Chapter one

On a dark crystal like night, with snow freshly fallen in a soft powder. The world was icy and cold. Icicles hanging from the tree limbs. The moon hitting it just right to make it feel like an icy rainbow of joy surrounding you. Surrounded by snowy pines. Only one creature stirs. A lone fox. An Albino fox. It walks silently in this wondrous land of snow. It is no more than a few weeks old with soft fur. It runs out of the forest.

It is now in a village. Covered in freshly fallen snow. No one is out. All are sleeping in their warm soft beds. The fox runs to a trash can and begins to get food for its brothers and sisters. When it hears a sound. Without fear it gets closer, it sees an abandoned baby. A human baby, yet a baby none the less. Without thinking. It picks it up gently. Careful not to drop it or the blanket. It takes off in a quick run. It does not look back.

Entering its den, it drops the baby in front of its mother. Its hair is blonde and has three marks on both of its cheeks.

"Mother, I know Daiki has just died, and I know nothing could replace him but, this baby needs your milk. If it isn't fed soon, it will die," said the young fox.

"It's a human. Humans only kill us and take our home from us, you know that Kaito," said the female fox.

"But Mom!" yelled Kaito, "He needs you now; I'll make sure he never knows."

"Very well then Kaito," she said pulling the baby toward her and the other young foxes suckling on her warm milk.

10 years later

"Nobuyuki!" yelped a fox. A human boy turned a round. He was covered in rust and blood making all but his face chest and hair red. He was on a cliff facing a village.

"Nobuyuki! What did I tell you about coming here?" growled the older fox.

"I'm sorry Kaito Nee-Chan, I was just curious that's all," explained Nobuyuki. He explained it in growls, barks, whines, and snarls.

"Well I… Get down!" he barked. They both jumped behind bushes.

"And this kids is the top of the great Hokage faces. This is where the first four Hokages will always be remembered in Konoha," said a voice.

"Stay quiet kit, and don't move a muscle, these are the humans I've warned you about," explained Kaito. Nobuyuki looked at their feet. They were black and blue, with something hiding their fur from the world. It was bagging and was in colors he had never seen before, as was their legs, sandy to pasty white. Nobuyuki saw lots of them, relative to his size. He was much bigger than most foxes though and could understand how they could bring such destruction to their little home. He could not stand to see any of his siblings or parents be killed by such horrid monsters.

Squirrel Girl: Well I hope you guys like it. This will not be a crack fic but hopefully you guys will love it all the same. ;-) Take care and don't get hurt doing anything stupid. (Waves good bye) Please review!