Warrior's Pride
Chapter 1

The sun shined as a teenage boy laid on top of hill against a single tree laid. The boy was very tall for a sixteen year old, about 5' 7". His body was hidden beneath a oversized cloak that cover his whole body, except for his head and feet and a huge collar that opened up in the front. His face was covered by a black mask that clanged to the lower half of his face and neck, while his shoulder length, spiky blond hair was shown. His left ear had a white earring, in the shape of a tomoe, attached to it. His eyes remained closed.

The boy was fast asleep on the hill. Remembering things he wished to forget. The past that he wished to bury, but it still haunted him.


"CHIDORI(Japanese:Thousand Bird)!" a boy with unnatural black skin, his hair was long and untamed hair, with a pair of huge hand-like wings on his back, and his eye were black and gold due to his monasteries transformation. His cloths were white cargo pant and a blue shirt, baring a fan-like crest. In his right hand what looked like a black ball of lighting. This very boy was Sasuke Uchiha.

"RASENGAN(Japanese:Spiral Sphere)!" a boy, with spiky blond hair, a torn up orange jumpsuit, with a red energy aura around him in the form of a fox, his eye were red with a black slit pupil. In his right hand was a ball of blue wind with a red shine coming off of it. This child name was Naruto Uzumaki

The two charge at on another eyeing each other, to kill.

When their attack collided, the energy started to surge and with two powers started to exploded and the two boys were thrown back towards the wall of the Valley of the End.

Both boy created crater in the wall, were both knocked out and their appearances receded and they became normal.

Suddenly a Silvered haired man appeared with a small dog. The man, Kakashi, ran up to were Naruto laid. 'He fine, just a little tired. That should be expected neither the less.' Kakashi thought as he made a cross shape hand sign and called a Kage Bushin (Japanese:Shadow Clone) and the clone walked over to where Sasuke was, tied up his arms and leg so he wouldn't escape, and began to travel toward the village.

The original Kakashi picked Naruto up and started toward the Village himself thinking 'Great job Naruto.'


Naruto left the hospital with a clean bill of health in a couple day, but the doctors wished him to take it easy as he walked out.

Naruto had heard about the rest of the retrieve team in critical condition, but were doing well and resting peacefully.

He heard that Sasuke was being check on in the Hokage (Japanese:Fire Shadow) Tower to study his Curse Mark and how to get rid of it. He wanted to check up and see how Tsunade was doing.

He got to the tower and was about to walk in he heard Tsunade shout "You can't do that!" Her voice was loud enough that Naruto heard behind the door to her office.

"On the contrary Tsunade-Sama we can and we should." A voice that sounded like an elderly man.

"Tsunade-Sama you must see reason. This mission is undeniable proof that the boy, Naruto Uzumaki, is not only a danger to himself, but to his fellow shinobi (Japanese:Ninja). With the chakra of Kyuubi no Kitsune (Japanese:Nine Tailed Fox) their no telling that he could snap and destroy this very village, and as a precaution we must execute him before that happens." The second voice also belonged to a elderly women.

Naruto eye widen about what he just heard. 'They're…They're Going to execute me?'

Tsunade voiced yelled once more at the two elders "Homaru, Koharu, you are over stepping you bounds. Naruto had done nothing wrong, and this event was a strict accident. With proper training he can…" Tsunade was interrupted by Homaru.

"And what if that training isn't enough! What if the seal breaks and the demon escape from Naruto." Homaru shouted to be sure that he got Tsunade's attention.

Koharu add in her own thoughts "This is the only way, with the Akatsuki threats looming over us, banishment is out of the question. If we Execute him, this will not only exterminate the Fox, but the Akatsuki will no longer be an issue."

Tsunade voice yelled again "And at what Cost!"

Homaru then said "I'm sorry Tsunade, but the decision is final."

The two began to walk toward the Door.

Koharu then said "We will send four Anbu Black Ops to secure him and haul him off to prison until him the date of his execution."

The two walked out of the door and saw Naruto. Then Tsunade Walked out hoping to catch up with her advisors, only to meet the same sight as her

Naruto head looked down at the floor as he said "So after everything I've done, this is my reward, huh?"

Koharu spoke "Believe us Uzumaki-san, This was our last resort…"

"Your last resort huh? I bet it was your only resort." Naruto rudely interrupted.

