
"There's just this left, Officer." Kim said, holding up the Pandimensional Vortex Inducer for the red haired policeman to see. "So far as I can tell, Professor Dementor is gone."

"Escaped again, did he?" the police officer asked, the hint of a giggle going unnoticed.

Kim's mind was elsewhere at the moment, settling on the fact that both Dementor and his brother in law were gone. "Not exactly." she admitted. "He and his brother in law were struck by the PVI when they tried to fire it. Both of them and the weapon are gone. There's nothing left." she frowned. While it was true that she had rarely looked back or thought about whether villains had escaped their lairs while they exploded, it had really only been Shego, Bonnie, and now Dementor that she actually saw get injured. Of course, Shego had come out of the Diablo plot nearly unscathed; and Bonnie had miraculously survived her drop into the ocean from a cargo plane, only to come back again. Maybe, she thought with a half hope, that Dementor hadn't been destroyed either.

"Well, I'll make sure this gets home safely." the officer said, taking the PVI from Kim. "Thank you again, Ms. Possible. It looks like you've solved this particular problem despite all the variables." he added, climbing into his police car.

Kim waved as the officer drove away, a little confused by his choice of words but shrugging it off. Diverse City definitely had all kinds. The warehouse was still filled with other police officers doing forensic work with Joss; scientists testing the area for Pandimensional after effects with Wade; and museum workers scouring the area for pieces of the Cupid Diamond with Rufus.

A news van squealed into the parking lot outside and a group of six hopped out, hurriedly pulling out cables, cameras, and microphones. The Police Chief and the Museum Director stepped forward to greet them, but the two men were pushed aside.

"Kim?" Ron asked from behind her.

Kim turned around to face her boyfriend, eager to talk to him until the mob of reporters and cameramen reached her. "Yeah, Ron?" she asked, noticing an awkward frown crossing his features, as though he had just copied her homework without permission. A face she had seen often in High School.

He rubbed his neck nervously, looking away. "There's been something I've been wanting to ask you, but I... I mean, I didn't get a... Well, actually I..."

"Ron?" Kim asked impatiently.

Suddenly, Rufus squeaked from the floor between them, gesturing for Ron to come down to his level. Kim was rolling her eyes as Ronknelt down to see what Rufus was holding.

After scooping the various pieces of gold jewelry into Ron's pack, the naked mole rat had kept one of the less gaudy rings to himself, and had collected one of the Cupid Diamond shards while helping the Museum workers pick up the shiny sparkles. After the day he had, he felt no regrets about it either. He placed the large diamond ring into Ron's palm and nodded with a grin.

"Hey, is that?" he asked, then looked up to show Kim. "Check it, KP. Rufus made a..."

A chorus of 'Awwww's' caused him to pause as the pair looked toward the crowd of people collected around them. "Kim Possible's getting proposed to!" someone shouted. "Who is that guy?!" asked someone else.

"Ron!" Kim gasped in surprise.

"What?!" Ron said, beginning to panic. "I wasn't... I mean, I didn't..." he stammered. Suddenly, Rufus kicked Ron's shin in irritation. "Ow! What I mean is... Uhhhhh..." He was looking up into Kim's face now, and she looked as though she wasn't sure if she should be grinning happily or sobbing.

Taking a breath, Ron continued. "Kim... KP... I feel like I've been wanting to live this moment for forever, but just couldn't find the chance. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I always wanna be your sidekick."

"Just say it already!" someone shouted from the crowd, only to be silenced with a foot stomp from Joss.

"I know we're young, poor, in college, and I know it sounds corny... but I want to be there for you until the very end. I... I want you to marry me." Ron said, his voice straining to push out the words.

Kim was moving her lips, but no sound was coming out. Instead, she frowned and nodded, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him into an embrace. Despite the efforts of the police, the Press pushed forward, surrounding the couple and asking questions that were overlapping so much as to beindecipherable.

Neither Kim nor Ron seemed to notice though as they held each other tightly. "Are you sure?" Kim whispered into Ron's ear, her tears pooling between their touching cheeks. Ron nodded. "Then, Ron Stoppable." Kim answered. "Yes. I will."