
A tale of hearts, and the unspoken words between them.

Chapter Four

Disclaimer: I am a insane wackadoo who is obsessed with Kris Allen and the Jonas Brothers, and hates finals and loves the Guardians of Time Trilogy and wants a puppy so, so, so, so bad, and…. Oh yeah, I don't own Camp Rock. Then I would be an insane wackadoo… I'd be a rich insane wackadoo.

A/N- Wow! Thank you all so much for reviewing. You truly make my days so much brighter, however cheesy that sounds. Just remember, all you who story alert but don't review, I have a phone book! (somewhere.) And I'm not afraid to use it.

OK, in school, we had to do this stupid poetry project, and then we had to read them out loud, and now I have "anger issues." So here's the poem, before you read this chapter! Tell me what you think! 

Sweet Revenge

It's that one thing that makes us tick.

It makes me want to flick

that nagging older brother

into the ravenous dragon's open jaws,

and it'll swallow him with a scratch of its claws.

5 That nagging, teasing, older brother

Makes my anger smolder

Like a bright red phoenix

igniting into glowing flame,

leaving nothing behind but a pile of ashes- his death proclaimed.

My patience is stretching, on a thin rubber band,

10 and my lividness set to a flare,

and with a kick of his kickstand,

and a sweep of his hair,

he flies down the street

and calls me a "cheat."

15 Then--- SNAP!

The elastic splits in two,

And I transpose into the body

of an enormous, fire-breathing dragon with a "ZAP!"

This'll do.

And I lose it, snatching that nagging, teasing, good-for-nothing brother

by his scrawny, ungrateful neck

20 And ZOOM into the sky, where the houses on our block are each a little speck.

Shooting through the air, the clouds dance and cat-call,

Chuckling at him, at his downfall.

We soar through the sky,

Where that brother whimpers and cries.

25 "But there's still more," says I,

As the clouds say goodbye.

We breeze past cool oceans,

past smooth canyons,

over housetop after housetop

30 for miles and miles,

until we finally stop -

and I smile.

We're over a volcano so giant,

at a volcano so deep.

35 And without further judgement,

no hesitation, not a peep,

I drop that nagging, teasing, good-for-nothing "I'm so great" brother in

with a satisfying plop,

With a satisfying plop (oh, yea)

in a volcano so deep (in a place so far away.)

40 And with a strangled sob and an "Oh!"

he sinks below,

below the oozing, bubbling, red lava of the volcano.

(In a volcano so deep,

in a land far away,

surely you knew that's what I was to say.)

45So there big brother so great,

You've met your fate,

at the hands of a dragon of Norway

In a volcano far away,

In a volcano far away.

It's terrible, right? I'm terribly sorry. On with the story!

Shane POV

I waited with baited breath as Mitchie struggled to speak. What possibly could be wrong? Did her dog die? (If she had one.) Did she not finish our project due today? Is she moving? Has she been diagnosed with a life threatening disease that gives her only only days to live? WHAT?

"Come on, Mitchie," I sighed impatiently. It wasn't the right thing to say to a person who was sobbing and trying to say something important, because she slapped me across the face, hard.

I put a palm to my stinging cheek, sputtering, as Mitchie cried, " I can't believe I was about to tell you anything! Jerk." She rushed away, leaving me feeling extremely stupid.

I stood there, my leather guitar case leaning against the park bench, my backpack slung against my back. Everyone stared at me, at my stinging cheek. "What are you looking at?" I snarled, before snatching my guitar and stalking away, all traces of kindness hurled from me.

I strode purposefully across campus, not missing the many glares and whispers directed toward me. I pushed through a pack of giggling girls and entered the parking lot, heading towards my BMW car, situated between a forest green Hummer belonging to a football player, and the pink Corvette of my girlfriend, Alex.

Oh, man, Alex! I was supposed to drive her home in her car, walk back here to pick up my car, swing around my house, where I would change into "date clothes," then pick up Alex and head to the resturant Viaco before catching a movie. (I think I'm more of a personal assistant that she can use when she pleases, rather than a boyfriend.)

Who cares? These past few days I have lost my interest in Alex, and wonder why I made the decision to date Alex in the first place. I think I thought she was hot, but I've been rapidly forgetting that thought, too.

I threw myself in the front seat of my car before slowling backing out of the spot, turning and heading out of the parking lot. I had no idea where, just anywhere but Alex's or home.

The rain pounded on my windshield, creating a steady rhythm, but it soon became more than a simple rainstorm. I pitied anyone out in this, I thought to myself, as I rounded a corner. I could hardly see the car ahead of me; everything was just dim outlines. Thunder begam to sound, and lightning flashed, illuminating everything momentarily.

Then, I caught sight of a figure hunched over, feebly holding an umbrella over her head. She was soaked, and her dark jacket clung to her wet skin. As she stepped out onto the walkway to cross the street, two things happened simultaniously.

First, the music note adorned umbrella turned inside out from the powerful wind gusts. The rain began to fully pelt the girl, and she lost the grip on the wooden handle quickly, letting it sail away into the wind, disappearing.

This distracted the girl from seeing a car speeding down the road, right towards her! The girl stood still, her feet glued to the pavement. The car moved steadily closer-

I leaped out of my car, pulling a hood over my head as I screamed, "MOVE!!!!!!" But the girl was terrified, and couldn't move. I continued to rush towards her. The car and I both soared to her, the arrogant wind impeding us, slowing me down. As the car reached the girl, I barreled into her, knocking her and me onto the sidewalk. The car fled the scene, continuing down the street.

I sighed, then looked down at the trembling girl. "Hey, you ok—" I halted, my mouth dropping open at the sight of Mitchie Torres lying under me.

Her dark hair was plastered to her face, like the look of terror still there. Her clothes were soaking, clinging to her like a scared child to its mother. Her big brown eyes stared wide at mine, and smudged mascara running down her face. Her eyes were big and puffy from crying, and there were dark rings circlign her eyes.

It was then I realized just how close me and Mitchie were to each other. My face was a few mere inches away from hers, and I felt her exhale, the warm air blowing on our face.

My eyes flickered from her eyes to her mouth, surprisingly. I licked my own lips unconciously, then leaned down, closing the distance between us. Mitchie looked panicked as I pressed my lips to hers for a smooth, wet (oh, come one, it was raining like cats and dogs!) kiss. It lasted for only a moment, my lips just brushing hers.

I pulled away, my face heating up, much like Mitchie's. I was sure I looked as mortified as she did.

"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry," I muttered, racking my brain for a possible excuse. "Uh… I thought you almost died. And you're pretty cool."

"Uh… huh," Mitchie whispered, still recovering from A) almost being run over by a car, B) me saving her, C) me kissing her, and D) me saying she was "pretty cool."

"So…" I began, getting up, dusting myself off, then sticking out a hand to help Mitchie up, "Friends?"

A/N- It was extremely terrible, right? I'm sorry! But I did update quick, didn't I?

Alright, so please tell me what you thought about this chapter and the poem, and, most importantly… the KISS!!!!! (Bet you weren't expecting that. Actually, I wasn't, either. I was planning that bits and pieces of the last two chapters to come later. Oh well. Go with the flow!!!!)

And what was Mitchie going to say???????? I'll have her POV soon!!!!

So, one more question- What do YOU think is gonna happen next? Please tell me, because I might incorporate some of your ideas in the story!!!!! (with your penname, of course. )

Thanks for being the best people ever!

Love you all!!!!