Homaru then spoke "Regardless, you will cooperate with us or…"

A burst of smoke covered the hallway after a poof was heard.

Everyone in the hall was coughing and trying to find their way around while Naruto made a break for it and ran out the tower.

He didn't stop, he kept running past the gates of Konoha, into the wood heading west. For god know how long.

Naruto didn't let the muddy ground stop him, his weakened legs, or the thoughts he was being followed. He just ran. Unknowingly allowing the tear of his sadness, his loneliness, the thoughts of his betrayal fall.

Finally after several hours he fell. His face splashed against the ground. He tried to get up, but all he could do was lean up against a tree and rest, hoping the forest would provide shelter till he could move again.

Naruto thought of the betrayal, and felt nothing but anger. He knew why they did it and thought 'It because of the fox. They think I'm the fox. They think it would do me some good it I just die and that solves all their problems.' Naruto thought weakly as his spirit was finally broken.

Naruto eye wondered to a sign that said 'Land of Wave, 30 miles ahead.'

Naruto remembered Wave country his first mission he also remembered Haku, the one person who taught him the meaning of true strength. Naruto's mind then wondered to what Garra, Shinobi of the Sand, once said without a purpose you might as well be dead.

Naruto realized he had no purpose, so what was the use of going on? Wasn't it better for him just to die and end his misery.

Naruto didn't need a second thought as he got up and quickly ran toward the direction of The Land of Waves.

When he finally reached where he wanted to be. He decided to visit the grave of the two Shinobi he met and learned from one last time, before his time came.

When he got to their grave sight he saw their courtyard was uncared for, but the grave marker still remained. He made a quick pray and was off to the edge of the deepest cliff, where his grave would be.

He found the perfect cliff, that dropped straight down to the sea. The perfect spot where no body would find his body. His grave that would forever hide him.

Before he could take a step further a voice rang out "Naruto Stop!" The voice yelled.

Naruto knew who the voice belonged to and turn himself around to see Kakashi no less the five yards away from him.

"Well Kakashi-Sensei, I didn't know I would have Funeral Guest." Naruto spoke to his teacher with sarcasm in his voice.

"Naruto I'm here to bring you…" Kakashi spoke only to get interrupted by Naruto.

"Home? The same home that been trying to kill me for the past thirteen years Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto spoke harsher this time.

Kakashi tried to step towards Naruto, but Naruto only took a step back closer to the edge of the cliff.

Kakashi spoke "Naruto, Tsunade trying to reason with the elder, She…" Kakashi was interrupted again.

"Can't do shit! The Elder are going to kill me and that's that. You want to know why Kakashi." Naruto spoke with anger present in his voice and his eye swelling up with tears.

"Because I'm Kyuubi no Kitsune! That who I'm am." Naruto shouted.

Kakashi tried to calm him "No your not Naruto, there's a World of difference between you and that fox."

Naruto let out a cold laugh and said "Yeah your Right. One is a great big ball of fur and is over five thousand feet tall. The other is a bald shrimp that can't do a single thing right no matter what." Naruto took another step back and was at the very edge of the cliff.

Kakashi took a careful step and said "Naruto…"

Naruto smiled sadly "Didn't I tell you? It Kyuubi No Kitsune." With that Naruto, threw a kunai knife with a Smoke bomb in front of Kakashi and took another step back falling over the ledge.

The bomb blew up in Kakashi face before he could try and stop Naruto.

Naruto on the other hand was falling from the cliff, out of reach to be saved now.

Naruto then thought 'So this is how it end. Ha to think I came all this way for nothing. But it's better this way.'

Another voice rang in Naruto's head "NO! It cannot end like this Kit!'

'It is going to end Kyuubi and I'm taking you with me.' Naruto spoke to the fox one last time.

Kyuubi growled at his Containers foolishness "Fool! You think that this will stop the hate, the suffering, the…"

Kyuubi was interrupted by Naruto 'Just shut it. I don't care what you think, because it all adds up to one thing. You just don't want to die before you found a way out.' Naruto confessed the fox's plan.

"Regardless, You are not getting your way!" Kyuubi roared and he pushed his chakra through his containers body.

Naruto felt the presence of the Chakra and knew that the fox was trying to save him, but he wouldn't allow it and tried to reject the demon chakra with his own.

