Shinigami Yagami Raito

Summary: The moment Yagami Raito killed his first victim with the Death Note, he died. Only problem; he never noticed that.

Pairing/s: None.

Warnings: Totally different story. Raito out of character, Ryuuku different, many things different.

Disclaimer: Don't own Death Note. If I had owned Death Note, L would never have died, and neither would Raito.


Chapter Six

Raito hovered behind Ryuuku and Sayu, invisible but a comforting presence for the girl. They were walking towards the place for the sacrifices, Sayu holding hard in Ryuuku's arm, keeping herself close to him. Misa was close by with Rem, but Sayu could not see them.

"Alright, I think I'm going to check the area out," Raito said to them. "Sayu, keep close to Ryuuku."

She nodded faintly and Ryuuku drew her a bit closer as the crowds began to become thicker. Raito sprung up in the air, feeling weightless and wondering just a bit why he did not need any wings. But it was fun to run in the air anyway. He sprinted off.


Ryuuku looked around the people and muttered out:

"They sure look crazy the whole lovely bunch of them…"

Sayu held his arm harder, nodding.

"It's like… they're not even here," she whispered. "You know… they're dead inside."

"At least their eyes are," the Shinigami said. "The show is going to start soon, we have to stop it."


"Well, I guess I have to do something drastic," Ryuuku said. "But before that, we need to find a safe spot for you until the time's ready. I don't want anything to happen to you."

As he began to look around, Sayu felt the people coming closer. Her heart speeded up, thumping wildly in her chest as her eyes grew wet. She didn't like the looks people wore. She tugged at Ryuuku's arm a bit, trying to push herself closer to the Shinigami. But hands grabbed her arms and someone screamed:

"I know her! Know her face! She knows those who try to bring Kira-sama down!"

As her hands were ripped from his arm, Ryuuku turned and made a grab for her but was pushed back. Sayu screamed.


"We can't just grab her with that fucker holding a gun to her head."

Raito was vibrating in anger even as he knew Ryuuku was telling the truth. He had made himself appear again, making sure no one saw that and now stood with Ryuuku and Misa, Rem hovering over them. She watched Sayu intently, making sure to try calming the girl down with her presence. So far it was working rather well, Sayu only looked at the Shinigami and knew her brother was close-by.

Misa held Raito's arm and said:

"The police will come soon."

The two nodded, knew that. There was no way L wouldn't figure it out fast when he heard the subtle threat to Soichiro's children. Still, they had to make sure Soichiro would come to see Raito dead, or dying. With those idiots taking Sayu, that plan had been made a bit more complicated.

"What should we do?" Misa asked.

"I know what we should do," Raito said as he heard sirens closing in. "I'll push through, get up on stage, and you guys have to make sure he shoots me as he pushes Sayu aside. Then Rem gives the signal to Sayu and make sure she won't get hurt."

Rem nodded, hearing it from the air, and Ryuuku and Misa nodded as well.


Soichiro and L were out the car first, saw the packed place and then…

"Sayu!" Soichiro screamed.

The girl was standing on the stage, a man holding a gun to her head. There were tracks of tears on her face; she was almost lax in his grip, staring right ahead of her. They could see her body trembling lightly, her lips quivering and Soichiro saw red.


The Kira-fans began shouting, preparing to attack them when the police saw a figure break through the crowd, fighting off those who tried to grab him, and he ran up the stairs to the stage.

"Raito!" This time, it was L.

As in trance they watched the man turn his gun towards the teen, Raito stopping and beginning to raise his arms to protect himself before a single gunshot ran out through the place. Everyone stopped, turned, tried to see what their 'leader' had shot.

"Onii-chan!" Sayu screamed.

The teen went down on his knees, red wetness staining his shirt and Raito felt it bubble up his throat and out his mouth. It didn't hurt, a more tickling sensation went through him and he fell backwards. They would replace his body any moment now with one Ryuuku had managed to get a hold of, changing to look like him and then he would show up as Kira. Perfect.

It was not so comfortable landing though, his head snapping back at the steps and then he had to lie still. How cruel wasn't that?

"Onii-chan!" He felt Sayu drop down, couldn't look at her or say anything until she had lifted up his head.

Now she did it, pressed it into her arms, hugging his head tightly and he spoke quietly:

"I'm fine, Sayu, perfectly fine, it's all okay. I'm gonna be replaced any minute now, don't be scared, just keep holding on, you're doing great."

She nodded into his neck, hot tears spilling down her cheeks.

"It's okay," he said one last time and was then pulled away.

Sayu now held a body way too still, and looked into the face. Looked like Raito, had his eyes but the eyes were empty, dead. Okay. Time for some serious acting skills. She prepared, then pressed the body's head closer and screamed:


"Look!" the leader shouted to the sky. "Look, Kira-sama! The first victim, just for you! Kira-sama!"

The policemen and L had already called for back-up and fought with the masses, trying to push through with guns raised, shots being fired into the air. Some of the people ran off, scared they might get accidently shot. Others ran right at the policemen, screaming and a wild glint in their eyes.

"Time for it," Ryuuku said to Raito. "You ready?"


Misa and Rem was amongst the crowd, Misa pushing people aside to reach Sayu and the body, Rem pushing aside those Misa couldn't quite manage. Raito was now in his real look, with the white hair but now also dressed in white, and he took a deep breath before his red eyes watched the crazy crowd. Ryuuku had gotten down in the mass as well, weaving through to follow Misa.

He walked out in the air and made himself visible. Someone screamed and pointed, and soon everyone was looking at him.


