Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

A White Dove

Blaze watched as the helicopter touched down, Chopper and Grimm stood besides him, they were just as anxious as he was. The helicopter touched the tarmac and Nagase stepped off and looked around. She spotted them and ran towards them waving, Chopper lifted her off the ground and swung her around as she reached the threesome.

"Don't do that again, you gave us a heart attack."

"Sorry, I guess Captain Bartlett was right, he said if I kept flying like that I'd get myself killed."

Chopper let her down and Nagase hugged Blaze, he kissed her on the cheek.

"You do that again Captain and I'll take all the feathers out of your wings one by one."

Nagase looked puzzled as she looked at Blaze for an explanation. "Captain, sir?"

Blaze nodded. "We've gotten promoted, again; the base commander is ranting about it back home."

He let her go and they all looked at each other with smiles on their faces, the marine captain from the helicopter team walked up to them and saluted.

"You've got quite a fighter in your team; she was holding an entire squad captive when we picked her up with just a damned pistol and two wounded aircrew!" He nodded over his shoulder where the rescue crew was helping the two gunship pilots off the helicopter and into stretchers. "She actually managed to save them and keep the enemy at bay, one hell of a soldier."

Chopper laughed. "That's our Edge, shearing the bad guy's pants off."

Nagase socked him in the arm and Grimm laughed.

"Careful Captain Chopper, she'll take all three of us on if you keep bothering her."

The marine captain smiled at Nagase.

"If you ever want to transfer, you're more than welcome to join the Sea Goblins."

Nagase shook her head. "Thank you Captain," she put her arms around Grimm and Blaze. "But I already have a home here with Wardog."

He nodded knowingly and saluted, Chopper motioned for everyone to follow him.

"C'mon, let's celebrate, I don't have my collection but I'm sure the base has something good I can blast while we have a few cold beers!"

The four Razgriz pilots walked off the airstrip, laughing at their fortune, they'd almost lost a pilot, but she'd been returned, as they walked towards the base complexes, Blaze slipped Nagase's book: A White Dove for the Princess into her back pocket, Nagase caught his hand and squeezed, looking behind the others and smiling gently.

"Thank you."

He just winked and nodded, returning the squeeze.