Kyuubi felt his energy being flown back and tried to send it back "You fool what are you doing?!"

'What does it look like, stopping you.' Naruto snapped at the beast.

Kyuubi growled as he forced his energy to override the opposing energy, but the energy were matched in both strength, and their user's will.

"Stop you fool if you continue resisting me you'll die!" Kyuubi yelled.

Naruto let out a weak laugh and said 'So be it.' his vision became black instantly, he felt nothing.

'So this is death huh? Funny I expected a white light.' Naruto thought.

"Child you time has not yet come."a new voice rang through Naruto's head and the flash of light blinded Naruto.

(End Flashback)

The boy on the hill opened his blue eye after that dream. The figure groaned and thought 'That dream again.' the boy groaned

The boys eyes wondered to a school built on top of a small flat hill. The school was Seito Private School and made over a years ago, his home.

The boy then saw a girl walking along the patio of the school. She looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old with glasses, her brown hair tied in two rattails. She was holding in her two hand a huge stack of books.

The girl, Ryuubi Gentoku, the leader of Seito, eye traveled to where the boy laid on top of the hill. She let go of her book with one hand and waved as she yelled "Good Morning Naruto!" Ryuubi yelled, then gasped as her book fell out of her possession. She tried to catch the books as the fell, but failed pathetically.

She whimpered at her loss and the boy, Naruto Uzamaki couldn't help but chuckled a little. He ran down the hill and helper her up and picked up her books for her.

"Thank you Naruto-san." Ryuubi spoke to her fellow student and trusted friend "You want to read some of these with me? The Library just got some new book." She ask.

Naruto waved his hand and said "No, not this time. I'm have to train right now." With that he turned around and left.

Naruto reach the ground where he trained. It was just a clear field. Naruto began with throw a few punches and kick at random time. In Naruto's mind he was thinking of a fighter that uses a tiger style movement and training himself to avoid the make believe punches and kicks.

Suddenly Naruto felt a presence from behind him and whirled around and guarded him self from an incoming punch, from none other then Kan'u Unchou, a seventeen year old girl, with very long raven black hair, a nice tanned shik, and a female sailor suit, the school required uniform.

Kan'u grinned and said "I see you reflexes aren't dulling Naruto." Both pushed against each other and Naruto landed away from her to see none other then Chouhi Ekitoku, a brown haired girl with a bossy attitude and a thing for sweet and an even bigger thing for killing people who steal them, Chou'un Shiryuu, a silver hair women, holding a sword in her left hand with her eye closed constantly and was very laid back most of the time, and the youngest member in the entire school, Shokatsuryou Koumei, a small girl making her appear eleven or thirteen year old with jade hair, out a few yards away from them.

Naruto waved at all of them and said "How you guy doing?" Naruto said plainly.

Chouhi answered "We all going out to dinner right now and your coming too." she told Naruto.

Naruto was about to say no, but Koumei interrupted "Don't say no Naruto, we're only doing this because it's your birthday after all." Playing their triumph card that everyone discussed, knowing how guilty it would make him feel.

It worked and Naruto was beginning to feel second doubt about his decision. He begun to mutter "I don't know…?"

Koumei then ran in front of Naruto, put on her puppy dog face and spoke "Please Naruto, we worked so hard on planning this day, it would make us all sad if you said no." Koumei spoke in a sweeter than normal.

Naruto began to sweat, the one thing he can't resist no matter how much he resisted the plan. "Alright, Alright I'll go."

Koumei and Chouhi yelled together "YEAH!"

Kan'u and Chou'un just let out a smile and Kan'u said "We'll meet at the Ramen Restaurant that you love so much by six o' clock sharp, ok."

Naruto groaned, but complied nether the less.

Naruto saw up above him the sky growing dark and thick with clouds. 'It going to rain soon.' Naruto thought as he walked off to is room to and prepared to travel to the downtown area.

Naruto enter his room. The room was a simple room, it didn't hold nothing, but a futon, and a closet with several sets of cloths. The only abnormality was a pair of swords that hung on the wall. One of the two swords was long and had a small saw-like edge, the second one was just as long with the blade divided into small segments, making it more of a bladed whip. Naruto remember the sword appearing with him when he arrived in this world or where ever he was.


