Worlds Collide

Chapter 1

Summary: Hermione decides to leave Hogwarts because Harry and Ron have abandoned her because they have girlfriends and new friends. She moves to Gotham to live with her uncle Bruce. She meets the Joker at the fundraiser and you'll just have to wait to see what happens.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.


"Harry, Ron, I'm leaving." Hermione told the boys.

"Why?" Harry said sounding uncaring.

"I've just had enough of Hogwarts; I'm going to live with my uncle Bruce in Gotham."

"Okay, we'll write; we are going to miss you." They both said.

"I'll miss you too."

Hermione walked out of the common room sadly. She hadn't had enough of Hogwarts but she had been abandoned. Harry and Ron had gotten girlfriends and new friends and had left her in the past. She knew they wouldn't write to her, and she new they wouldn't miss her. These thoughts ran through her head as she walked out of the huge double doors of Hogwarts. She turned around and took one final look at the place she had called her home since her first year. "Goodbye Hogwarts; hello Gotham." She said as she turned and got in the carriage that would carry her to the train station.


She had been on the train for about an hour now. Only a few more and she would be saying hello to her new home. She passed the time by reading. She had become so absorbed in her book that the attendant on the train had to shake her on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Miss, the train has stopped."

"Oh, sorry, I get so caught up in books sometimes."

"That's okay."

Hermione got up and got her luggage she walked out onto the train platform and looked around. Her uncle was supposed to be here to pick her up.

"Hermione." She heard a voice yell from the crowd.

She turned her head toward the sound of the voice and saw her uncle standing in the crowd. He started to walk toward her. He finally pushed his way through the crowd and got to her. He embraced her in a big hug.

"It's been so long since I've seen you." Bruce said.

"I know." Hermione replied.

"Well, let's get out of this loud, crowded place."


Bruce picked up her bags and carried them to the car with Hermione following behind with a few more of her bags. She looked at the car Bruce was walking toward and smiled.

"Can we fit all of this in the Lamborghini?"

"Just this yes, but let's just be glad you're having the rest of your stuff shipped out here instead of carrying it then we might have had a problem." He said laughing.

Hermione replied with a laugh as she helped her uncle put her bags in the car. Once everything was packed in the car they got in and her uncle sped away toward his house.


I hope you are enjoying it so far.
