A/N: I really never expected my very first posting under this penname would be a bit of slash-fiction...but a good friend of mine was depressed, and I wanted to brighten her day. Who am I to argue when she tells me a little Harry/Seamus action would make her smile? Besides...it was a lot easier to write than that Neil Armstrong/Buzz Aldrin slashfic she and I had been joking about writing!

So...this is dedicated to the always delightful HopelessRomantic79. I hope your happy! ;-)

I was in the middle of working on another story when I dropped everything and started writing this. It took me just about two hours to write, so if it seems rushed...that might be why. I don't know how well this is going to go over since I've never written a Harry/Seamus fic before. So, if you're so inclined, read it and then let me know what you think. All I want is to make my friend happy...if anyone else enjoys it, too, well...that's like icing on the cake.

Disclaimer: These characters belong to J.K. Rowling and I really hope she can forgive me for what I made them do! It wasn't my idea!! Honestly!!

Warning: This story contains scenes of underage sex...and it may not be palatable to everyone. Sorry for that.

Taken to Task

Harry Potter was exhausted. The second task of the Triwizard Tournament had taken a lot out of him. Despite the Pepper-Up Potion Madam Pomfrey had given him, by the time Harry reached the Gryffindor common room, all he wanted to do was collapse into his bed and sleep until 24 June, when the third and final task would take place.

When he finally dragged himself away from the mass of Gryffindor students dying to congratulating him on tying for first place with Cedric Diggory, Harry was bone-weary and dead on his feet. He barely reached his four-poster in the Fourth Year boys' dorm before falling into a deep sleep.

He wasn't sure how long he was out, but Harry's sleep was eventually disturbed by the feeling of someone gently stroking the messy black hair away from his face and softly caressing his cheek. The feeling was somewhat arousing, and the part of him that was still asleep thought of Cho Chang.

Harry felt the bed move; it dipped down on the side as if someone had just sat down on the edge. He opened his eyes, but without his glasses his vision was blurry at best; and in the darkened room, his chances of making out anything but a fuzzy shadow were slim.

When the caressing hands moved from his face to his robes and began unsnapping them, though, Harry became alert and shot a hand out to his nightstand in search of his glasses.

"Who's there?" Harry asked, his voice cracking as he felt his robes being opened. He caught hold of his glasses and wand and cast a quick Lumos spell to see who his late night visitor was, "Seamus?!"

"Hiya, Harry," Seamus said, smiling at him, "You went to bed in your wet robes…you'll catch your death if you don't get out of 'em."

"Uh…wuh-where's Ron?" Harry asked nervously as the Irish boy's hands moved up and began unbuttoning his shirt, "Where are Dean and Neville?"

"They're all down in the common room still," Seamus said, his voice oddly soft, "I saw you come up here and decided to check on you. Good thing I did, too…you need out of these wet things."

When his fingers had finished unbuttoning Harry's shirt, Seamus moved his hand to Harry's belt. As he nimbly unbuckled the leather strap, the other boy's hand brushed against Harry's prick which, to Harry's dismay, was getting harder by the minute.

"Shuh-Seamus…I can undress myself," Harry squeaked, feeling unable to move, as though he'd been petrified.

"Nonsense, Harry…you're exhausted," Seamus said with a smile, "Besides…there's nothing to be embarrassed about, is there? We're mates, aren't we? And we're both blokes…I don't reckon there's anything you've got that I haven't seen before."

But Harry was embarrassed…embarrassed by the fact that he was quickly becoming fully erect while being undressed by one of his dorm-mates…one of his male dorm-mates. It was all quite enough to freak the young teenager out. And when the belt was undone fully and Harry's pants were unbuttoned and unzipped, the Boy-Who-Lived wanted to jump up out of his bed and run for the hills…but he couldn't move…or he didn't want to move. It was all very confusing.

"Lift up, Harry," Seamus said, once again 'accidentally' brushing against Harry's erection, "Let's get this shirt and these robes off, yeah?"

As if his body was acting of its own accord, Harry sat up and Seamus gently pushed, first the black school robes, then the white uniform shirt down off Harry's shoulders. He then slowly stroked his fingers up Harry's arms, leaving gooseflesh in their wake.

"What're you doing, Seamus?" Harry asked, his mouth dry as he noted the tender way Seamus was looking at him.

"Just making sure to get the circulation going in your arms, Harry…that's all," Seamus replied, and he continued to stroke his fingers up and down Harry's arms. Harry jumped a bit when Seamus' hands then began stroking over his chest and down his stomach.

"Seamus…" Harry gasped, not knowing what to do.

