Beatrice vs Twilight

One day in witch land, Beatrice the golden witch decides to read the Twilight series.

*few hours later*

"WTF did I just read!?" Beatrice questioned. "This Bella Swan is a disgrace to females!!"

"Something ruining your probability Beatrice?" Bernkastel asked.

"Yeah and I don't care that you walked into this fanfiction unexpectedly and that I'm breaking the 4th wall." Beatrice said.

"What is it?" Bernkastel asked while drinking tea.

"This Twilight sucks so bad, I mean this Bella is a dumb bitch that is so dependent on this Edward ,it disgraces females like me." Beatrice said. " This Edward is suppose to be a vampire yet fucking sparkles in the sunlight, he's not a vampire, he's a gay fairy with a fetish for animal blood that's a pansy and this isn't love, it's lust." Beatrice explained

"Hmm the odds the author is a housewife that acts like a fangirl on the internet and doesn't accept criticism is 10/10." Bernkastel said.

"This werewolf would be fine if he wasn't pedowolf, also how does that vampire demon spawn exist for crying out loud." Beatrice said. "Only one thing to do kill those responsible, and this time no fucking golden land!!!!!!"Beatrice said while angry.

Beatrice disappears into golden butterflies and heads into the Twilight universe.

"I would want to see how this game will end up but I'm too busy with Battler's game." Bernkastel said.

"Oh Bernkypoo!!!" Lambdadelta yelled.

"No odds of me being with Lambdadelta, I'll watch Beatrice's game of her vs Twilight." Bernkastel said.

Bernkastel then went to the Twilight universe.

In the Twatlight, I mean the Twilight universe.

"Oh Eddykins you're like so hawt and like your hair glows like a thousand suns and*insert more thesaurus rape*." Mary Sue cunt said.

"I'm like going to abuse you by demanding you to go get me a shake while I sparkle like a gay fairy and I'm dangerous!!" Garu Stu bastard said.

Beatrice appears in front of them.

"You must be Bella and Edward." Beatrice said. "Congratulations, you get to play my game of TWILIGHT MUST DIE!!!!"

"Oh Eddypoo, I need protecting!!" Mary sue cunt said.

"Shut up you stupid Mary Sue!" Beatrice yelled.

Beatrice than uses her magic and kills Bella the Mary Sue cunt.

"Oh my Bella, my special unique snowflake, I can't thirst and have sex without you!!!!" Gary Stu Bastard said.

"Good you can join her." Beatrice said.

Beatrice pulls out a magic machine gun and starts firing. Edward than gets killed by a raging Beatrice.

"Oh my Bella she's dead but I still have Nessie!!!!" Pedowolf who appeared said.

"Oh you mean her!?" Beatrice asked. "Hey Lucifer take care of her for me!!!"

"If I want to be way better than the others and have better pride than yes." Lucifer the first stake of purgatory said.

Lucifer than used her power and blows Nessie's head off.

"Oh Nessie!!!" Pedowolf moaned.

"Enough of this." Beatrice demanded.

Beatrice than used a shotgun and killed Pedowolf.

"Well this game ended in a landslide" Bernkastel said while secretly watching.

Beatrice than brings out a magic bomb and sets it.

"This should end the game I would win!!!" Beatrice said.

Beatrice than disappeared.

"Yup the game ended" Bernkastel said.

Bernkastel disappears.

The bomb detonates and completely destroys everything in the Twilight universe except for the win that is Tyler's Van. That is now travelling between universes tracking down sues.

Beatrice appears in front of a house, Stephenie Meyer's that is and she knocks on the door.

"Yes?" The suethor bitch said.

"You just lost the game!!!" Beatrice said.

Beatrice than jammed a knife into Meyer's forehead thus killing her and eradicating the Twilight series.

Beatrice disappeared back to witch land.

Twilight and Stephenie Meyer just lost the fucking game.

The End.