Reviews for The Definition of Happiness
underwhelmedJaded chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
This can’t be the end ... please finish this I need more omg
underwhelmedJaded chapter 2 . 5/21/2019
Awww I really like the AU fic. I typically don’t like AU in certain settings but this one is super interesting and in character. I’m excited to read the next chap but it’s almost over - the only criticism I have for you is more chapters and stories! You’re amazing.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/14/2017
This is great! I hope you update soon!
Tristana chapter 3 . 4/9/2015
I can't exactly express it in words, but this story strikes a certain chord with me. I know it is very likely that this story won't continue, but I just have to say I appreciate you writing it. It's style is completely unlike anything I have read before, and it touches me.
Canadawear chapter 3 . 4/7/2013
im crying.
Canadawear chapter 2 . 4/7/2013
my god, you are such a great writer. I love Kallen so much, even though this is AU it still feels like code geass.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/17/2013
Love it
les etoiles et le ciel chapter 3 . 2/17/2012
Holy shiz! I can not wait for the new chapter c: I am sooooooo following this storie
Zeyro chapter 3 . 8/2/2011
I can't remember if I've read this or not. Anyway great story so far, I'm really enjoyed the way these to feel so far, I enjoyed your other stories with these to as well, I love Suzaku and its hard to find fics that don't trash him in more than way, and even harder to find fics between these to that don't have Kallen trolling him cause she can. Anyway hope you decide to continue this. Cya
Mimiv chapter 3 . 2/21/2011
I love it. I love how you managed to incorporate everything from the anime so *perfectly*, and also, because i'm a die hard c.c. and lelouch fan, I hope you pair them up together too as a side couple in future chapters (which I do hope will happen judging by the subtle foreshadowing on lelouch's part in chapter two ~). Anyhow, I love the descriptions you used too; it makes the cafe and the party seem all that much more real, and the way that you fitted the cat-chasing scene into an AU story is genius. I hope the hiatus doesn't last too long!
Bartillet chapter 3 . 7/6/2010
Very realistic and Believable Alternate Universe! Please update soon! I realized i quite like this pairing, and you write it really well ) Love your stories D
DuQaine chapter 3 . 3/9/2010
That was amazing. You managed to combine humor and angst perfectly. I'm impressed! ..More please? *alerts*
Leviathan of the Skies chapter 3 . 3/2/2010
Ah, i hope this story gets off of hiatus soon. I really enjoyed reaading it so far. :)
crave chapter 3 . 1/6/2010
pls update soon or i'll die! this is probably one of the best Suzaku/Kallen fic out there... so pls update! XD
DollfaceConlon chapter 3 . 12/2/2009
This fic is so amazing. I really hope u update soon. :( can't wait!
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