Disclaimer: Well let's see here, I have two crinkled up dollar bills and a Wal-Mart receipt, I wonder if that's enough to buy Winx Club.

P.S If you haven't watched Winx Club season four yet, don't read the paragraph below, major spoiler, but don't worry the story as whole has nothing to do with season four.

Well I was watching Winx Club season four last night and I watched all the way up to episode eleven in Italian. But with my luck, it didn't have subtitles and since I can't understand Italian I wasn't able to understand completely. Still since I am fluent in Spanish and English I could pick up some words. Anyways back on topic MUSA AND RIVEN BROKE UP IN EPISODE TEN. And I actually cried, I mean, I literally cried something I haven't done in MONTHS I was just that sad! So I decided to cheer myself up by writing another MusaRiven fanfic, but this one won't be completely centered around Musa and Riven it'll have more of the other couples in there as well. Enjoy!

Well here we go again. Another boring Saturday afternoon spent wishing for adventure, when in fact the second it came knocking at your door you push it back out towards his hover bikes, because frankly a whole week spent listening to lectures and cowering under a desk to avoid another lad experiment gone wrong, was too much for even a fairy to handle.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Oh yea and let's not forget that. Well there's obviously no other place that sound could erupt out of, then a extremely pissed off Stella. Well might as well see what the problem is this time.

Climbing off of her piano shaped bed, the princess of the harmonic realm made her way toward Miss. Drama Queen's room. Making sure to count every step not really in the mood to put up with this, but knowing Stella she wouldn't give up until she got some attention. She loved the girl, but sometimes she was just too much to handle.

Musa was wearing a pair of baggy sweat pant and a simple white tank top along with a pair of white socks, she didn't bother to put on shoes, since she wasn't going anywhere.

Knock! Knock!

"Hey Stel, can I come in?" She heard a mumbling sound coming from the other side of the door.

'Guess i'll take that as a yes.'

Walking in she really wasn't surprised to be greeted by a swarm of flying thing, for example: make-up, books, dresses, last month's magazines, shoes, hangers, jewelry and a tooth brush that hit her straight smack between the eyes, before she heard that annoying "blaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" again.

Rubbing her head, Musa closed her eyes and counted to ten taking nice, deep, slow breaths or else she'd end up really giving Stella something to growl about.

"Ok Stella tell me what's wrong this time." She said before sitting cross-legged in front of Stella's bed.

Stella gave her a look as if saying 'why the hell are you here, usually it's flora or bloom giving me the comfort speech, since we all know you don't have the patients to deal with me. Oh well I'll take what I can get.'

"Oh Musa, my life over!" Screamed Stella before jumping on her bed dramatically and burying her face in her Paris imported pillows.

To tell the truth Musa wasn't suppose to be here, anyone in their right mind would know that wasn't her scene, but unfortunately the rest of the Winx Club decided to go get some take out from a restaurant down the street.

The Winx Girls were currently in their first year of collage, and since they all decided to attend the same one, since it did happen to be the best one in all of Magics they still lived together. Anyways back to the problem at hand.

"Well that's life fo ya, but don't worry shorty one of these days da world will be full of children frolicking under a rainbow, eating non hormone infested candy, and oh look a unicorn." She said putting up her best impression of Flora, Musa style, before smirking.

Stella Cracked open a perfectly painted eye, without an eyelash out of place, before breathing out a loud sigh.

"You're absolutely no help" She said rolling her eyes and sitting up crossed-legged on her bed, hugging a pillow to her chest.

"I think that points been established a long time ago." Responded Musa, but Stella just sat there giving her a nasty look.

"Ok, I know I'm not wearing any make-up but I didn't think I looked that bad, what's up." She asked before offering Stella a smile.

Stella in turn also smiled. "Oh it's not that dawling." She said while hopping off the bed and offering Musa her hands (which she gladly took) helping her off the floor and into a chair in front of her sat waiting for the girl to finally let out what was bothering her.

