So, I'd post another random story...but I'm, like, literally dead. X_X

Iggy: -groans and lays back on bed- I'm stuffed...

Me: That's what happens when you eat half of Subway, Ig.

Iggy: Three-fourths.

Me: -facepalm- So, last night Iggy went off with Saint, Fang and Aragorn (because he got annoyed by me and Erica laughing constantly. And wanted to sleep with them.) and Erica stayed the night with me. It was beastly. We watched Dragon Tales at, like, one in the morning, then fell asleep watching Land Before Time. xD And today, while Ig was still with Saint, me, Erica, my mom and my little sister went to a waterfall that is close by with Vera and her mom. It was awesomesauce, such fun. xD

Iggy: How did that go?

Me: was basically awesome. I spent basically the entire day with Vera, and Erica. On the way to the hotel to meet up with them, we got McDonald's, so I got a frappe. Nice start to a long day. :P

Iggy: Dear God, I feel sorry for them.

Me: xD Theen, we drove to the falls and walked around, going to see the water fall and such. Which looked..nasty. xD It's been rainy, so the water was, like, brown and disgusting. But it still looked pretty cool. And the water was really high so all the beaches were covered. Except one small portion of one.

Iggy: Y'know what I did? I went to work with Saint and Fang...and Aggie.

Me: And you ate basically everything. I heard. -facepalm- Anyway, we also went on this trail...and almost died. X.X We hit a dead-end-type-thing and had to climb basically straight up. BUT I SURVIVED. All thanks to the balance bracelet my mom bought me at the store before we went on the trails. xD

Iggy: ...I feel sick...

Me: I'd say so. Then, we came back to my house...and Pooky barked at V. But she kept poking at him. And he kept hissing and barking and such. And she ate pizza. And she was in bed with my sister. xD Both fully clothed, btw. And, well, one's four, and I don't think V is a pedo, sooo.

Iggy: Wait, Vera was here and I missed her?

Me: ...did you just now catch that?

Iggy: Yeah...

Me: -facepalm- Well, she'll be here until Wednesday. Maybe you can something with Max and B'Ella or something. I dunno. Anyway, now I'm tired.

Iggy: I feel sick...oh, how'd your duet thing go?

Me: The duet? Oh yeah...we had bad intonation (as in, we were a half-step out of tune) and we didn't do all our dynamics, but we did everything else very well. Right notes, right rhythm, etc. Which, I think, is good for a 2nd year trumpet and Em's first time on soprano sax.

Iggy: Good job. -claps- -groans- -dies-

Me: ...-facepalm- Note to self: Keep Iggy away from Subway.

Iggy: I thought this was supposed to make you skinny and stuff.

Me: Not when you eat THREE-FOURTHS OF THE RESTAURANT! Bah. Anyway, just a raaandom update so you all can be jeaaalouuss 'cause I met V. :P Hahaha.


Me: -facepalm- Iggy...

Iggy: Sorry.

Me: Anyway, I have a question. Any of you like Glee? Well, what would you think if I posted a Glee/MR crossover fic? Would you read it? Do you think you'd like it? Do you think I should post it?

That's more than one question...but answer them all. Please and thank you?

And now, we must go. And...die...or something. xD

-Skits and Ig