipped his hands up the strange man's shirt. L suddenly pulled away from the kiss and Marth took his arms from him.
"Something wrong?" he asked the detective.
"Matsuda's back. I have to go," he told him.
Marth nodded and walked out of the room to behind the counter again.
"Can I help you find something?" he asked.
"Uh…yeah. A young man in a white shirt and blue jeans with messy black hair and a back problem," Matsuda told him.
"I think he left for next door to get you, but I'll look around here," Marth said.
"Alright," Matsuda sighed as he walked out of the store.
Marth ran over to the door and opened it a little and whispered, "Get out here!"
L ran from the back room and hopped back over the counter. He began heading for the door when a hand pulled on the back of his shirt. He turned around and Marth handed him a piece of folded paper.
"Call me," he told him, smiling.
L took the paper and shrugged, sticking it in his pocket, "Okay."
Marth nodded and jumped over the counter as Matsuda came back into the shop.
"There you are!" he cried as he grabbed L.
"Let's go back now," L commanded.
"Do I have to carry you again?" Matsuda whined.
"Yes. Let's get going, Matsuda," L replied, opening his arms for Matsuda to pick him up.
Matsuda sighed and picked up the strange man and walked out of the shop. As they left, Marth used his reflection in the glass countertop to fix his hair. Just as he finished, his boyfriend walked into the shop and up to the counter.
"Hey, cutie," Roy said as he leaned over the counter to kiss Marth.
"Hi," Marth said just before his lips touched Roy's briefly.
"Geez, did you eat some of the candy or something? You taste so sweet!" Roy laughed.
"I just couldn't help myself," Marth shrugged.
"It's only your first day!" Roy joked, kissing his boyfriend again, "Well, I gotta get going. I only had time to stop in to say hi."
"I'll see you later, darling," Marth said as Ike left the store.
"Love ya!" Roy shouted as he left the store.
Marth sighed and took out his cell phone. He flipped it open and began to text Ike.
"He already visited today. Come on over," he texted.
Ten minutes later the blue-haired boy came through the door and hopped over the counter. Both boys ran into the back closet.