Naruto stood in a white space. He didn't know how he got here. He, at first heard a voice and appeared in this area not know what in store for him.

Suddenly the white space began to color itself with moving picture of men slaughtering each other. Giving the impression that this was a major war.

"Terrible, what war and grudges can take on humanity." a voice behind Naruto spoke and Naruto turned around to see a white serpent-like dragon, with a golden ring attached to the back of his head.

Naruto was a little freighted by the creature appearance, but still found his voice to say "Who are you?"

The dragon spoke again "An ancient soul from the dark war of the three kingdoms. One who moved on with his life. Only to watch as the rest continue their war throughout the years, resurrecting themselves through children of innocent age."

Naruto noticed quite plainly the suddenness in the dragons tone, but he asked "What war? What are you taking about?"

The Dragon nodded and continued "The war I'm talking about was a war that doesn't exist in your world, but another world the ways war is scares and the energy you call chakra is nonexistence. The War which you saw was a war between three kingdoms in the Kanto Region. Many of the warrior from the three kingdoms were brave, powerful, or cunning. They lead many battle that they have repeated over and over again. They preformed a spell to allow their souls to live on and continue their war through out the generation, a curse to the world that should have never exist."

Naruto was making out ok deciphering what the dragon was telling him, but something was bugging him and decided to speak out "I get what your saying, somewhat, but what does this have to do with me?"

The dragon looked at Naruto and said "The bottom line is I want to break this endless war once and for all. For that I need to enter the realm of the living with a host. The problem is that no host is open for me to occupy. I looked for a someone that I could work with. That when I found you, a spirit that was full of so much good, that heart knew pain, but never sought to inflict it on others other. When you were about to die I decide to contact you. With high hopes that you will allow me to share your body with me to end this constant struggle." The dragon spoke, with eagerness noticeable in his voice.

Naruto noticed of course but still a little reluctant. "I don't know sir. I don't… I don't…" Naruto said.

"Your are afraid to trust again after what happen?" The dragon spoke gaining Naruto attention "You are afraid of betrayal happening in your life again."

Naruto only stared gawking at the dragon, but he knew that he hit the nail on the head. "Yes." Naruto said gloomily.

The dragon sign and said "Child, what happened, happened. You can't undo the past, nor can you dwell in it expecting it will get better."

Naruto looked down in shame and knew that the dragon knew what he was talking about. He thought now that he held nothing for Konoha anymore, he could try to do something else. He then said "I'll go to this world and see what's up, ok."

The Dragon understood and nodded. "I'll be with you until you reach your decision." The dragon disappeared and the white space turned dark.


Naruto vision returned to him and he looked around to see the scenery change from where he was. He was now on a hill that over looked a one story building that looked like a huge Japanese style home. He tried to get up, only to fall over and roll down the hill and land near the patio of the school

Naruto groaned as he tried to get up again, but this time leaning on the ledge of the patio and looked up. He saw a girl a year or two older then him, wearing a white and blue sailor suit with a blue shirt, she had brown hair and glasses.

The girl crouched down and said "Are you okay?"

Naruto tried to stand up straight, but fell over and said "I'm sore as hell and My whole body is numb."

The girl nodded and stood straight up. "Don't go anywhere I'll go and get help." she said with a cheery tone and ran off down that patio.

Naruto groaned at the lost of some help and tried to get up once more, only to fall down again. 'Well I guess I can wait here.' Naruto thought.

"You shouldn't worry Naruto, You can trust her." a voice in Naruto head boomed.

Naruto grasped his head and said "Who there?!"

The voice said "Speak in your mind Naruto, and this is Hiryuu speaking."

Naruto took the voices advice, closed his eyes and thought 'Hiryuu?'

Hiryuu then said "The dragon that you were talking to a little while ago."

Naruto absorded that piece of info by opening his eyes widely and thought 'Where the hell am I?'

Hiryuu then said "Your in the Kanto region were the war I was talking about is taking place, or to be more precise Seito Private School."

'Seito Private School?' Naruto Asked.

The dragon then said "Yes, there are seven schools in the Kanto region that are waging war with one another to assume control, the spirits of the three kingdoms resign in the children in this region, by possessing a jewel called a Magatama (Japanese:Sacred Beads).The schools I'm taking about are as followed, Nanyou Academy, Youshuu High School, Rakuyou High School, Kyoshou Academy, Gogun High School, Youshuu Private School, and Seito Private School."

