Disclaimer:- Some of the characters and places belong to Squaresoft Enix – the rest belongs to me.
A/N: Helllo, well I have been watching the new series of Dollhouse and think this is a really good idea for a story. So here is just a flavour of the new story in progress..JD
Balamb Dollhouse
How many times had he followed the same dead end leads? In all honesty, he had lost count. How could he prove that this place truly existed and not just a fantasy tale made up by some guys in a pub? Would he be anything more than just a laughing stock to all those at the bureau? All he had was a picture. One single picture of a girl about aged eighteen. Dark long black hair with a couple of gold highlighted streaks at either side. She had a heart shaped face, set with deep brown eyes and had a light coloured complexion. Dressed in a pal blue t-shirt and black cycling shorts.
'Nice legs though! ..Hell nice everything!' He thought.
Only a first name was written on the back of the picture 'Rinoa'.