Summary: Shadow has been invited to his cousin Amys house for a get together. After not being able to get out of such a request he reluctantly agrees. While he suspects that it is going to be a boring childish party like all of her many other occasions, a young male seems to catch his eye at this one. How will he react, and at what length will he go to have the young male for his own when he starts to desire for something more.

Pairings: KnuxShadow, a little bit of SonicxKnux, and whatever other pairings you seem to find.

Disclaimer: I do not own Knuckles or Shadow, or anyone else.

Shadow is 24, Vector is 24, Espio is 23, Knuckles age is unknown, Sonic is 21, Rouge is 20, Amy is 19, Tails is 16, Charmy is 14, Cream is 14

Warning: This fic contains homo-sexuality between guys, that are not human. So if you don't like Yaoi, then leave. Oh and tell me if you want me to continue because this is going to be a story about Shadow being a photographer and he wanted Knuckles to be his model, but I decided to start off slow so, Enjoy!

Also when I say Knuckles age is unknown it is because Knuckles existence on Angel Island isn't very much explained in the Sega Saga or the Sonic X series so, Knuckles could just possibly be kept alive with the power of the Master Emerald. Considering his tribe died off many many years ago in the past it's possible Knuckles could possibly be ancient and just kept young by the power of the Master Emerald.

That's just my thoughts on the subject matter. Keep in mind this chapter is re-written because my writing style has improved since this was posted. So if the next chapter is written worst then you know why. I will try to change all of them for my readers do not worry.

One of a Kind

Chapter 1

The beautiful full moon shined brightly in the night sky, gleaming light rays into his bedroom window. The gentle breeze of the cool night air flew through the curtains as they danced lightly in the quiet solitude of the room. A dark figure was gazing out into the night while the amorous glow from the moon complimented his piercing crimson eyes as they stared into nothingness. Sitting on the rail of his balcony the cold swift wind ran through his dark quills yet a shiver did not once stretch across his body. He sighed and closed his eyes attempting to ease his racing mind, but failing miserably. He was the type of person who probably had too many thoughts for his own good. But his line of focus was interrupted as he heard the phone in his house begin to utter that annoying racket.

With a grumble he reluctantly stood up and walked to the nightstand near his bed to answer the annoying object. "Hello?" Why'd he even bothered having a landline was lost to him.

"Shadow!" However when he heard the voice of the girl from the other line, his face broke into a small smile. 'Right, that's why.'

"Hello Amy."

"Hello to you! Long time no see stranger! Don't call, don't write, don't visit, don't send me any text messages; what am I that easy to forget about."

"I'm assuming you've been well then." As energetic as she sounded she must of been.

"Yes I have. GREAT actually! Though we've been busy over here lately, things have been quiet for quite awhile now. Meaning no saving Mobius business, just good ol me time!" Shadow chuckled.

"It's good to hear your voice again cousin."

"Ha really? You always complained about how you didn't like loud people."

"I'll make an exception for my flesh and blood."

"Much appreciated. Anyway, how have you been? Anything new coming along?"

"Not really. The studio is working on training a bunch of new hire employees. That and recruiting for their next magazine release. They're trying to get enough people in as possible before they declare to have a show anytime soon, which our manager has been going nuts over."

"Has he?"

"Least six people have quit in the past three weeks."

"Ouch! That sounds bad. Well your manager was always a hot head."

"Yeah, he is, but anyway Amy, not that I don't want to talk to you or anything, but would you mind telling me why you thought it was a good idea to call me at 3am in the morning."

"Oh Shadow, did I wake you? I'm so so sorry. I'll let you get back to sleep-"

"Calm down, I was only joking." He said grinning. "You know I don't sleep."

"What do you mean you don't sleep?! You should be taking care of yourself better!"

"I assure you, I'm taking care of myself to the best of my abilities."

"I'm not convinced."

"You never are."

"Hmpft! Well if you really must know, I called to deliver a message."

"A message? From who?"

"From me!"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course. What is this message?"

"I have a proposition for you."