"It's amazing how riding a ruddy broom can build muscle," Seamus remarked, smiling, "You were a puny little runt when we first met…you're still small, mind you, but you've definitely built up muscle-tone. Has Granger seen this?"

"What? Hermione? Why would she?" Harry asked, perplexed, "We're only friends…and I'm not of the habit of running around topless around her."

"What about Parvati?" Seamus asked, stroking the planes of Harry's stomach, "You took her to the Ball…"

"Obviously, you didn't see how the evening ended," Harry grimaced.

"I know Ron's seen you like this," Seamus said, looking longingly at Harry; his voice held a note of jealousy, "Besides living together here in the dorm, you two share a bedroom during the summers, don't you?"

"Yeah…why? Seamus…what are you doing?" Harry asked more sternly now as Seamus' hands continued to give him goosebumps and make him more than a bit uncomfortable.

"Warming you up," Seamus said matter-of-factly, "Lift up…"

Harry didn't know why he listened to the boy who was making him feel very weird right now, but he did as he was told and lifted his bum up off the bed enough for Seamus to finish removing his robes and to remove his trousers as well. Harry was now in nothing but his very tented boxer shorts.

Seamus looked at Harry with a very wolfish gleam in his eye before looking down at the tented underwear, licking his lips. He hooked his fingers into the waistband and started to tug.

"Almost there Harry…lift once more for me, yeah?"

Harry's breathing was coming in shallow ragged breaths. He had no idea why he was complying like this. He'd never let anyone strip him naked before…let alone a bloke. At the thought of a bloke undressing him, however, Harry felt a trickle of something wet escape the tip of his erect prick and a slight wet-spot appeared on the white pinstriped boxers he wore.

Seamus tugged and Harry lifted and with a whisk and a flourish, he was completely naked and exposed for the first time to Seamus' admiring gaze.

"There now," Seamus said, reaching out and stroking Harry's thigh in a comforting manner, "Like I said…nothing I've not seen before. Now, your man Weasley…something tells me he's got quite the plonker…what with those big hands and feet, and that long nose. Have you seen it?"

"Uh…no…not really," Harry said nervously, shaking his head. He started wondering if Ron did have a big plonker…and the thought made his own plonker twitch and leak a bit more fluid.

"Shame…I bet it's really something. You think Granger's seen it?" Seamus asked, his fingers moving further up Harry's thigh.

"Why would she? They're only friends…" Harry gave Seamus a confused look.

"Weasley and Granger are more then friends," Seamus laughed, "Maybe they just haven't figured it out yet. But mark my words, Harry…those two are going to be together sooner or later."

"Ron and Hermione?" Harry laughed, "That's ridiculous!"

"Stranger things have happened," Seamus said, smiling knowingly as his fingers started to tug lightly at the thicket of black pubic hair surrounding Harry's five-inch cock.

Harry closed his eyes and moaned as Seamus' hand came so close to his hard-on, and he found himself mentally urging the Irish boy to continue…to grab it. Harry's eyes flew open as Seamus' hand slipped ever so lightly around the pulsing shaft of his dick, his other moving up to stroke Harry's stomach and chest.

"Let Granger have Weasley and his horse-cock," Seamus smiled, enclosing his finger fully around the shaft of Harry's cock and slowly stroking from the base to the tip, "This little Firebolt right here looks perfect to me."

"Ohhhh…!" Harry closed his eyes as his body was engulfed in pleasure. He never would have thought he'd be here…doing this…not with Seamus, surely. There was a part of him…now that Seamus shined a light on it…that considered this sort of intimacy with Ron…but he didn't think Ron would respond properly. Ron may've only recently discovered Hermione was a girl, but he definitely knew it now. Better to do this sort of thing with someone willing…someone who apparently knew what they were doing…someone like… "Seamus…that feels…ohhhhh!!!"

"Feels good, yeah?" Seamus' voice was thick with lust. He squeezed his hand a little tighter around Harry's cock causing the dark-haired boy to buck up off the bed, fucking his dick through Seamus' tight fist. Seamus used his free hand to toy with Harry's nipples, causing them the stiffen as he tugged first on one, then the other, "Feeling warm yet, Harry?"

"Yes…God yess!" Harry hissed, continuing to buck his hips up off the bed. Wanking never felt this good…the feel of another boy's hands on his body made all the difference, "Oh, Seamus!"

"Be as loud as you like, mate," Seamus said as he started pumping faster on Harry's prick, "I've Silenced the room."

"Guh-good!" Harry stuttered as he fucked up and down into Seamus' hand, "Oh…blimey…ohhhh fuck!"

