A/N: Woo-hoo, didn't have to stay overnight at mil's so I've got internet. Here's the last chapter. Thanks so very, VERY much to everyone who's reviewed and blessed me with so many kind words. Love you, babes!
Senior Prom 19
I fixed my eyes on Ranger, trying to show the love I felt, now tempered with the ache and uncertainty that his words of this morning had planted in me.
He spoke first. "What your eyes can do to me, Babe. The first time I looked into your eyes, remember? Right here in this very spot. You caught me by surprise. I fell in, and as hard as I tried I've never been able to climb back out. I seem to be struck by you, enchanted. I'm your prisoner, and I don't think I'll ever be free again."
"Then tell me, make me understand how you could be so cruel to me this morning. Why, Ranger? Why did you kick me out?"
His forehead furrowed with sadness. "My head hasn't been right these last few days, since I got back. It's going to take me some time to move past it. And the way I deal with pain is by pushing myself, whether it's on a mission, working, or in the gym. That's what I was doing this morning."
I nodded. It had been obvious. "And…" I prompted.
"Ever since I was a snot-nosed little gang wannabe, running drugs and smoking shit just to prove I could, I haven't been afraid of anything. No fear of consequences, no fear of personal danger, no fear of death. It's what made me so good at what I did for the military."
He rubbed the wrinkles out of his forehead with the heel of his hand. "Until I met you, Babe. Then I knew what fear was. When you fell out of Stiva's cupboard…" He closed his eyes for a second. "When we found your tracker and panic button in that parking garage after Scrog took you…" He sucked in a deep breath. "Every time your car disappears from the tracking grid…" His eyes went blind, looking inward. "Fear has become an unwelcome guest, dropping in when I least expect it."
Harriet the waitress appeared and placed a large slice of lemon meringue pie in front of me, then vanished back into the kitchen, leaving us alone in the diner.
"When you walked into the gym this morning," Ranger continued, "I was so out of control that your presence shook me all the way to my bones. I was scared shitless that I was going to hurt you. As many times as I've felt fear for your safety, today for the first time ever, the danger came from me." His voice broke. "It tore at my guts, even worse than the feeling of being tossed aside by the military. I had to get you away from me, fast, so I lashed out."
"Ranger," I choked out, unable to say more than that single word without collapsing under the weight of his grief and pain.
His eyes dropped to his cup of coffee, and he brought it to his lips before forcing his gaze back to mine. "It was wrong, and it won't happen again. I won't let it. I promise."
My heart melted and I reached out and took his large hand in both of mine.
"Stephanie," he continued, "in our relationship, the life I hope to have with you, there are bound to be disagreements, fights. I can't promise never again to speak in anger. And I may not always be in complete control. But I give you my word that I'll never harm you. And I'll never send you away again."
Tears filled my eyes, and as hard as I blinked to hold them in, one dripped out and ran down my cheek.
"Let's go," I said, pushing my untouched piece of pie aside.
Ranger carried me up all seven flights of stairs at Haywood, huge and hard against my center, my arms and legs wrapped around him. My dress hit the floor just inside the door of the apartment, and my bra followed it as we passed the kitchen.
He caught the side of my thong with a thumb and finger and tore it off as he dropped me onto his bed, then stepped back and surveyed me, lying there naked except for black, lace-topped thigh-highs and the four-inch strappy sandals.
"Ranger." I held my arms out and spread my legs, opening myself to him. "I need you."
His mouth was open, his breath coming in quick gasps, and his eyes were black holes. He dropped his jacket on the floor, yanked his bowtie off, and ripped the front of his shirt open, buttons flying in all directions. His pants joined his jacket on the floor and he was upon me, all ravenous mouth and fast rough hands.
The first time was frenzied and ferocious, a primitive mating punctuated by the slap of skin on skin, the clash of teeth on teeth, the suck of flesh on flesh, pulses pounding to animalistic gratification.
When we were both shattered and empty, Ranger rolled us, still joined, so that I lay lax as liquid over his chest. I nuzzled into his neck, my tongue sliding through the sweat-saltiness, and he expanded and filled me again.
The second time was slow and sensual, a long, lilting lift up a soft slope. The arch of my hip to meet him, the tremble of his thighs as he strained to hold back, the quick flash of passion in my gaze, his fathomless eyes— every look, every move built us higher and higher until we slipped over the precipice together in flawless harmony.
Later, Ranger rolled us again, a glimmer in his eye, and said, "It's time for my pie, Babe."
My heart stumbled and stuttered as his mouth moved over me, tasting and taking, driving me ever upward until I crashed over the edge with a long, low wail. And then he filled me again, immersing me in an infinite galaxy of bliss until I took flight.
"Ranger," I murmured, replete and ready to drop off to sleep but needing to tell him at last how I felt about him.
"Hmmm?" he answered, his chest rumbling under my cheek.
"There's something I've been trying to tell you ever since you came back."
"What, Babe?"
I took a deep breath and braced myself, my heart jogging. "I love you. I've been in love with you for a long time."
"I know, Babe. I love you, too."
Huh? He knew?
"I heard you telling Joe in your apartment that night he found us together, before I passed out. I heard it all."
"You did?"
"Yeah, I did. And the first time you told me, in the ambulance, I tried so hard to answer you, but I was too far out of it."
"You were unconscious. I didn't think you could hear me."
"I heard. And the second time, in the ICU after my surgery, I was just drifting off to sleep. But that time might have been a dream."
"It wasn't," I said. "So you heard me every time?"
"I was afraid you didn't know."
"I knew, Babe. I know."
I snuggled up against him and relaxed. Just as I was dropping into slumber Ranger spoke again, low and husky and affectionate. "Will you do something for me?"
"Keep telling me you love me every day for the rest of our lives. And I'll keep telling you."
And we did.
The End