Disclaimer: I do not own -Man. -Man is the property of the awesome artist and author Katsura Hoshino. I am simply burrowing the characters and not making any money off this story.

Unlike The Tainted Angel, this isn't an AU. Not sure what else to say other than hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Title: Stealing Kisses from the Unsuspecting

Chapter one: When They Least Expect It

Kanda scowled at everyone who dared to point or whisper at him as he passed by. He ignored the ever hyper Jerry and snatched his soba as soon as it was placed on the counter, hoping he would be able to gain some peace and quiet by sitting in a secluded spot. His hopes were dashed before he even had a chance to pick up his chopsticks when Lavi hopped into the seat across from his.

"'Morning Yu." He gasped when he caught sight of Kanda's face. "Holy crap Yu, what happened to your face!?"

He sighed mentally. He knew this would happen. You couldn't walk around with your entire right cheek covered in purplish black bruise without someone noticing. Other people might know not to say anything directly considering his personality, but he knew Lavi or Lenalee would want to know what happened. He had actually considered staying in his room until it healed to avoid this, but his stomach would not let itself be ignored and so he had ended up coming down for breakfast anyways.

After picking at his food in thought, he decided to answer the rabbits question now rather than endure relentless pestering later. "Beansprout.", was his cryptic reply.

Lavi scrunched his face for a moment in confusion and then it snapped into one of shock, "You mean Allen, sweet, little gentlemanly Allen Walker with the patience of a saint, hauled off and hit you!?" Lavi said this very loudly, causing several people to turn their way.

"Yes." Kanda hissed, annoyed at having even more attention drawn to himself. "It was a stupid argument and he overreacted. End of story." He did his best to ignore how Lavi's single eye narrowed at him. He started eating his soba, vainly hoping Lavi would drop it.

"What did you say to provoke him into that sort of 'overreaction'?"

".....it's not what I said."

"Fine, what did you do then?"

Kanda looked Lavi square in the face with a cold glare and said, "Its between me and the sprout, so stay out of it." He returned to his meal, now completely ignoring the stunned rabbit and everyone else in the room.

There was blissful silence for a several mintues until, "Oh, there's Allen, I'll just go and ask him what happened."

Kanda's head shot up and before he could stop him Lavi had sprinted across the cafetria to the doors were Allen had just walked in. He saw them exchange greetings, Allen's face showing a great deal of preoccupation. Lavi said something, gesturing towards Kanda, and Allen looked over at him in surprise. As soon as their eyes met though he looked away, anger and confusion in his eyes. He said something to Lavi, which must have surprised him because as he walked past him to the counter Lavi stared after him with his mouth hanging open.

Lavi wandered back over to Kanda slightly dazed. "Kanda."

Kanda looked at him, eyebrow arched in curiosity since Lavi always used his first name. "I say this with the best interest's of everyone in mind. You should apologize to Allen for whatever it is you did to him." Lavi shushed him before he could retort, "Its for the good of everyone. You must have done something really bad, because not only did he snap at me when I asked what happened, he actually cursed."

"So?" Kanda didn't get why that was such a big deal.

"This is Allen we're talking about. He doesn't raise his voice except when he argues with you, and he never say's anything crude to anyone. When have you ever heard him swear?"

Kanda opened his mouth then closed it. He set his chopsticks down and crossed his arms, his brows furrowing as he actually searched his memory for even one instance in which the polite fifteen year old had said a bad word. When he finally looked at Lavi again he said stubbornly, "So he doesn't usually have a dirty mouth, I still think that he's overreacting."

Lavi sighed, a dissatisfied look on his face. "Yu, its not just that. He looked confused about something, and said he didn't want to talk about it because he wasn't completely sure how he felt about the matter. Even if you don't apologize you should at least talk to him."

"Che." was Kanda's final response as he picked at his soba, suddenly moody like a child that had been told by its mother to apologize to a sibling.

"I knew you'd see things my way Yu," said Lavi brightly before leaving, taking his sudden sulkiness as a sign that he would talk to Allen, however reluctant he was to do so.


"Pray, keep your nonsense for some luckier night-

Who can have put my master in such a mood?