'There that many people going at war?!' Naruto yelled.

"Yes, which is why I want you to train yourself to prepare for the major war with Kyoshou academy." The dragon spoke .

'Wait, why just Kyoshou? I thought you said that all the school were at war?' Naruto said with clear confusing in his voice.

"They are, but the true leader of Kyoshou plans to use it shadow's power as well as the power of it brothers to destroy the world." The dragon spoke.

Naruto getting more and more confused 'Wait what power, what are you talking about?'

"The fighter around the Kanto region are strong, but there are three people who possess a spirit that resign in them that gives them strength beyond their body and soul. This is the power that the ruler of Kyoshou wants for herself." The dragon spoke.

Naruto then asked 'Who are these three people'

"I'm afraid you must learn that on your own, but if you agree with my request." Hiryuu spoke once more reminding Naruto of their agreement.

Naruto thought for a moment 'Are you sure I'm the right person?' Naruto voice was shaky. 'Are you sure I can trust you.'

Hiryuu sigh and said "That for you to decide."

Naruto thought once more and then said "I'll do it."

Hiryuu looked into Naruto's eyes and saw not a moment of hesitation.

A white earring appeared on Naruto ear, which Naruto, noticed and was about ask what it was when he heard "I'll be in contact with you through this."

Naruto then opened his eyes to see he was in a different room. The girl he met before was in here with him and another girl, with long black hair that covered most of her face, wearing the same uniform the other girl had and she was slightly taller then them.

"Ryuubi Gentoku, we can't keep him here, we don't know where he came from, or more importantly what his intentions are." the taller women spoke to the other girl, known as Ryuubi Gentoku.

Ryuubi then said "But Kan-san, We can't just leave him to die." Ryuubi spoke to the women, Kan as she was called. "Besides, he seems nice enough I'm sure he can't cause too much trouble." Ryuubi spoke trying to get her overprotective friend to give the boy a chance.

Kan palmed her head with her hand and said "Fine." Kan got up and walked over to Naruto and kneeled down in front of him.

"Now…" Kan spoke to Naruto. "I'm going to ask you some questions, and depending on the answer, your fate will be decided. Understood?" Kan'u spoke with threat lingering in her voice.

Naruto merely nodded and allowed her to continue.

Kan'u then said "Ok First, who are you?"

Naruto answered quickly "Naruto Uzumaki."

Kan'u then asked "What school are you from?" She added more of a glare to that question.

Naruto chuckled lightly and said "None, and if your going to ask were I'm from, save your breath, I can't tell you cause you won't believe me."

Kan'u raised her eye at this and said "What do you mean?"

Naruto just said "Trust me you won't believe me, so just drop it." Naruto adding his own glare to try and get his own point thought, only for Kan'u to grab the collar of his orange jacket and slam him against the wall.

Kan'u let out a low grow and said "Do Not Test Me."

Naruto just shacked her hands off and said "I'm not from around here and we'll leave it at that."

Kan'u just looked in his eye, and knew from that look she wasn't going to get an answer. "Fine. Next, what are you intentions."

Naruto then answered "Just to fine a good spot to train."

Kan'u looked confused and asked "Why."

Naruto just said "Let say there someone who going to cause a lot of problems in the near future and I have get stronger. No more questions from there ok."

Kan'u just stared into his eyes and saw their was no moving him one this and decided to end the interrogation.

Kan'u got up and said "Ok, I won't kill you, but you can't stay here."

Naruto understood and got up to leave.

Then a voice rang through the room "But Kan-san…" Ryuubi spoke "You can't just throw him out. He could…"

Naruto turned towards Ryuubi and said "It's ok, I know when I'm not welcomed."

He walked out of the door and left the room before another complaint was heard.

Naruto left the area though a gate and continued walking down the stairs.

Naruto then heard something strange in the bushes on the sides of the stairs and curiosity struck him.

Naruto walked though the forest to see three guy crouching in front of each other. One of them then said "So we all know the plan?" he looked like a seventeen year old wearing a red jacket, his face was mildly tanned , with narrow green eyes, and a dragon tattoo on the left side of his face, he also had a black backpack with him. The other two hid their identity with a blue and green hooded jacket.

