Hi, this is my first fan fiction. I joined a few years ago to write two reviews, and then I stopped. So I believe it is high time for me to write something, so please be kind.

I intend to make this a lemon, and I also intend to make many different pairings however I don't necessarily have all of them in mind. It will be a series of one/two shots. (If I'm not allowed to do this please tell me the rules confused me a little.) I am open to any suggestions short of dead, disfigured, or . . . actually that's about it. Also I would prefer that pairings be something not mainstreamed. Mainly characters that only appear once or twice. Otherwise feel free and please be nice. I'll accepted criticism, not abuse.

P.S. I don't have a specific tournament that Ash is in, but he won. That's all you really need to know

Disclaimer: I don't own any Nintendo characters let alone any Pokémon ones.

Chapter 1

"Aaaaaaanddd the winnnah issssss, Mr. AAAASSSHHHH KETCHUMMMMMM!!!!!" The crowd roared as Ash and Pikachu stared up at the crowd in awe of their victory. He could see most of his friends in the fourth row, Brock, Misty, Dawn, May, Max, and even Gary. As confetti rained down the announcer told Ash to come to the center stage for the award ceremony.

-A few hours later-

"That was great Ash, you were amazing!!" Dawn yelled. "She's right Ash that was an excellent battle." Brock agreed. "Feh, that was nothing I could have one twice as fast!" said Gary, "yeah sure if Ash hadn't beat your ass in the second round!" shouted Misty. "Oh, piss off." Said Gary. Ash was glad to see all of his friends having a good time; it was almost as good as the two foot trophy on the table next to the drinks. It was two feet tall with a base of marble, and five pillars made out of pure gold it was topped off with a real, working pokeball made of gold, platinum, silver, onyx, and studded with rubies and moonstones. (The gem not the evolution one.) Supposedly the ball worked like a master ball, but Ash never intended to try it. Mainly for two reasons. One there was no challenge in it. And two then he'd have to break his hard won trophy.

During his party he saw May in the corner looking extremely sad and depressed. As he began to walk over he was suddenly cut off by Prof. Oak and Prof. Elm. After they congratulated him he began to go to the corner again to try to find out what was wrong with May. However she had disappeared. Saddened by the thought that he couldn't help his friend, but realizing he probably wouldn't find her, he returned to the party.

May ventured out into the night, she was extremely happy for Ash, but was also very disappointed in her failure. "GAWD!! HOW COULD I LOSE IN THE FIRST ROUND?!?!?" she cried. "NO! I know what I need to do." She thought. "Blaziken, C'mon out!" After a brief bout of blue, red, and black flames from the seals, Blaziken stood before May striking a very difficult jeet-kun-do pose. "BLAZIIIIIKEN!!" it yelled. Then noticing it wasn't on stage it turned and looked at May who was laughing hard. "HAHA I-I told you to pay atten. . . heh, attention when I release you I don't always just take you out at contests."

Her face grew serious. "Blaziken, you're strong but our timing is off, now I DON'T want to lose again that quickly next time, so we are going to train all night if we have to!!" Blaziken nodded and got into his best stance. "Now aim for that big rock, we'll practice on that for now. Blaziken nodded again already tensing for the coming command. . . annnnnnnd waited for the command. . . still waiting . . . Blaziken turned his head slightly to see what was taking so long and saw may on the ground. He quickly rushed forward and knelt to her side. She was crying again. "Snnfff, Blaziken I'm sooo sorry for failing you, it's my fault we didn't make it pass the first round." Blaziken lifted her up into a sitting position and shook his head. "snff, you mean it's not my fault?" she asked Blaziken nodded, then pointed to himself, then May, then spread his arms out in a large fanning gesture while looking at the sky. "Heh heh, snff, I know it's a big world, but still you deserve a trainer that can help you win battles." "Blaze-BlaziKEN." He said shaking his head vigorously. May knew Blaziken was telling her that he could think of no other trainer but her to have as a partner.

"Thanks Blaziken." She said, "You always know how to make me feel better." "Blaze" he said and began to stand up, however suddenly may reached up and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Wait she said can we please just umm, stay here a while?" Blaziken sat down next to May and looked toward the sky, seeing a full moon seemed to relax him. "Blaziken?" he jumped slightly as he felt her hand on his knee, ruffling a few loose feathers. He looked over and saw may also staring at the moon. "Do you think Ash y'know likes me?" "Blaze?" he tilted his head in minor confusion. "y'knowww" she began to blush, "like likes me?" Blaziken was still confused. May tried to explain "It's like when ummm Pokémon mate there's feelings of. . . well likeness." Blaziken thought he was beginning to understand. He shrugged his shoulders in the universal I-don't-know sign. May sighed, "yeah that's kinda what I got. . . Blaziken?" she turned and looked into his face. "Thanks for helping me." She gave him a "peck" on the cheek. (Sry I couldn't resist.) And sent him back into the pokeball.

Well I guess it's time to head back to the party. She thought. Now realizing she may have someone other than Ash to rely on.

WEEEEELLLL that's it for chapter one. I know I said I'd have lemon and I do intend to but I wanted to do something easy first. Please review and know that there will be lemon next chapter