What will become on it-I'm in such a fright,

The devils in the urchin, and no good-

Is this a time for giggling? this a plight?

Why, don't you know that it may end in blood?

You'll lose you life, and I shall lose my place,

My mistress all, for that half-girlish face."- suddenly a book went flying across the room and fell with fluttering pages after smacking against the wall.

Kanda turned over on his side, facing the broken window in frustration. He had been trying not to think about having to talk to the beansprout, but when he read that last line 'for that half-girlish face' he had instantly pictured Allen.

He groaned as he turned onto his back. It was all the sprouts fault. If he didn't have such a pretty face with that deceptively fragile looking but strong body, he wouldn't have done that this morning.

He had just finished his morning training and was heading for the baths when he encountered Allen in the halls. He couldn't remember who said what now, although he was sure he started it this time, but they got into a heated argument. He recalled how Allen had been really worked up, his pale cheeks flushing pink and the normally passive and cheerful expression he wore replaced with passionate anger while his gray eyes flashed like a stormy sea.

He looked so damn attractive right then, that without thinking Kanda gave into an impulse he had been harboring for months now.

Yanking him forward by the front of his shirt, Kanda crushed his lips to Allen's. He felt Allen go completely still, and he wasn't sure how long it lasted before he found himself on the ground cradling a throbbing cheek in one hand.

He looked up to see a wide eyed and crimson faced Allen, left fist still poised in the air and shaking, his mouth working soundlessly. And before Kanda could move or say anything he fled.

Kanda sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He really had disliked Allen at first. His reckless behavior caused countless problems while they were on missions and he couldn't stand how constantly polite he was. And he refused to back down when Kanda chastised him which irked him greatly. But then he supposed that Allen standing up to him was what made him start to admire him, because really, Kanda wouldn't have become so enamored if Allen didn't have something other than looks going for him.

Kanda hadn't been too alarmed when he first noticed the direction his thoughts were taking in regards to Allen. There weren't many women at the order, and the opposite gender didn't really hold much attraction for him anyways since they just seemed too breakable. He'd had sex before of course. He was a healthy, somewhat normal, eighteen year old male with hormones and urges after all. And it helped him relief tension and stress when he was away on missions.

But it was always one night stands, and never with men or anyone at the order. He was the type of person who didn't like to mix business with pleasure. He didn't want to be distracted on mission because the person he worked with was also someone he happened to have intimate relations with. Besides, no one at the order interested him that way. Oh, he thought Lavi was attractive with his flame red hair and emerald green eye, but he couldn't bring himself to think of him as anything more then a somewhat annoying yet dependable comrade.

But this strict and professional policy of not going for his coworkers was put to the test when Allen Walker came along. Snowy white hair, milk white skin that flushed so prettily when he was angry or embarrassed, and a thin frame that looked like a slight breeze could knock him over but was strong enough to stand up to a powerful gale. Storm gray eyes that annoyed him when he smiled because he could see how fake it sometimes was when it didn't quite reach them. But he loved them when he was angry because then the emotion coming from them was so raw and honest, he thought he might get electrocuted by the electricity flashing from them.

Kanda was close to falling into a daydreaming state when he was roused by a knock on his door. He stayed still in the hopes that whoever it was would leave, thinking he wasn't there. But there was another knock and a tentative voice called, "Kanda? Are you there?"

He sighed. He hadn't thought of what to say to him, but he supposed that if Allen was coming to him, he could just let the sprout start the conversation and respond as needed. He fixed a blank look on his face and answered the door, looking down at a nervous and fidgeting Allen.

"Um, can I talk to you?"

"About what?" He knew what this was about of course, he just wanted to rile Allen up a little so he wouldn't look so pathetically nervous.

"About this morning you jerk!" Allen snapped, a bit of irritation taking over, but not completely erasing his nervous fidgeting.

Kanda left the door open in a silent invitation for Allen to come in while he went to sit on his bed. He had to fight down his amusement in order to retain his blank expression when Allen cautiously poked his head in the room and looked around slowly as if expecting some sort of hidden danger to pop out at him. He stepped in and quietly closed the door before leaning against it and looking at Kanda, chewing his bottom lip nervously.

