ME!: I know, its been a while I got a whole lot of messages saying and I quote

"Did you forget about IOY?"

"What happened to IOY?"

"Have you forgotten about FF(dot)net?"

At first I was like what? But then I realized they were talking about I'm over you so I decided that I should write another chappy.

No, I did NOT forget about I'm over you. k? I broke my arm so I couldn't type well and then I was a counselor at this camp thingy ALONG with my job, so basically I was busy.

Not a good excuse I know but still. Please forgive me.

P.S: I do not own any twilight characters but I do own my story plot (kinda) and any poems/songs I may write and post in here. SO please, do not disgrace me by using the copy and paste button. Thank you!




Team Swagger:

Bella: Sweet Tart

Jessa: Pixie Stix

Drew: Hershey

Mark: Marshmallow

Maddie: Oreo

Chelsea: Kit-Kat

Adara: Snickers

Connor: Nerds

Nathan: Reese's

Bella POV

Maddie had decided to play fair so we couldn't smell them and they couldn't smell us. It sucked. But at least they were easy to find. We had already taking 3 hostage but they had Chelsea. The idiot walked right into all of them at their base we had 5 on defense so it was just me, Mark, and Jessa running through the woods. At least we had our mind wave.

Sweet Tart: Pixie Stix, this is Sweet Tart, I think I found the base.

Pixie Stix: Great, be there in a few. Watch out though. These are ninja wolves.

I snorted at her comment, bad move. The forest suddenly sprang to life as 3 wolves jumped from the bushes in front of me, laughing. Well kinda barky-laughter but still, laughing all the same. I growled low in my throat before my mind sprang out with Mark's plan.

Marshmallow: You distract them by jumping from tree to tree Jessa and me will get in the base and grab Anthony. Run on the ground for a bit if you HAVE to.

Sweet Tart: Kay doin' it.

Pixie Stix: With Mark.

Reese's: Ooooohhhh That is a low blow, girl friend.

Oreo: Shut up and focus.

Kit-Kat: Wait, what?

Pixie Stix: Marshallow and Sweet Tart in a bush, up down up down push, push, push.

Hershey: Sweetie, shut up before she kills you. Crap! They're here! HURRY!

Sweet Tart: Or just shut up while I kill you. AHH! I'm caught!

Pixie Stix: I see him now, I'm goin' for it. Jeez, how could they catch all of you?

Nerds: Just go for it! They are headin' into our base!

Pixie Stix: Chillax, I got him. Don't freak.

Cheers ran wild throughout the forest as everyone slowly gathered in the field they had been keeping Conner in. I was struggling in Paul's death grip on my head though. "Paul, let me go!" He chuckled before dropping me. I growled at him before turning towards more pressing matters. Maddie silently took Anthony from Jessa as I stalked towards her. I felt the wolves chuckle behind my back but I was seeing red.

"I. am. Not. Doing. Anything. With. That. PERVERT!" I shouted so loud Drew covered his ears from his spot next to Chelsea, a safe distance away. I lunged at her but before I could blink Mark was holding me in a death grip bridal style as I struggled to lunge at her.

"Sweetie, I know your mad but why don't you use this anger in other ways?" He said with a smirk on his face. I redirected my anger, all right.

"YOU EGOTISTICAL FREAK! I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH YOU!" I screamed before tearing at his flesh, he dropped me and ran for his life. Chuckling all the way. I didn't realize until he looked down at my chest that my shirt was kinda ruined and you could see the black lacey bra I had on. Perfect. Just perfect.

I froened at my shirt before plopping mysrlf down in a position of pure anger. Okay, I was sulking. But still, I was angry. He sighede and looked down at me. Coming within eye-ripping-out distance. I growled at him, to my surprise, he took off his sweatshirt and gave it to my, what the skittles?

He smiled at me, "Alright, its not funny." I looked up at him confused.

"MARK AND BELLA IN A BUSH! UP DOWN! UP DOWN! PUSH! PUSH! PUSH!" to my upmost surprise, Jessa and Maddie were lying on the ground laughing while everyone else chuckled, pssh not.

To my REAL surprise Mark stood up, glaring. "That isn't funny, ya'll should really shut up." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the wolves shrink into the trees. Cowards. I thought, running when things seem bad.

I smiled at Maddie and opened my arms. Anthony dropped on the ground and ran at me full speed. I smiled at him before swooping him into my arms. "Hey bud, whats up?" I aasked him.

"Mama, can ask you somethin' important?" I smiled.

"Sure, what?" I asked genuinely interested.

'Promise not to get mad." He asked giving my the puppy dog eyes.

"Why are you always yelling at Daddy?" He asked motioning towards Mark. I looked up mortified as Nathan, Drew, and Mark exchanged high fives.

"Told you we could get him to do it." Nathan said.

"That was freaking AWESOME!" Mark said with a chuckle.

I looked down at Anthony's innocent face with his green eyes and brown, curly hair. I couldn't help it. He will never have a Daddy, I thought, never. I started to cry, sobbing really. My eyes were so blurry I could barely see.

I heard gasps and shame-on-yous being muttered as footsteps left the field I looked up and expected to see one of the girls, but instead I saw Mark a few feet away. I sniffled.

He looked at me, was that shame in his eyes? "I'm really sorry Izz, I just thought that-" He looked up at my face, which was probably a mess with tears I could only shed because of a stupid drink that also made my eyes turn red and my eyes puffy like a humans, and sighed.

Before I knew what was happening there were arms around me. I leaned into them until I was curled up in that persons lap. Their strong arms around me as I held Anthony to me. I cried, and cried, and cried. I didn't even notice when Anthony was pulled off my lap or when I was placed in a soft, warm blanket. I couldn't stop. The tears were to strong.

Mark POV

I felt like crap. I really shouldn't have taught him to call me Daddy but at the time it seemed like an awesome prank.

Maddie had long since taken Anthony to bed so I stayed in Bella's room. Letting her have your cry out. I stroked her hair softly, just to le her know I was still here. I hadn't noticed how focused I was until Jessa surprised by popping up out of nowhere.

She lifted up the hair on the back of Bella's neck and touched her hand to it. I couldn't help but growl when she shivered. She could be in pain.

"Don't mess with me boy." Jessa warned. "This is just to put her to sleep. I suggest you stay with her incase she has any night terrors." I nodded at her. She smiled sweetly and remover her hand from her neck. "Goodnight." She whispered as she shut the door.

I smiled softly before moving her into a position I thought would be more comfortable for me and her while she slept.

What do you think? Good? Bad? This Chap was mainly to describe Mark and Bellas relationship, okay? I'm sorry if you hat it I could use the pointers!

Check out : JUST ANOTHER IMPRINT STORY by softballlover01


