So, this is a short chapter...and I'm really sorry about that. Um...yeah...I fail at endings so...

Readers: -gasp-

Iggy: What did she just say?

Me: -facepalm-'t speak for my readers.

Iggy: Well, you may wanna tell 'em.

Me: Right! So, this is the final chapter of Journals. The end. Never to be updated again.

Iggy: And what about the--

Me: LATER! Let's let them read this...craptastic chapter first.


The small girl's face lit up at the sound of that, her mouth forming a large, toothy smile, her eyes alive with delight. I smiled myself; I'd never felt happier in my life. These last three years had been the best, I had my husband...and our precious little girls.

I snapped a photo of three-year-old Aurora. She looked like Fang mostly; straight, black hair that was now down past her shoulders, dark, chocolate brown eyes that looked right through to your soul. Wow, that was some deep stuff. Who knew I could come up with...poetry-like things to say?

Fang entered the room then, holding our youngest child who was one-year-old as of yesterday. Maggie giggled in Fang's arms when she saw me, causing my smile to grow wider.

"Mommy!" Aurora called. I looked down at her, she leaned her head back, looking up at me with those big brown eyes of hers. "I torsty." I may still be a new mom, but I know enough to speak the language of little kids. I ruffled her hair a little and handed her a sippy cup off the table. She took it happily and skipped off.

Fang planted a kiss on my cheek, still holding Maggie on his hip. She had a huge smile on her face as well, her brown eyes lit up like her sister's and her light brown hair just past her chin. Maggie looked like me for the most part, except her nose. She had Fang's nose. She also had Fang's personality. She smiled more than he does, or more than he did, nowadays I don't think I've seen him not smiling in a long time. But Maggie seems to be more closed off. Not too long ago Nudge brought over her baby boy over. (Remember how she was pregnant before the wedding? Well, Nathan, her son, was born just a few days before Aurora. I guess I forgot to mention that.) Maggie mostly stayed in Fang's lap, not wanting to go near Nathan, Nudge or Iggy. She's also one of the quietest kids I've been around. I know I haven't been around many babies, but when Angel was a baby she was almost always crying, and it was months before Aurora slept through the night by herself, but Maggie barely cries and slept peacefully our first night back from the hospital.

Aurora on the other hand...she may just be three, but she's definintely got my personality. She refuses to take "no" for an answer, much like myself, and she's the most adventurous three-year-old I've seen. While she may be like me, she looks like the little girl version of Fang. I chuckled at that thought.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Fang asked, rubbing his face self-consciously. I laughed again and shook my head.

"Goodnight, Princess."

I swear, my face was getting sore from smiling so much, but how can you not smile at that? Fang was the last person I'd ever think would be that kind of father. You know, the kind that does whatever his kids want, and the kind that lets their daughters wrap them around their fingers. And I especially never thought Fang would be telling a bedtime story or calling anyone princess.

Fang turned off the light of the girls' bedroom and joined me in the hall, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"So, what now?" He asked quietly. He put his arm around me and guided me into the living room. I shrugged in response to his question, taking a seat on the couch and pulling him down with me.

"I love you." He murmured, nuzzling my cheek. A quiet giggle came from my mouth and I returned those three words that I loved to hear from him. Fang and I sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, for I don't know how long. Our two beautiful, wonderful daughters were sleeping peacefully in their room. Life has never been this good.


Yup, so I know it sucked, but I have something else to say...

Before I wrote this, I had a story up called Maggie's Story about Max and Fang's daughter.

So...I may write a sequel to this using the basis of that story. If you want a sequel that is. I know this basically...alright, well totally went downhill after I got a hold of it, but still...

Also, I have a question for anyone that can answer.

Alright, well the charger to my laptop, the little part that you put into the laptop keeps coming out, like it won't hold itself in anymore. Does anyone know why this might be or what I could do to fix it? Anyone at all? It's annoy the fudge out of me and...gah...So, yeah...if you can think of an answer, answer please.

Also, R&R?