He waited patiently as Allen stared at the floor, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times, seeming unsure of how to start. He looked up, and Kanda guessed his blank expression must have irked him because he let out a frustrated noise and asked, "Why did you do that? If it was some kind of joke then your sense of humor is more warped then I could have ever imagined."

Kanda scoffed, "You're confusing me with Lavi. I don't tell jokes."

"Then why for the love of god did you kiss me!?" Allen practically wailed.

Kanda frowned. He couldn't understand why the sprout was getting so upset. It was just a kiss. He decided to answer as truthfully as he could though, since telling lies or half-truths would probably just make things worse in the end, and he didn't really like lying anyways. He stood and took a couple of steps closer to Allen before answering, "I did it because I wanted to."

Allen turned red and the look on his face was one of disbelief, "But we're both male! And you don't even like me! Why in the world would you want to kiss me!?"

"Because I find you attractive. Why else does a person desire to kiss someone on the lips? And do I seem like the type of person to care about what gender the person I like is?" There. You couldn't get any plainer then that without actually saying something like I love you, which Kanda wasn't ready to do, or was sure he ever would be.

Allen looked stunned, "You-you"

Kanda stepped closer and bent slightly so that they were eye to eye. Curiosity and amusement shone from his eyes into startled gray ones. "Hmm? Are you the kind of person who can't accept the fact that other people might actually find you attractive?" By the look on Allen's face, he guessed that he had hit the mark. He had always had the suspicion that Allen thought people found him unattractive because of his scar and his pure white hair that made many people mistake him for an old man at a distance. But he also thought that maybe it was a little bit of naivety too.

"Since when did you"

Kanda braced an arm against the doorframe so he could lean over Allen easier. "Since when did I find you attractive? It happened gradually. I did hold a great dislike of you at first, but you have a lot of attractive qualities and charms besides your appearance. You could say you grew on me." Kanda surprised even himself. He didn't think he had it in him to say something so complementary out loud.

"Um, th-thank you." Allen stammered, blushing. "Um, could you not stand so close?"

He didn't really want to move away, but Kanda could sense the sprouts discomfort and gave him some space. "I've answered you honestly and sincerely, so would you please answer one question for me?"

"Well, if its something I'm able to answer, then yes I will." Allen was composed now, his blush having faded.

"Why did you get so upset when I kissed you?"

Allen's blush returned full force and he started to rapidly babble, "What was I supposed to do!? That was my first kiss! I've never even thought of kissing someone before in my life, and then suddenly not only does my first kiss get stolen by a guy, but by a guy who I think doesn't even like me! It surprised me so much that I just went with my first instinct, and by the way I'm sorry I hit you so hard but you really startled me and then I was just so flustered because I hit you with all my might so then I panicked and ran." Allen said all this in one breath, so when he finished his was breathing hard as if he had been running.

"Huh." was Kanda's first response. Then he smirked at Allen, "So your really just an innocent and naïve little kid."

Allen's face contorted into the same look he had the first time Kanda kissed him, "Why you pompous-"

It was just a quick peck on the corner of his mouth, but it was enough to silence Allen and leave him looking incredulous.

He reached blindly behind him for the doorknob while point shakily at Kanda who was smirking again, "Just cause you suddenly say you find me attractive and stuff doesn't mean I'll let you do as you like! Ask first!"

Kanda raised an eyebrow at this, "Would you actually say yes if I asked?"

"No." was the immediate response.

"Che." Kanda shrugged, "Then I'll just have to steal them when your guard is down. I won't even mind if you hit me again, it'll be worth it."

Allen paused half way out the door and gave him another look of incredulity. "You're nuts!" he said before slamming the door shut.

Kanda flopped down onto his bed and stared at the ceiling blankly for a moment. Then slowly a rare smile started to take over his face. He felt light, almost giddy. It had felt good to say some of the things he had been thinking about since he meet the sprout.

He knew it would not be easy, but now he felt as if it might be possible to try and see if he could get the younger boy to return some of these feeling he harbored. He wanted see how deep this could go, although there was also the most distant fear of outright rejection. A part of him even felt like this might be fun, watching for openings where he could steal a quick kiss on the sly. Yes, he thought this really just might be fun.


Hope you all like it. See you later.