Title: The Definition of Happiness
Author: Lily
Characters/Pairings: Suzaku/Kallen, almost every Code Geass character imaginable

Summary: Kallen is cynical, distracted, and burnt out. Suzaku is trying to get through life without too much pain. Everyone else is in it for the lolz except maybe Gino who just wants to get laid. Throw in a café and a dysfunctional family of lovable misfits and maybe we can get a decent love story. Or, you know, not.

Warnings: Set in an alternate universe.

Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you,

American mouth
Big pill looming


Kallen won't look at him in the eye.

"We need to... I think we should....."

Suzaku's expression hardened.

"We can't keep doing what we were—"

"What can't we do?" There was a cold spasm of pain in his eyes. "Fuck five times a day?"

He let her punch him.