The leader of the trio spoke again "Ok, lets review. You two…" he referred to his men "…with cause a distractions to get Kan'u Unchou's attention, while I grab Ryuubi Gentoku and smuggle her to Toutaku, at Rakuyou High School. If this works will be rewarded greatly." the leader added with a leechous smile on his face.

Naruto scowled and decided to crash in on their party. He quickly made a cross hand sign and said "Kage Bushin no Jutsu." and two replicas of himself appeared and they all spread out to different areas.

Naruto quickly jumped down on the side of where the gang was, getting their attentions.

"Who the hell are you?" One of the two men yelled.

His question wasn't answered as Naruto kicked him in the gut and hit he the tree with force.

The other two prepared for a fight by digging through their pockets and bringing out a pair of pocket knifes.

Naruto charged at his enemies and dodge that knifes and attempted to punch each of them.

They both dodge and the grunt made another attempt, that was successful and hit Naruto deep in the ribs. Naruto backed off quickly and covered his wound.

The leader then spoke "Hey asshole, I'm going to ask a simple question and depending on your answer, I may let you leave with a broken arm. So who is…"

"About to take you head off." a voice from behind the two thugs spoke and the two turned their back to see two clone popping out and kicking in the head, Knocking them out.

Naruto saw the Damage done and decided to make sure they didn't do anything else. He search though the leader and found a bit of Rope. He tied them all up in the tree upside down and prepared to leave. Only for the wound to start to catch up to him and he fainted


Naruto woke up in a room that only held a futon. Naruto got up from the bed and saw both Kan'u and Ryuubi beside him.

"Hi." Naruto said to both of them.

"You shouldn't move Naruto. Your wound was deep and I was surprise you could take on three fighters at once, even if they were from Yoshuu High." Kan'u complemented Naruto.

Naruto then said "It was nothing." and tried to get up again only for his wound to ach and him to reconcile in the pain.

Ryuubi then crawled over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and said "Lay down Naruto-san."

Kan'u then added "Yeah, You don't need to leave."

Naruto looked at Kan'u confused "What do you mean?" He asked Kan'u "I thought you wanted me out of here."

"Well considering you stopped an attempted attack on our school. I'm willing to give you a chance." Kan'u spoke to Naruto, but then added "But on three conditions. First, you are to help pull you weight around here and that means doing about anything either Ryuubi or me ask, OK." Kan'u asked.

Naruto nodded his head.

"Second, if you do anything that gives me a reason to kill you, trust me I shall." Kan'u put more anger in this one to make her point clear.

Naruto backed away slightly and muttered "Y-Y-Yes M-Madam."

Kan'u then said "Finally, get some new cloths and a couple of sheath for you swords."

Naruto looked confused "What?"

Kan'u then said "Your swords, their laying right next to you."

Naruto looked below him to see two swords laying on the floor.

Naruto then thought 'Where did those come from?'

A voice in his head rang "Those would be my gift to you."

'Hiryuu.' Naruto asked.

"Yes, Naruto it is me. Those sword were mine, but know they belong to you." Hiryuu spoke to Naruto.

'Why?' Naruto asked.

Hiryuu the explained "The war is approaching fast and you'll need all the help you can get, including weapons and a fighting style I will personal teach you. The swords will help as well."

Naruto then smiled and said "Thank you Hiryuu-sensei."

Hiryuu smiled as well and said "Your welcome Naruto."

With that Naruto left his head and quickly spoke to Kan'u "I Thank you, and I will do what ever you ask Ryuubi-san, Kan-san."

Kan'u then spoke "Naruto, it Kan'u Unchou, and your welcome."

Ryuubi cheered in happiness.

(Flashback End)

"That was the start to everything…" Naruto said out loud in his room "…the new beginning for me."

Naruto went to his desk, got his wallet and his cell phone and headed out.

Hello y'all

I know some of you are thinking, Why I'm starting a knew story here?

Well here's your answer. I Felt Like it.
(And I'm having a hard time writing out my first story.)

Also notice I don't know how things work in Ikki Tousen, Dragon's Destiny,
So I'll be making up the best I can with what I know.

I hope you can be patient with me and I will ensure you The Spirit of the Protector will get done.
