Reviews for Hermione's Room
Guest chapter 4 . 9/29/2014
so, um... Just thought you ought to know...
Ginny wears a GREEN explosion, not pink.
But, hey ! Its a fanfiction, do watch ya like !
real talk chapter 3 . 9/11/2014
Great. Just great! I thought I finally found a writer who else takes me on the journey of Mione and Draco's encounters from 11 but oh no... you had to rush it. I mean, really rush it. The story got so confusing and I must add Draco came in a little too late. You be honest maybe he should have been the first one to call her out of her name since they are the subjects but yeah...
NRK chapter 17 . 5/25/2014
This is really good but there's no proper conclusion...this soo sad..
thegoofybookworm chapter 10 . 10/14/2012
aww that movie had me in tears! loved the reference!
thegoofybookworm chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
this is so amazing! (well so far, but I'm sure the rest is just as great) and I love the introduction to Pansy, it seems just like her! I'm off to read the rest now :)
vxw chapter 10 . 12/18/2011
OMG i spazzed when I read that part from A Walk to Remember. (Amazing movie&book by the way)
LoVeRsOfLiFe chapter 17 . 8/7/2011
I must say, this was absolutely amazing what you wrote here, and how much it reminds me of 'A Walk to Remember' that I felt as though this story was an incredibly beautiful depiction of the movie. A perfect dedication piece if you would. Excellent!

Also, I have to state that after having FanFiction for 7yrs you are 1 of about 8 stories I have actually found worth reviewing that I had to give your ego an extra boost. ;)

A romantic and sad ending, but I can't help but wonder - if you're willing - to break that whole "following the story" thing so that they may have their chance together in the end, since you didn't exactly meet all ends with the locket still around his neck, or the note/poem she wrote for him that he placed within his suit pocket.

MelanaAllen1109 chapter 10 . 11/25/2010
I loooovve a walk to remember333 you are my new favorite author for using that line!
Los Grotos chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
Dreams are meant to be burned.
Jasmine chapter 17 . 8/13/2010
awww! so cute! yet, very sad :( I love Dramione, so thank you, thank you, thank you for writing a good one! It was funny, sweet, entertaining, and very well written :) I hope you write another one, oo or One of the TwinsXHermione :P
BlueAngel chapter 17 . 4/4/2010
Wow really good story I loved it even though I'm kinda confused
greentoothbrush chapter 17 . 3/16/2010
aaw! that is SO sad oh my god. . .

need a tissue . . .
granger-riddle chapter 17 . 2/16/2010
OhMyGod! So sad :'(
granger-riddle chapter 9 . 2/16/2010
Isn't this a Dramione? *tear tear*
nina chapter 17 . 2/14/2010
great story! sad ending...i was so sad for the two of them :(
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