L stared at the young man standing in the freaking air, and wondered if it was a joke. How had they managed it though? Nothing that could hold him up was nearby, and it really looked like he was just standing there.

Those red eyes freaked him out more than he thought it would and then those fixed on him.

Raito gently walked down and the crowds made way as his feet gently touched the ground. He walked towards the stage, ignoring everything and everyone, heard his father and the others push through the crowds to get there. Too late though, for the plans had already been accomplished.

He stepped up the stage's stairs, and Sayu looked up, tear-stricken face. Coming to a stop next to her, he kneeled down and strokes her hair away from her red face.

"Let him go," he said softly. "You cannot do anything for him anymore."

"But… but…" she wept. "I can't… who are you anyway?"

"My real name shall not be mentioned to humans, but according to you humans I am Kira."

His voice rang out clearly, and the crowds stared at him, stared at their God. He looked over the sea of people, and finally the police came to the stage, guns ready. He rose up and said:

"And it seems… like my idiocy has cost more than lives, but also the sanity of people."

"What idiocy, Kira-sama?" the guy on the stage. "We live to serve you, Kira-sama! We sacrificed that brat for you!"

Raito turned to look at the body again, then whirled around and snatched the man around the neck.

"You murdered a child," he hissed, yet all heard. His voice echoed, his eyes burned. "You took away a child from his mother and father! Cannot you see what you have done? Cannot you see those tears the girl sheds, the tears she lets fall to her brother?!"

He lifted the man up, made him start choking and screamed outright:

"Your name should also be Kira!"

Raito then threw him down on the ground. He closed his eyes, as if in pain before looking at Sayu. It did hurt seeing her cry, even if he knew they were fake.

"Don't move!" Soichiro shouted. "We'll shoot!"

Raito looked over at the man, smiled a bit and said:

"Where I come from, guns are useless."

Soichiro fired before L could yell at him. Raito saw the bullet move in slow-motion to him, knew he had more than enough to dodge but he had to make his point clear.

It entered his chest and went out his back, a clean and straight shot from a steady hand. Raito did not flinch while the crowd of fanatic Kira-fans did. He looked down at his chest, saw the blood trickle down his white clothes and sighed.

"The clothes were new," he told Soichiro gently. "But then again, I can't exactly tell you to act nice. I have created chaos enough."

"Chaos? This world needs you, Kira-sama!" Somewhere from the crowd.

"I swear, I hear Kira-sama one more time," Raito growled underneath his breath and then raised his voice, "I'm not a saviour!"

The crowd flinched, backed away at hearing their 'lord's' harshness and he glared at all he could find before continuing:

"You're looking at a monster! A murderer! Hell, a sinner! I'm not here to save the world. I lost myself, and had not my friend pulled me back to my rightful mind… I would have killed this world."

Raito walked forward, into the air again and planted his feet shoulder-length apart. Time for the going-away-act.

"This is the end," he said, held out his arms, and with the help of Ryuuku and Rem the whole area exploded in light, the screaming of thousands of tortured souls made all the glass nearby to shatter, and the people held their hands to their ears tightly.

And so it came to pass, that the worst killer in mankind vanished.



"This sucks."

Raito glanced over at Ryuuku, ignored him. The older Shinigami saw this and made sure to sigh, loudly. Raito continued to read the paper.


"Ryuuku, what is it?"

"They don't have apple pie," Ryuuku whined.

"You and your damn apple are definitely going to be the death of me," Raito muttered.

"Too late; you're already dead!"

"Smartass. It was a metaphor."

"A what?"

"… Never mind. Where the hell is that brat?"

"Well, she was coming here with Misa. You know Misa."

"God the horror of shopaholic-girls, I swear to God or whoever if Misa tries to turn Sayu into one of them---"

Ryuuku couldn't help but laugh and Raito glared at him. They were seated at a café in a mall, waiting to meet up with Misa and Sayu. Raito was currently under the identity of Raya, friend of Ryuuku and who had introduced Raya to the two girls two months after Raito's 'death'.

It had been close to a year now. Soichiro was now a friend of L's, the detective calling whenever he had the chance and visited when he was in Japan. L had met Raya a few times; first time Sayu had dragged him forth to the detective, introduced L as a family friend and Raya as a cool dude. The Shinigami had had the grace to blush.

"There they are."

Raito turned his head and saw the two girls come running. Rem was hovering above them, scanning the crowds for any possible threat. That Shinigami really was paranoid.

"Sorry!" Sayu said as they came. "We found this wonderful shop; we have to go back there later, please, please, please?"

"Alright, alright," Raito said as he folded the newspaper. "Can you at least sit down and breathe for a minute or two?"

"Apple pie," Ryuuku whined pathetically. Raito hit him over the head with the folded paper. "Ouch!" He glared at the teen who turned back to read the last of it while Sayu's hand came to rub at Ryuuku's head. "At least one of you Yagamis is nice."

Sayu laughed. Misa ordered coffee and at least ten different desserts, a bubble of joy and chatting about this and that thing she had found, a nice top Sayu really should have bought, jewellery she wanted to have, that ring was so cute, her ponytails bouncing with the way her head moved back and forth, her entire being glowing with happiness.

Ryuuku and Raito found themselves staring at her and both had to wonder why wasn't she running out of air already while Rem blinked down at the girl. Only Sayu didn't seem to think it was odd.

And so their day continued.


I know, abrupt ending and short chapter, but whatever inspiration I had for this story have vanished, and this is the best I could do because I refused to just lay it down! So there you have it, I couldn't resist a happy ending!

Hope you enjoyed!

Until another time,