"I think we need a vacation" She finally said running a brush through Musa's midnight color hair, which had been let down from it's restrain way before she even entered Stella's room. She was just too lazy to put it up today.

"Oh I know we do." Musa said closing her eyes enjoying the felling of getting her haired brush, for some reason this little act always comforted her, maybe it's because this was one of the only vivid memories she had of her mother and her, but who knows.

"I'm serious! I think we should all go on a little trip, I mean look spring break starts in two days. We can take a little vacation and get away for a while. Come on we can even take the guys with us!"

"Well I don't see why not. Yea I'm down with that, for sure!" Said Musa turning in her chair to look up at Stella, who had a huge smile planted on her face.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to start planning the trip, they heard a knock on the door.

Musa got up from her seat and walked over to the door, not really in mood to see anyone, and she knew it wasn't the girls since they hadn't been gone for more then ten minute and the restaurant wasn't that close.

She wasn't disappointed when she opened the door though, standing there in the door frame was no other then her not so knight in shining armor. She smiled happily at seeing him, he was wearing a pair of black jeans with a simple chain hanging on it, along with a pair of converses and a plain white tee.

"Hey" he said while planting a light kiss on her forehead before stepping around her and jumping onto the couch in the middle of the living room, laying fully on it, with one arm draped across his eyes the other hanging limply over the edge of the couch.

Musa was well used to his behavior by now so she simply closed the door and made sure to lock it, not that it was needed with that highly trained death machine lying on her living room couch.

"So what brings you here babe" She asked standing by him

"What? Do I really need a reason to visit my girlfriend" He asked with a smirk spreading his lips. Oh no, already out of instinct Musa knew that meant to run, but before she could take a step he already had a grip on her wrist. He pulled her abruptly, causing her to fall fully on top of him. And there it was a blush deep enough to rival even the brightest tomato.

She looked down at his flawless face and couldn't help but like this position more and more.

"So are you going to tell me the real reason you came." She asked giving him a light one second kiss.

"I was bored I guess and didn't feel like staying after for detention." He answered returning the kiss

"Really?" She said kissing him a little longer this time, she was just about to deepen it when…

"EWWWW, COULD YOU GUYS PLEASE NOT DO YOUR LITTLE NASTY ON THE COUCH, I FOR ONE HAVE TO SIT THERE." Screamed Stella before eruption into laughter from the look on Musa's face.

Musa immediately jumped off hiding her face in her hands, while Riven sat up seeming completely unfazed.

After Stella's laughter died down and Musa's face turned back to it's rightful color, Musa finally spoke up.

"So Riven, how would you feel about taking a little trip with us for spring break" She asked.

Riven removed his gaze from the TV to look at her before speaking. "Sounds good we have spring break scheduled the same day as you guys do" He said referring to himself and the guys.

"Well that's great then, so it's settled we leave in two days!" Screamed Stella

"Surrrre." said Riven pulling out his BlackBerry Storm before texting Brandon -

Let em no.

Goin on trp w/ grlz.

Got ?'s cal em k.


Let the rest of the guys know.

We are going on a trip with the girls .

If you have any questions, which you do because I didn't give you any details, call them, not me, got it.

Stella rolled her eyes before answering her phone that started ringing a few moments after Riven's text was sent, before walking back to her room.

"Well I better get going, I don't want anymore detentions for missing curfew" Said Riven before heading for the giggled and opened the door for him.

"Ok, but don't forget, two days. I'll call you with the details later after we run it through the other girls."

"Ok." He said before pulling her in for a not too gentle kiss, stealing her breath away, before finally making his exit.

She closed the door after he turned the corner up ahead. She leaned against the door and breathed out a sigh…two days

Well there you go the first chapter, hope you liked it. I'm not really sure where I should sent our favorite fairies and specialist, so if you have any ideas let me know by reviewing, feedback is good too. Thankz