"I'm inviting you to spend the weekend with me." Shadows brow rose.

"Oh... is that all-"

"And my friends."

"Not happening."

"Oh come on! You have too! For me atleast?! I haven't seen you in so long, and family are suppose to visit each other and do things like this."

"I can't even recall the last time you visited me."

"Because you moved and didn't even tell me!"

"Hmmm, touche." He smiled. It was always in Amy's character to care about him, even after their family had abandoned him. Amy was the only one who actually checked up on him and came to spend time with him every now and again.

"Just so you know, it's going to be a sleepover." His brow rose yet again.

"A sleepover? What are you, nine? Aren't we a bit too old for slumber parties?"

"What's wrong with slumber parties?!"

"Oh nothing, just the fact that no normal twenty four year old male would actually attend a slumber party. And by that I mean me."

"Well fine! So it's not a slumber party! But it can atleast be a little get together. I was planning on having a few friends over since it's been awhile since my group has gotten together. So I thought it'll be a great idea to invite you, because I know that... well you don't have many friends to talk to at all."


"And I know it's because well... you don't like people."


"But my friends are an exception to anything, trust me!" Shadow groaned. He was not liking this idea."You may even decide you like them! Well... a few of them anyway."

"I don't know." He honestly didn't like the idea of being crowded by a bunch of people. Though he had seen Amy and her friends on the news countless times, he was not sure he'd want to fit into such a... colorful group of people. "Must I?"

"Please Shaddy! Pretty please?"

"You will cease calling me that!"

"I'll call you Shaddy for the rest of your life if you say no."

He sighed. "Fine."

"Yes! You're not gonna regret it~" She said in a singsong voice. "Be around my house at 8:30 pm tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright, good night Amy"

"NIGHT Shadow!" Then the line went dead, Shadow hung up the phone with a soft thud, and sighed.

He was going to regret this. He was going to regret this sooooo much.




A loud grumble emmited from underneath the large blue comforter on the bed. Shakily, a tan arm stretched out to pick up the vibrating cellphone on the nightstand near him. Tired green eyes glanced at the caller I.D, before accepting the call and putting the phone on speaker. "What?" A sleepy Sonic answered.

"Good morning sunshine~!" The blue hedgehog groaned in annoyance.

"Amy... it's 10am." He whined.

"Exactly, and you were suppose to be up two hours ago. Why are you still in bed?" Sonic buried his face back into the pillow.

"What's the rush?"

"What do you mean what's the RUSH! Did you forget you need to check on the Chaotix to see if they're coming?"

"No, I didn't forget." He frowned. "I was going to check over there later. Not like it'll take much time for me do drop by. I run faster than a sports car remember." He said in a half yawn.

"Such a slacker. Abusing your speed so that you can be lazy whenever you wish. Also, while you're at it I want you to get in contact with Rouge, I seem to have lost her phone number. That or she's changed it for the billionth time."

"Alright. I'll get on it." He stretched. "Anything else, princess?"

"Yeah actually, one more thing."

"Lay it on me Ames."

"Just a suggestion really. But I'd like you to see if you can get Knuckles can possibly come too?" Sonic's head snapped up and he slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position on his knees.

"You want me to get Red? Why?" Sonic tilted his head. "You know he doesn't bother from coming down that Island if his. It's always 'I gotta guard the Master emerald' this or 'I got a responsibility' that." He said mimicking Knuckles. "He's gonna say no."

"Maybe if you ask nicely?"

"Yeah, still gonna stay no."

"Yeah you're right. Maybe I shouldn't send you to ask."

"Hey! What's wrong with me?!"

Amy rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, you can't possibly be asking me this. Out of everyone besides Rouge you're the only one who seems to enjoy popping out of nowhere on him and pestering him just for the fun of it. You literally get on his nerves on purpose." She grinned.

"I do not!"

"You do too! But that's besides the point. I'm going to be really busy today, so just... find a way to get him to come down."

"But... to see if he can come, don't I have to ask him?" He said in a confused voice.

