Reviews for All Good Things Ep 12: Mole Rat Day
TwilightPrncss chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
Wait...I finished reading this story but I don't recall them explaining why Rufus was the only one to keep reliving the day knowing he was.
TwilightPrncss chapter 7 . 3/1/2012
I am WEEPING! This episode was annoying and I felt so bad for Rufus, but the ending was all worth it 3
Mystique84 chapter 7 . 10/11/2010
! Ron finally proposed, Rufus has been waiting for months for this day! That was the sweetest though, when Rufus gave him part of the diamond and just a normal ring, it would actually mean something since the ring was from a mission and not from a store! I felt sorry for poor Rufus as he had seen the day over and over and when they finally got through the day, they said it was easy! Ouch! This was a fantastic chapter that captivated me as I wanted to see what Rufus could do to end the day and actually make it to the next, I bet he was just killing himself on the day after Kim and Ron figured it all out, then went back to 'Normal' again! Very frustrating! You did this chapter very well, as you skipped the right amount of days, and the difference between each day. The pain that Rufus say each day was great but I love how you also put in the frustration for each day. Great Episode!

Mengsk chapter 7 . 3/30/2010
"Who is that guy?" In a story full of zingers, that takes the cake.

So Kim did care what happened to Dementor. And I suppose since Dementor pulled the trigger Kim's no kill recored is still intact. Doesn't count if they blow themselves up.

I figured the diamond might have something to do with the proposal, until I realised how big it was. Didn't think about having it blown to a million pieces, mind.

Odd thing for the cop to say. Was that Kate? Or did other people remember? Wait a minute, the cop with an odd remark grabbed the PDVI and left...

And when will we see Drakken & Shego again? You know, they hold a record for being in more episodes than any other villain. Doesn't do to leave them out of Season 4. Not after that cliffhanger with Drakken in the Ocean! (Was he, I can't remember?)
Mengsk chapter 6 . 3/30/2010
Yeah. I'd be pissed too.

So, Dementor trapped in to repeat the day over and over again? Come to think of it, no one seems upset they just disintigrated Dementor...
Mengsk chapter 5 . 3/30/2010
Well, why did they remeber it that time then?
Mengsk chapter 4 . 3/30/2010
Oh my god that was better than the Ron thing! I could not stop laughing!
Mengsk chapter 3 . 3/30/2010
Ron does something random every day! OMG, that's classic! That just made my day.

What exactly is causing this? The PDVI thinghy yeah, but what is it doing? I also wonder if Ron somehow managing to propose to Kim is what will finally break the cycle?
Mengsk chapter 2 . 3/30/2010
So, you're going to play the day over and over again with slight differences, slowly revealing what Rufus is up to in the last paragraph of each chapter?

Neat way to structure it. The revealing last paragraph anyway. I fear the rest may become repeditive. We'll see.

I anticipated the story to chapter by chapter go throw Kim & Ron's day with Rufus acting wierd at vital moments. Get to the end wondering 'What was that all about?'

Is Rufus ever going to take a day off and have fun without consequence? Maybe learn new skills?
MaceEcam chapter 7 . 3/9/2010
Shrike176 chapter 7 . 3/9/2010
Yep, definitely a Mole Rat Day to remember. Look forward to the next Rufus centric episode.

Keep it up!
CajunBear73 chapter 7 . 3/9/2010
Gotta wonder about that police officer and his cryptic last words...

And after all that replay... Ron finally got to ask a question that had vexed him so for all that time.

Thanks Rufus.

screaming phoenix chapter 6 . 3/9/2010
Rufus we all would understand if you did them all in right now.
screaming phoenix chapter 7 . 3/9/2010
A wonderful way to finish up this. And we finally get to see Ron propose!

Well Done!
Eddy13 chapter 7 . 3/9/2010
I've seen many ways Ron popped the question, but this was probably the most unusual though plausible. Interesting how Ron got a hold of the perfect ring. So, now that Rufus has finally ended the temporal loop, Kim has taken charge of Lonnie's cheer squad, Ron has gotten his question out, and Dementor is gone, it looks like there's a bit of a brighter future for the heroes to look forward to, at least until that nasty future Ron saw comes around.
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