

"What is an Immortal?" Harry asked as he finally pushed Ron out of the way. "And how does that make me a Vampire?"

Alexander smiled. He liked this spunky young man already. "Many a year ago, my village was ravaged by an unknown plague. I was the only survivor of this plague. Somehow my body adapted to the virus, and for unknown reasons, I became immortal."

"How does that make me a Vampire?"

All the adults were swinging their heads back and forth between the young man and the older one. Listening in fascination to the tale being told.

Alexander smiled. "I married years later to a beautiful woman named, Helena. We had three sons. Twins, Markus and William, and the youngest, Vassus. Markus and William gained the immortal strain from me, and with Vassus, it remained inactive. The twins were out on a hunt when they were attacked, respectively by rabid bats and wolves. My son, Markus woke up to be the first Vampire; William, a Lycan. Only after his first transformation, he was never able to regain his human body."

"He remained in the wolf form?" Remus asked.

"He became a savage beast, Master Lupin. Those bitten by my son and so forth never regained their human form unless they died. It was the second generations born to the werewolves infected that were controlled by the call of the moon at first but they were also born human."

"A pureblooded Were?"

"Yes. The first is named, Lucian. He is at least, seven hundred years old as best we can guess."

"Then how are we the same? Different?"

"You are controlled by the moon. And I believe you take a potion? If my contacts are correct."

"Yes. Wolfsbane. It was created by Severus." Remus pointing out the dark man.

Alexander glanced at the Potions Master. "I've heard of you, Master Snape. I've often wondered if the potion was given to my son, William if he would regain his mind. Maybe save him."

Severus frowned as he thought over the information. "What is the difference between our Were's and the Lycan's?"

"None really, I suppose. With the exception of Magic with some. And the Corvinus strain that runs in my blood and that of my descendants."

Everyone turned to look at Harry. The young man began blushing. "It was this that brought me back? Changed me?"

"My son's wife became pregnant in the same time period that he became infected. We never knew if he passed the vampirism onto his children. But they appeared normal. Somehow after all this time, the strain has remained dormant. Until you."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Bloody hell."

"Language!" Hermione said as she cuffed him on the back of the head.

Severus cleared his throat, "We should test Lupin to see if he has the strain."

"A sample of his blood will tell us all we need to know. I have a lab on my ship that can perform the test."

Remus looked at Sirius and then the others around the room. "Since Harry was a baby, I've often felt he was pack. He smelled of pack. As did his father. It was how I ended up in the same compartment on the train here to Hogwarts when we were eleven."

Alexander put his hands behind his back as he looked shrewdly at Remus. "Greyback is the wolf who bit you?"

"Yes. He targets children and then he attacks them on the full moons."

"My men are at this moment hunting him and he will be dealt with accordingly."

Sirius cleared his throat, "Of all those he's infected, Remus is the oldest male alpha still living. The strongest. If he kills Greyback, Remus will be take his place as leader."

"I'll have to fight his second, Sirius. Azazel is a strong bastard. And bigger than me."

"But you have magic as well, Remus. That makes you stronger."

"Was it my magic and the strain that made me a Vampire?" Harry asked.

Alexander stepped closer to the young man. "Julian Potter, a knight of the Crusades fell in love with my granddaughter, Helena. He was close to two hundred years old when I last saw him. Helena had lived to be hundred and thirty years, which was unheard of since she was non-magical. Julian believed she was his soulmate and she lived longer because of his magic. I often thought her own blood had something to do with that, but that is then and this is now. It was through Julian that I met the Founders. If I remember correctly, one of Salazar's great granddaughter's married one of Julian's sons."

"Which makes me a heir of one of the Founder's."

"Actually two, I believe. One of Godric's sons also married into the Potter family. If you take a look at the Founder's tapestry, you'll see that Godric's son, Fergus and Salazar's youngest son, Tomas, were bonded soulmates. Their daughter married into the Potter clan some years later."


The brunette turned towards, his best friend, "Yes?"

Ron grinned. "You have family! I mean you have Sirius. But this man is family. A Grandfather!"

Hermione gave Harry a one armed hug, "Oh Harry!"

Harry looked at the newcomer with a new understanding.

"Indeed," Alexander said. "Was it your magic? I don't know. But I do know that you are not alone now. And this dark wizard that seems to be targeting you? Well he now has me and mine to... deal with. I will protect you, Harry Potter! Because you are mine in blood. And family."