Guess what? You can hate me all you want but this is the ending of my story. You may think it abrupt but I had this planned three chapters ago. We all know what happens in the rest of the story, so I couldn't continue to twist it around, I apologize. I hope you enjoyed my story, don't be afraid to review!

She was soaked to the bone before even making it out of Hogsmead, but Hermione didn't care. The words Pansy had said were still echoing in her mind, as they rang with a truth she refused to believe.

"Don't you understand? Draco was born to hate you, and one day, he'll be ordered to kill you. Don't think he'll hesitate for even a second."

"What do you mean he'll be ordered to kill me? There's no way, unless Voldemort returned, no one would make a kid kill somebody, it's crazy!"

Choking on her own breath, on her own tears and the rain, Hermione pulled herself to a stop far enough away that Draco wouldn't be able to see her even if he tried to follow her. She heard a boy's face call out into the rain, but otherwise the street was silent. Hermione couldn't see him but she could guess the proper direction Draco was in, and she pulled her wand from a pocket in her cloak.

"This might just save your life, Draco." She whispered, Mine too, if I'm lucky. Concentrating on the last few months, she waved her wand and called out; "obliterate!" and watched the sparks fly and find their target in the rain. Three people can keep a secret if two of them have had their memories modified. Hermione thought bitterly, as she turned towards the castle to find and charm Pansy as well. Just before she reached the gates, she summoned all the letter to and from "Rachelle" and burned them to a crisp, even the rain didn't sputter out the small fire the balled up parchment created in midair. Hermione simply watched the flames, which burned as blue as Draco Malfoy's eyes.

What he said:

"You're worthless, a filthy mudblood; I wouldn't be caught dead looking at your ugly face."

What she heard:

"Worthless… Mudblood… Ugly face."

"I love you, Hermione."

What she knew:

If he doesn't remember me, he won't die to protect me. I can protect myself.