Freak with a pen walks out in an insane clown posse hoodie, a pair of dark blue, almost black, jeans and a pair of boots.

Freak: sup every one? This is Freak with a pen here with a new fan fiction. For those of you who have read my El Tigre fiction, long time no see, and are wondering why I haven't updated recently, it's because my computer craped out on me. In fact I'm using a friend's laptop to do this. For those of you who have read my Lilo and Stitch fan fiction and wondering why I haven't updated, I just can't think of a song to use for chapter two. Also, I still haven't gotten any reviews from people claiming to be freaks. Don't hide scream from the highest mountain top…

A platform starts to rise from beneath Freak.


Freak looks down and gets a worried look on his face.

Freak: hey… what the hell am I doing up here?! Get me the hell down from here!!!

The camera pans down to right next to the platform.

Freak (off screen): ohhhhh FUUUUUCK!!!

At this, Freak rushes from the top of the screen to past the bottom. Freak starts to stand again.

Freak: sonova… any way as always I have brought in one of the stars from the fan fiction to do the disclaimer. Please allow me to introduce… DR. DRAKKEN!!!

Dr. Drakken walks out in his usual attire. He has a predominate smile on his face.

Drakken: hello to all

Freak eyes him oddly.

Freak: you seem overly happy.

Drakken merely shrugs. At this Freak dose the same.

Freak: whatever, doc if you will

Drakken: certainly, Freak owns nothing from Kim Possible or any other copyrighted material.

Freak: on with the show

No one looks better in green

Chapter 1:

A quite morning

It was about nine in the morning, give or take a minute or two, it had been about two months since Drakken had helped Kim Possible save the earth from the alien invasion. Drakken had nothing to do that day so he was only wearing a white under shirt and a pair of blue slacks. Drakken was sitting in his lair just looking up at the ceiling. Left to his thoughts he kept coming to the same dilemma he had been plagued with for the past while. You see in the time between the invasion and, well, now Drakken had not come up with a single plan to take over the world. Well that's not exactly true he had come up with a few but he really had no real urge to try them. Even the ones that he thought were unstoppable. He just didn't want to rule the world any more. You see when you build your life around taking over the world and fail as many times as Drakken and then the only plan of yours that works is to save it, it makes you reconsider a few things. So Drakken just sat there and looked at the magenta ceiling and thought.

Drakken (inner monologue): heh… never thought I would be second guessing my life's work…so what do I do now? Quit… but what would I do? I could actually become a radio doctor. HA HA yeah and maybe Shego could actually be my assistant…why did I have to bring her up?!

That was the thing that perplexed Drakken the most. What would happen between him and Shego if he decided to just stop being a villain? Monkey fist once asked what he thought what would happen to her if they went separate ways. He had said she would probably end up on the streets or turning tricks, but he only said that to protect his own pride because he knew that if she put her mind to it she could probably takeover the world in about a week. Drakken truly did value Shego, in fact he loved her but was too fearful of her answer to tell her.

Drakken (whisper): Shego…

Shego: Dr. D?

Drakken jumped at the sudden mention of his name. He turned to see the person he had just been musing about, Shego in a green tee shirt and knee length, dark green shorts with a pair of black high tops. Her hair was in a high pony tail. Even in this humble attire he still found her beautiful. Drakken turned away to hide the dark blue blush that had formed on his visage.

Drakken: uhh…Shego, how long have you been there?

Shego: not long, I was going to the store, anything specific you want?

Drakken: no, I'm fine

Shego: okay

Shego turned to leave.

Drakken: Shego wait.

Shego turned around.

Drakken (Inner monologue): oh shit, know what. I should just tell her or maybe ask her in a hypothetical way about be quitting…

Drakken: I just…

Drakken looked at her and could not bring up the courage to execute either of his ideas.

Drakken: I just wanted to say you look good in green.

A dark green blush appeared on Shego's face. She turned away to hide it.

Shego (shyly): thank you… Drew.

Drakken (equally as shyly): hey no problem… it's true.

Shego left the room and after she did, Drakken flopped in to his chair and smashed his face in to his desk.

Drakken: I am completely worthless.

Drakken: looked up and saw his phone. He picked it up, dialed a number and waited for the other end to pick up.

Drakken (into the phone): hey, its drew.

Drakken waited as the other person replied

Drakken: yeah it has, how is your daughter?

Drakken waited again.

Drakken: that's good, hey can we meet up and talk?


Drakken: yes it's about Shego


Drakken: thanks, two thirty at the coffee hut.


Drakken: okay see you there and give my best to terry

Drakken waited for the person on the other end to hang up before he did.

O0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o end of chapter 1 o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o00o

Freak: so there we go first chapter done. What do you guys think?

Camera pans to Shego and Drakken with blushes on both there faces looking in opposite directions.

Drakken: it was okay I guess…

Shego: yeah, I guess

Camera pans to Freak

Freak: hopeless. Anyway read and review, and no flames cus I borrowed a few toys from Drakken's lab

Freak takes out a small remote and presses a button. A large death ray emerges from the ground.

Freak: seriously no flames. As always, peace to all my fellow freaks.