Chapter 1


'How could this happen' thought the orange haired shinigami (Japanese:Death God) Ichigo Kurosaki as he hit the sandy floors of the Shadowy plains of Hueco Mundo(Spanish:Hollow World; Japanese:Hollow Sphere). After following the defeat of the Sexta Espada (Spanish:Six Sword; Japanese:Sixth of the Ten Sword) Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, he thought he could finally get away with Orihime Inoue and all his friend that helped in the rescue mission.

But fate had dealt a bad hand to him once more. Preparing to leave only to be attacked once more, by the brutish of the Espada, Nnoitra Jiruga the Quinta Espada (Spanish: Five Sword; Japanese:Fifth of the Ten Sword). Being beaten beyond the point of exhaustions by Grimmjow left Ichigo had no strength to fight.

"What's the matter Shinigami" Yelled Nnoitra from a distance. "Aren't you stronger than this, or are you always this weak?" Nnoitra said in mocking tone with a frown of disappointment knowing his new target was just another pig to slaughter.

Orihime witnessing this wished to help her friend, but struggling against her captor and Nnoitra's fracción(Spanish:Fraction; Japanese:Subordinate Officers), Tesla, made all attempts futile.

"Please, Stop! Can't you see that Kurosaki-kun is hurt? Please stop!" Orihime pleaded to the thin Espada.

Only for Nnoitra to turn his head to Orihime and shout back at her in an annoyed tone "Shut up, I'm doing this because he's injured!" Nnoitra then turned his whole body while keeping Ax-like Zanpakutō (Japanese:Soul-Cutter Sword) pointed toward Ichigo. "This is a battle of courses it's going to be unfair. In battles, enemies are made for all sorts of reason. I can't Stand this guy, I'm going to kill him, any reason a battle is born it's only the natural order of things" Nnoitra explained while glaring at the young healer before turning his head back at his opponent.

Nnoitra then lifted his blade over his head and said with excitement "This it Shinigami!" And swung the his blade down with full force.

Ichigo seeing the blade swing down on him as if it was in slow motion, thought 'No, It can't end like this!'

"Yes, it certainly would seem pathetic."

A pulse of energy was felt by Ichigo and he notice that Nnoitra's descending blade halt to a complete stop, with is grin frozen in place as he was. He then noticed Orihime frozen in place as well against her captor.

He looked around to find the source of the voice. Then he saw five feet away from him an old man in a black Trent coat. He held in his hand a cane with a silver skull on it. His face gave evidence that he was in his late sixties and had a expression that was calm and stoic.

The figure approached Ichigo. "Who are you?" Ichigo questioned the newcomer "Did you do all this?" The figure smiled at Ichigo's observation "Yes, my dear boy." He spoke in a polite tone "My name is Mephisto."

Ichigo was confused, by both the name and presence of the man. He then asked "What are you doing here?"

Mephisto also smiled seeing then man before him wanted to go straight to business and said "It's a pity for such a pure soul, witnessing the death of a person he or she cares for die in front of their very eyes..." Mephisto said in a false sorrowful tone. "And even more pathetic for the person about to die believing he can't do nothing about it. When he could." Emphasizing the last part so Ichigo could catch it.

Which he did and said "What do you mean?" Ichigo questioned the man once more.

Mephisto then spoke in a louder and clear tone "What I'm saying is that I can give you the power needed to protect your friend and more Ichigo Kurosaki"

Ichigo was shocked by not only the old man knowing his name, but Offering him more power. Seeming to good to be true, he turned his head to Orihime to remind himself what he got to do.

"What do I need to do?" Ichigo asked the figure.

"Just a little job that lucky ties in with the mission of stopping Aizen from creating the ōken (King's Key), as well as stopping the true mastermind that you don't know of." Mephisto said explaining why he was here and giving a complete stranger power.

Ichigo, confused once more about a true mastermind behind all the event that have happen ever since the Soul Society. He then ask "What do you mean true Mastermind?"

"The true man behind the hybrid you fought and trained with is the Man who wants the Throne for himself and unite, what should be divided, under his rule." Mephisto said with a cold voice and then with a sigh "My son, Blackheart. Who is in disguised, that you have met before."

"What do you mean I met him before?" Ichigo Asked.

Mephisto, wanting to hurry up, said "No more question." he pulled out A piece of paper with writing on it to small for Ichigo to read from a distance, a pointed pen and said "Do we have a deal?"

Ichigo, not knowing all the detail to the new power he would be given, saw there was no other choice if he wanted to save everyone. He moved hand over to the pen, Ignoring the pain present in his body. Then as he tried to grab the pen, a small amount of blood, from his wounds, dripped on the paper and his name appeared.

Seeing this Mephisto pulled back the paper and pen and said "That will do."

Ichigo then felt an intense amount of pain in his chest that felt like he was burning him from the inside and Looked at Mephisto. Who then said "You are my, employee, as I would like to call you..." He started to fade out of existence and he spoke in a dissembled voice "You know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it…" His body completely vanished, but still spoke. "I do hope I put my faith in the right person, My new Ghost Rider."

Then Reality kicked back in. Ichigo, still in pain, Rolled over narrowing missing the blade from cutting him in half. But the force of the blade impact with the ground force Ichigo a few feet away from Nnoitra, Still clenching his Chest from the unknown pain he was feeling now.

Nnoitra noticed that the young Shinigami survived, but in pain that he was sure wasn't caused by him, but he shrugged it off and moved to him.

Orihime saw this as well. She was scared that fact that Ichigo was in more pain then before. But still couldn't help but notice the change in reiatsu (Japanese:Spiritual Pressure).

Ichigo now started to feel the burning sensation growing even stronger when Nnoitra approach. He felt all the pain, heard all the screams from Nnoitra's soul. He wanted it to all stop

When Nnoitra final reached Ichigo he was annoyed by Ichigo screaming loader then ever. He picked up Ichigo by the neck and shouted in his face "What the matter Shinigami? Why are you losing your head?" Then threw Ichigo on The ground and kicked him over on to his back. But Ichigo still held his chest and his eyes were shut tight.

Nnoitra raised his weapon once more to silence Ichigo's screams. When he swung his weapon down, he saw for one second, Ichigo opening his eyes and saw that his eyes weren't brown. But look like red and black flames. Then felt an explosion from Ichigo and was pushed back to where is servant was, a good fifty feet away.

Orihime felt the blast of Chaotic power as well and was fearful of her friend's safety. "Kurosaki-Kun!"

Nel also felt this energy and was also more afraid then she ever had been.

"Ichi-chan!" She cried on deaf ears.

When the power was finally settling, all that was left blocking the spectators was the dust, that was also settling. What they saw, they conclude one thing.

'What the hell is that?!'

Hello readers of all age!

If your reading this I thank you for viewing my
first story ever placed on this site.

Don't worry their more to come.
