I don't know why I still come back here with Jake everyday. It's sort of weird, and it stinks. Why do those leeches have to stink so bad, and why did Jacob have to imprint on they're kid? But, even though I hate the smell and it gives me the creeps, I still come back to the Cullens' house everyday with Jacob because he's my friend and he really wants to see his imprint. I don't mind seeing her either, she doesn't stink near as much as her bloodsucking family, since she's only have vampire, and she is cute as a button.

I still haven't had much luck in the imprinting area. Heck, I don't know if I'm ever going to imprint. I mean, there's never been another female werewolf in known history, so who knows if I'll imprint like the others. If I do, will it be on a boy, or a girl like the other wolves? I'm praying it'll be on a boy.

"Hi, Leah!" Renesmee exclaimed, pulling me back to reality. I smiled at the little girl as she darted towards me, her bronze curls bobbing. I crouched down and scooped her up as she ran into my arms.

"Hey, Nessie." I said enthusiastically.

"Leah, where's Jacob?" She asked me. I grinned. Nessie was just as attached to Jake as he was to her.

"He's…" I started, turning around in a full circle, searching for Jake. He wasn't anywhere outside. "probably inside." I finished and set her down on the ground. "Why don't you go look." She nodded and grabbed my finger.

"You come too, Leah." She said and started to pull me along with her.

"Uh, actually, Nessie, I think I'll just wait out here." I said.

"No, Leah. I want you to come inside. You never do." Nessie said, looking at me with the most persuasive puppy pout in history. I couldn't help but agree to go with her.

When I walked through the door the sickly sweet stench of vampire invaded my nostrils. I managed to not gag at the odor, I'd sort of gotten used to it from Nessie, but this time it was stronger.

"Hello, Leah." Edward said behind me. I jumped, surprised by his sudden appearance. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's fine." I said.

"What brings you into our humble abode?" He asked.

"Your daughter on the search for her future husband." I said. "You seen him?"

"I believe he was speaking with Bella upstairs. Second floor, in her room." He said. "Renesmee can show you the way." Renesmee guided me up the stairs and down the long hall, until we got the door at the very end.

"Come on in, Nessie and Leah." A voice called from inside. My guess is it was the fortune teller. Alice, I think. We walked into the room and I saw Jacob and Bella standing in the middle. Renesmee let go of my hand and jumped into Jacob's arms. He grinned and continued his conversation with Bella. Along with those two, there was also the pixie-like girl that sees the future. She was standing with one that I hadn't ever met before. His back was to me, he had blonde hair that was so fluffy and inviting. I just wanted to curl up and take a nap in it. I continued staring at the back of his head, wondering what his face looked like. No doubt it'd be like the rest, irresistibly beautiful and welcoming. The girl noticed me looking at them and waved sweetly. I smiled a little, just to be kind. The man turned around to see who she was waving to. I was right, he was very attractive. His skin was, of course, pale white, but it seemed as if his had more color than the other's. His blonde hair slightly fell onto his forehead in a very alluring way, and his slight smile was breath taking. And those liquid topaz eyes…when I looked into them it felt as if we were the only two in the room. Everyone else had floated away, the only one that mattered was him. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Hello," he said in a musical voice. "I'm Jasper."

"Jasper." I repeated in a hypnotized tone. Slowly, I drifted back to reality. He shook my hand.

"Um, I'm Leah. Seth's sister." I said. He smiled wider and I gasped. He was so…so…beautiful.

I can't believe it, but I just imprinted. On a married vampire.