"Want me to make you feel better, Harry?" Seamus purred, running his thumb over the tip of Harry's prick, coating it in the slick pre-cum leaking from the slit, "I can make this even better for you."

"Yes…yes…oh, yes, Seamus!" Harry was shuddering as he bucked up and down. He was out of control and wanted to come so badly.

"Calm down first, Harry," Seamus laughed, "You come too fast and all our fun is over."

"Suh-sorry," Harry panted, trying to refrain from any more fuck-motions.

"Lie down…stretch out…relax," Seamus said in a very soothing, lilting voice. Harry did as he was told. "Good boy…now…try not to move your hips up, yeah? You'll choke me."

"O-okay, I'll…wait…I'll what?!" Harry's eyes flew open as Seamus' words registered at the precise moment that Harry felt the tip of his penis engulfed by something wet and warm and soft, "Ohhhhhhh…Seamusssssss!"

Harry closed his eyes and dug his head into the pillow beneath him. Stars were swimming in the blackness behind his eyelids and his whole body was on fire. Nothing had ever felt like this…not wanking…not letting Seamus wank him…not even the feeling of a broom vibrating to try and throw him off, like it had during a First Year Quidditch match. This was different…this was heaven!

Seamus made soft sucking sounds as he worked his lips and tongue over Harry's cock taking the entirety of the boy's organ in his mouth. With his left hand, the sandy-haired boy gently cupped and squeezed Harry's balls while his right stroked playfully through the pubic hair around the base of his cock.

Seamus started to hum and moan as his tongue danced over the head of Harry's prick and his tasetbuds came alive with the meaty, musky flavor of boy-cock and the slick saltiness of pre-cum. He bobbed his head up and down, sucking hungrily on Harry's member, anxious to make the Boy-Who-Lived the Boy-Who-Came.

"Shay-Shay-Seamus!!" Harry gasped as he felt a familiar tingling sensation somewhere at the back of his balls. His entire prick seemed to feel it building up…like he was coming close to a point where there would be no turning back, "Y-you're making me…making me cum, Seamus!!"

"Mmmmmm!!!" Seamus moaned sucking harder, his cheeks caving in as he tried to draw the semen straight up out of Harry's dick like it was a big straw. He move his mouth up so that only the tip was between his lips now and he snaked his tongue over the head, digging into the weeping slit over and over as he pumped the shaft up and down with his hand.

The sucking on the tip, the pumping of the shaft, the squeezing of his balls…and the incredible movements of Seamus' talented tongue…combined to drive Harry over the edge. He moaned, he panted, he gasped, and finally as the orgasm he was building too overtook him, Harry cried out and bucked his hips up off the bed as thick ropes of cum shot forth from his cock into the hungry, waiting mouth of Seamus Finnegan.

Once, twice, three times the thick, heavy blasts of cum erupted from Harry's prick-tip, and each time Seamus swallowed it down and sucked harder, squeezing and stroking Harry's shaft to milk as much of the rich, salty spunk from the black-haired boy's balls as possible.

Before Harry realized it, it was over. He collapsed back onto the bed, covered in sweat. His limp cock slipped out from between Seamus' lips and lay wetly on his own thigh. He was out of breath and trying desperately to catch it.

So stunned by the moment was Harry, that he didn't even notice Seamus move up over him and lean in to kiss him. It was Harry's first kiss, and as he felt the Irish boy's tongue press insistently against his lips, Harry welcomed it.

He could taste himself…salty and musky…on Seamus tongue. When Seamus broke the kiss he sat up and smiled down at Harry who still felt too stunned to move.

"You enjoyed yourself, yeah?" Seamus asked, smiling brightly.

"That was…that was…amazing!" Harry panted.

"Glad to hear it," Seamus said with a wink, "Maybe next time you can do me."

Harry's eyes widened at Seamus' words and he instinctively licked his own lips as if in anticipation. Would he be willing to do that? He didn't know. All he knew now was that he needed sleep. Seamus must have realized this, because he stood and moved away from Harry's bed.

"You rest now, Harry," Seamus said making his way for the door, "I'll head back down to the common room. I think maybe Ron's done spinning his tale of how he helped you defeat a whole lake full of merpeople."

Harry tried to laugh, but all he could do was smile…and then yawn. Sleep was quickly overtaking him. He pulled the bedspread over himself and closed his eyes as he heard the door open and close. He didn't know what this was going to lead to…and he didn't care. Right now, he felt good and he knew he would sleep without dreams of the third task to come haunting him. At the very least, Seamus had given him that.

A/N: So...there you have it. Did it...*ahem*...SUCK?! Let me know if you like. I'll be here.