"Oh no. You're not going to ask him, because if you do, all he gonna say is no, and you're gonna come home with a broken nose and black eye like last time."

Sonic pouted.

"I think we both know someone who can ask him so nicely he'll just have to say yes no matter how much he tries to get out of it."

"You mean..?"


Knuckles the echidna was relaxing on the Altar of the shrine, his legs crossed with his arm bent over his lap. His other arm resting on his thigh as he cradled his cheek with his hand, allowing his red dreadlocks to come sliding down over his shoulder. Due to the past years of growing and maturing Knuckles hair had grown quite a bit. However because of his increase in height they still manage to just stay seated right above his tail.

The red echidna was wearing black sweat panta that looked a little too big for him, and were kept up by the tie on his waist. While clothes weren't a necessity to begin with he'd gotten use to wearing them since he had to go to the city every now and again. But luckily this entire month he hadn't had the need to leave the island for any serious reason. Which meant it was his best month yet. He was perfectly content with sitting in the peaceful silence of his island for the rest of the day... that is until an all too familiar voice came shouting from the sky above him.

"Oh Mister Knuckles!" Knuckles opened his bright violet eyes and jerked his cheek out of his hand. Out of all people he probably would had expected to fly up to his island, Cream was probably the last on his list. Knuckles lightly smiled and lazily waved a hand to greet her.

"Well look who it is; flying out on your own nowadays huh? And here of all places." Cream smiled and flattened her ears once she was above him and landed swiftly onto Knuckles lap. The echidna caught a bit off guard quickly moved his arms out the way so that the her landing wouldn't completely fail. The next thing he felt was two arms hugging his chest tightly.

"I missed you! It's been six months since our last get together." She blinked. "You look a bit different. Did you get taller?" Knuckles shrugged a bit and returned the rabbits hug.

"Not that much. Probably an inch or two" Since Cream was now considered a teenager, her whole appearance had somewhat changed. She had red pearly hair ties around her ears, and a small yellow bang of hair coming down her face, along with a red headband. She was wearing a red and gold sweat suit, along with some red sneakers to go along with it. "How have you been?" Creams eyes brightened up.

"I've been great! My mommy met this new guy recently. He's very sweet and has a chao like mine named LittleStar. He's also played in quite a-lot of old movies!" She shouted, practically bouncing.

"Really now?" He didn't know much about movies and actors but he figured it must be something pretty important.

"Mhm, his name is Anthony Boomer."

"No way."


"Well aren't you a lucky camper."

The rabbit giggled. "That's what Sonic said. Oh, also I've recently found out the high school that I enrolled on accepted me! I'm gonna be going to Julia High School for Girls! Isn't that GREAT!"

"It sure is. Congratulations. I know you've worked hard for it."

"Thank you!" Cream was practically beaming out rainbows, caught up in her own excitement. It was nice to know she hadn't really changed much even though the group has been seeing less of her around. Vanilla had no problem with Cream helping out her friends with fighting Eggman and other enemies, but she was still very young to be on the battle field. It was normal for a parent to want their daughter to live a safe life.

She still came on missions whenever she could, but only if the group deemed it be something that wasn't utterly life threatening.

"It's almost like just yesterday you were 9 years old. Now you're already going to high school. I'm sure the entire group is really proud of you." He said, petting her head. Cream smile widened. She had missed being with her "big brother". But then, she remembered exactly what she came here for, and decided to put her and Amy's plan in motion.

"Hey Knuckles?" Knuckles raised a brow.

"Yeah, what is it?"

Cream begin lightly fidgeting with the bow around Cheese's neck. "You know you really shouldn't stay up here all by yourself all the time, and that you're always welcome too-"

"Come down and be spend time with all of you. Yes, yes, I know. You tell me that every time you come to visit me." He grinned. "You shouldn't be worrying over me so much you know. I'm older and has had plenty of time to grow use to being on my own. It's not so bad." Cream looked up at him, putting her hands on her lap.

"But don't you ever get lonely?" Knuckles thought for a moment before answering.

