Reviews for One of a Kind
Guest chapter 11 . 4/5
The way you write the characters is so much fun to read. I’m not sure if your still writing any more stories but I look forward to a new page or idea from you. I can’t wait to see what gonna happen next when Roka meets up with Knuckles again.
Anonymous chapter 11 . 3/29
Are you going to continue this?
LaliSuoh chapter 1 . 3/5
Hi, new comment. I’ve probably read this story like over 100 times now due to how well written and .. erotic it is.

This story is the very reason why I even like this pairing.

One of my guilty pleasures, really.

I don’t really see a lot of FanFic on these two which is I always come back to this story. Their characters are so on point and go so well with each other. Everything about this whole story is phenomenal! From the story telling to the dam grammar. Plus, I love me some good old 18 (sexy) content. Very explicit
XxMetalSonicxX chapter 2 . 2/1
Rip Knuckles and Shadow
XxMetalSonicxX chapter 1 . 2/1
Me and Knuckles are like twins,
I'm Stubborn like a rock
He's stubborn like a rock
I hate leaving certain places
He hates leaving Angel Island
I protect stuff and never leave it
He never leaves The chaos emeralds and The Master Emerald
Plus he is my favorite Sonic Character
not even lieing even tho my name is Metal Sonic I always play as Knuckles for something :D
NaNaChan95 chapter 11 . 12/23/2018
I fell behind on my reading again and was hoping there'd be an update when I came back to ffn again. I'm so happy there was. Can't wait to see what kinda traitor Roka's gonna be and I'm so looking forward to this Sonic and Shadow confrontation.
Failsona chapter 11 . 10/6/2018
Holy fuck balls it's back! It's back its back its back! It's like Slim Shady! It's friggen back!
I friggen loved this story, and the devastation was real when the updates stopped. So glad you came back to it! I love me some lurv triangles!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
thiefkingaf chapter 11 . 8/28/2018
Fuck yess.
Guest chapter 11 . 8/21/2018
ill give ya your fifty dollars when u fix that typo about "knuckles SHITTING in shadows lap" lmfao!
but omg DEO I WAS LIKE DAYUM when u literally posted in immediatly after i messaged u. cuz i was thinking "shes prob busy...shes not gonna read this" THEN BAM!
Guest chapter 10 . 8/20/2018
Ricky chapter 10 . 10/25/2016
I really love how this story is going can u continue it pretty plzzzzzzz?
Ricky chapter 10 . 10/25/2016
When are u gonna continue this story is it cancelled ?
Guest chapter 10 . 12/14/2015
More :3
Guest chapter 10 . 6/21/2015
You're knuxadow stories are too amazing to leave! 'Sides, I really the lemon, and I'm yearning to read it :Y But the story is soooo good. They're aren't that many Knuxadow stories as good as this one. I just got into this ship, and your storied make me love it even moooore. EEE- I'm sorry, I just really want the next chapter. I'll beg if I have to!
NaNaChan95 chapter 10 . 4/17/2015
God I love this story. One of the best damn knuxadows I ever read 3
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