Yay, a new story! Well since Why A Human? is almost complete, I decided to start another story (obviously). Please let me know what you think.
They're up to something, he can feel it. Even after ten years, they are still looking for the impossible.
A good, honest, loyal, kind and caring friend for their dear son.
But what they don't understand is that he has those already. Way more then he can count. There is Kakashi, Sai, and Sakura. Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Neji, Lee, Gaara... oh how the list can go on and on and on. So maybe they don't have the entire wanted characteristics but some of them are still there.
Naruto Uzumaki, the youngest son of the richest and powerfulest family in all of Kahona. One would think that such a child would be spoiled... but he's not. On the other hand he's not the nicest person either. A rude, arrogant, violent, annoyingly foolish, jerk, yup, that just about summed him up.
Okay back to the matter at hand. Why must he be nagged about his choice of friends? So what if they aren't perfect. No one on this bloody earth is! Unless you count God, that is. But he's not on this green and blue planet, now is he? No, he is not. At least not to Naruto's knowledge.
Gah! Gotta stay on topic here. Back to the friends issue. To make it simple, Naruto doesn't want any more friends. He doesn't need anymore. The friends he has now are enough and he is perfectly happy with them. Why can't that be good enough for them?
Okay so maybe Kakashi is a bit of a pervert. Alright, he's a huge pervert smothered in pervert sauce with some added obsessive Icha Icha Paradise reader to top it off. But, deep down, aren't we all?
And Sakura, she is a somewhat violent person (especially towards poor Naruto-kun). But she can control her anger when needed be. Apart from the fact that she takes joy out of pummeling Naruto's head in on a daily basis, there is nothing wrong with the girl. She is a straight A student and has even skipped a grade. She even likes to volunteer down at the hospitals from time to time.
As for Sai well... Naruto could understand if people have a problem with him. Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi don't, but a lot of people do. When first introduced, Sai is distinguished by total lack of emotion which he often masks with a false, cheerful, yet transparent facade. Sai is also very observant. He pays much attention to detail, allowing him to notice if something is not as it appears or should be. Sai is also a talented artist. His lack of social skills and obviously false outer mask frequently causes conflict between Sai and other, and he often makes the mistake of insulting fellow students in an attempt to seem sociable.
No one really knows what goes through his three best friends' minds during the day. And, honestly, many don't even WANT to know. They each had this aura surrounding them that says that they'll easily kill you if you push their button hard enough. And that had been the case once during their sophomore year for Kakashi. The silver haired teen had committed a murder. He was let go because he had only done it as an act of self-defense. That doesn't mean he wasn't in a shit-load of trouble afterwards though. We'll probably touch upon the whose, hows, whens, and whys later.
But back to the issue about his parents. They've been seriously busying themselves all day-- and every day for the past six months-- trying to find the "perfect" friend for their son.
Don't they know that people like that only live in books and movies?
OoO... ... ...OoO
"Oh honey! I think I've found onnne!" a woman's voice sung happily. A tall, thin, woman with long red hair and light greenish-gray eyes turned to her husband with a grin that could rival her son's. It was her duty as a mother to find the right person for Naruto, whether it be girl, boy, cat, dog, or frog. That boy needs a friend-- one that can deal with his stubbornness-- and he needs one right now, dammit!
Naruto father, who was just as eager about the whole scheme (though he didn't show it as much as his loving wife) looks over at the redhead who's practically bouncing in her seat at this point. "Did you now?" He rose from his seat, quickly making his way to his wife, leaning over her shoulder to get a better look at the glowing screen. "Looks promising. Click on it."
She did as told and an extremely long list popped onto the computer screen. All were listed under, "Kohana's Orphanages." A second heading proclaimed, "You can change a child's life for eternity by adopting them today."
With curious eyes, Kushina and Minato scanned down the long list of orphanages, skimming along all the sub-headings as they went. The sub-headings told about what each place was like, what others thought of them, past adoptions, recommendations, what all went on there, different things like that.
Towards the bottom of the list, a sentence popped off the screen, just asking for them to check it out.
"Every child is listed here with a photo to go along with a profile. See your future child to be today."
Again, Kushina clicked on the link and again a long list appeared. The two adults quietly went through everyone's profile, analyzing them carefully. They did not need to make a mistake after coming so far.
Minato was about ready to give up when an ear deafening squeal came from his wife. She'd just came across the perfect one. The perfect best friend for their beloved son! This person met her expectation perfectly with so much more to give.
"Honey! Honey! Honey!"
"What? What? What?" Mocked her husband, rubbing at his abused arm she'd been hitting while pointing a polished finger nail towards the computer.
"I've found the one! The miracle child!" She was so happy and soon, her son would be too.
Minato took a moment to take in his lover's glittering green eyes and blinding smile before turning his attention to the glowing screen in front of them. After reading it for a moment, he smile, though no where near as big as Kushina's. His joys, however, were put on hold as one itsy bitsy teeny weenie sentence caught his attention.
Tapping a finger against the monitor, he said, "Look here. This boy is apparently mute."
Instantly the redhead's happy personality was crushed. "That would probably explain why no one has bothered to adopt him.... Oh please, Mina-kun! Can we have him! Please! That boy has obviously seen his share of a tough life, so maybe a new environment will do him some good. And Naruto too."
How could he deny her when she'd already fallen in love with the boy? Just by looking at this boy's photo-- which looked to have been taking over two years ago-- Kushina knew that he could-- and would change their son's life for the better.
Looking at the computer's clock, they noted that it was a little after noon. If they left now, they could adopt the boy and have him home by the time Naruto came home from hanging with his friends.
Starting up their printer, they copied the address, directions, phone number, and the boy's photo before they took their leave. They left a note for their son, saying they were going to a meeting, which was true. But, what Naruto didn't know, was that this meeting could be the best damn thing to ever happen in his entire life.
OoO... ... ...OoO
In the office next to Kushina's and Minato's room, a dim glow shone within the otherwise dark room. On top a wooden desk, a desktop computer hummed silently to itself, the screen displaying to the world a young man's profile.
There was a photo of a small trim figured boy with silky looking raven hair that fell to his shoulders and mysterious blue-- almost black-- eyes. Something about the boy's eyes just screamed that he was in pain, although not physical but much worse. Emotional pain. His eyes were tainted. Forever to be filled with grief and sorrow. And he was unnaturally pale. It would seem he hadn't been outside in the past several years. His smile, though small, was pleasant and most definitely a rare treat.
The information on the profile went as follows:
Name: Sasuke Uchiha
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Raven
Birthday: July 23 XXXX
Height: 5''3
Weight: 117 pounds
Blood type: AB
Hobbies: Writing, playing the piano and other instruments, reading.
Good Traits: Honorable, loyal.
Flaws: Somewhat anti-sociable. He is mute (or so we believe).
WARNING: Do not bring up family matters, or ask about his past unless he brings it up first.
Okay please please please help me! I need a song. A love song that I can use for this story. I have an idea or two but I don't think they'll work all that good. I don't want it to be all lovey dovey. Just something you think would fit Naruto's and Sasuke's relationship. So PLEASE if you have ANY suggestions tell me. If you don't I'm going to pick something totally crappy and than I'll feel really bad.
I know its short and not much happens but please bear with me. This is the first chapter after all.