Disclaimer: Step One: Pour salt into open wound. Step Two: Rub vigorously. Got it kids?

Just Hold On

Beads of clear colored liquid splish and splash, meeting up with the large pool that lies at the bottom of an ominously hanging plastic bag. Wires shoot out from the bottom and snake their way across a cold metal bar to rest at the needle that is pressed into the smooth skin at the back of her hand. His hand is wrapped up in hers, the weightless feel of it doing nothing to ease his anxiousness and his thumb is careful not to pull at the needle with rubbing not-so-relaxing circles. The other thumb rests on the bottom of his lip as teeth nip sharply on the nail, running it down dangerously close to the place where nail met rough skin. His top lip is smushed up to his noise, quivering slightly as he mutters unheard words, silent curses. Sliding down his nose are his glasses, travelling further and further down the jagged slope as he fails to push them back into place. Alternating between peering over the rims of the thick frames at the shimmers in her golden hair and boring themselves into her closed eyelids, his eyes have taken on the eerie, desperate look they've held much too often.

"Just hold on. This time, hold on. Hold on, or I'll lose you. And I can't do that again." He's being selfish, for the first time in far too long, and it feels good. Clutching at her hand tighter, he pulls it up to hide his eyes. "I don't know what I'll do without you, what I'll let happen if you're not there to stop me."

"All I have left is you, Rose. Please don't leave me with nothing."

Suddenly, her hand isn't so limp in his.

She did promise him forever after all.