"Well I suppose I do get lonely sometimes, but I've learned to live with it. And besides, just because I'm up here by myself doesn't mean I forget that I have people that care about me. Even if I can't see them everyday." He said with a small grin on his face. Cream smiled but then a impish pout made its way to that innocent face.

"Why is it that you're so nice to me, but you act all rough towards everyone else?" Knuckles darted around as if he was thinking about that question.

"You're alot like a little sister to me. You remind me a lot about my little sister." Cream eyes widened.

"You have a little sister?" She asked excitedly.

"Well... I had a little sister." He reminded her casually. Cream gasped. That's right, she had forgot that Knuckles family had passed a long time ago.

"Oh Knuckles, I'm so-" The echinda turned towards her and smiled.

"Don't worry about it Cream, there's no harm done" He patted her hair. "Besides, I only remember her to the slightest extent. However much the Master Emerald allows me to remember."

She blinked. "Oh? Does the Master Emerald hold alot of your memories?" He nodded.

"Yeah. There are things that me myself can't remember because it was such a long time ago.. but the Master Emerald never forgets." She nodded, grasping onto whatever part of that made sense to her.

"Do you remember her name?"

"Not really... but she had big brown eyes like yours; and was just as sweet." Creams smile stretched back on her face.

"Did you have any more siblings.

"Yeah, I was actually the second youngest of the group."

"Oh! How many did you have!?" Knuckles nodded and put a hand to his chin, eyes squinting as if he was deep in thought.

"Two brothers and one sister I believe. They were alot older than me."

"You must had looked up to them." She commented. Imagining a bunch of older echidna's bickering with a bad-tempered Knuckles seemed like a very cute scenario. "Do you miss them?" She asked. Knuckles grin turned into a very small smile.

"Every now and again I guess." Cream then decided-'Time to strike'

"Hey! I have an idea!" She said bolting up out of Knuckles lap. The echidna eyes narrowed in confusion.

"What?" It was then he found his hands grabbed and was hauled to his feet. Whoa, who knew the bunny could be that strong already.

"You should come with me to Amys sleepover tonight!" Knuckles eyes went so wide he could feel his eye twitch.

"You want me to wha...?" Cream smiled wider and started to float in the air by using her ears, with a sparkle in her eye.

"Come to Amys sleepover! It's gonna be fun! Everyone is going to be there, and there will be games, dancing, food and a whole lot of other stuff too." Knuckles cocked his head to the side and blinked.

"A sleepover...? Really?" Weren't they a bit old for sleepovers? "I don't think that's a good idea. I haven't seen the others in a while, and plus I need to watch the master..."

"Please? Please Knuckles!" She jumped up and hugged him around his neck. "Everyone wants to see you. We all miss you so much, that we thought you forgot about us." Tears began to form in the corner on her eyes. Knuckles let out a choked panicky noise.

"H-Hey hey! Calm down alright. I didn't forget about anyone!" He said petting her head trying to get her to halt the waterworks. Crying kids freaked him out... crying GIRLS were even worst. A reluctant sigh left his lips. "Alright, alright. I'll go tonight." Cream looked up and smile at him.

"Really!" He shrugged and nodded. "YAY!" She flew around happily hugging Cheese as they both cheered. "I'm going to tell Amy right away!" Knuckles tried to hide his displeasure with a slight twitch in his eye.

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled." In the most convincing voice he could.

"Make sure you're there by 8:30 tonight, okay? Though you can take as much time as you need. You do live the farthest away."

"Yeah, sure Cream. I'll get there."

A bright smile lit up her face. Seems like her mission was accomplished. "Alright, I have to go get ready. Bye bye Mister Knuckles! See you in a few hours!" And there she went, flying off in the exact direction she came. Knuckles waved as she disappeared away, and once she was out of sight, he sighed.

"How am I gonna get out this one?"

Attention, this chapter was sloppily re-written on 3/29/2014.

If the chapters after this are more sloppy I sincerely apologize. They will be delt with as soon as possible.