Sorry this took so long. Paulina's a flat character, I didn't know what to do with her. Also, a friend's birthday, I just started school again, blah, blah, blah. I have a oneshot idea that may involve her - based off the episode of Victorious "Jade Dumps Beck."
If you are surprised that this is late, you obviously don't know me.
Sam sighed. She wasn't by any means a mean person, but Paulina had embarrassed her…hell, that seemed to be the case with everyone in this assignment.
"This is Paulina." Sam paused. Mr. Lancer saw what she was getting at.
"Samantha that doesn't count as a fact."
"Why not?"
"You know why not."
"Fine," Sam grumbled and read the paper in front of her, "one, she was born in April, on the nineteenth, two, she is fluent in Spanish - and just so you know, I know some Spanish, so don't think I don't know what you say about me. Three, she doesn't like me."
"I don't think that should count," Mikey said from the front, "everyone knows that."
"Well I don't know why, I'm delightful," Sam pouted, and she continued despite the snickers, "four, her eyes are bluish-green, five, her dad scares me, and six…" Sam began this fact begrudgingly, "judging by what she said about me, she's decent at keeping secrets…" she could remember Paulina's reaction when Sam had reluctantly brought her to her house. She knew the girl was dying to reveal Sam's well-hidden affluence, as she didn't understand why Sam would want to keep it a secret just to avoid special treatment.
"Seven, she has three older sisters who are…weird."
Paulina frowned, "you're weird."
"I know," Sam shrugged and moved on, "eight, I think she has a shopping addiction because I had to drag her out of the mall. Nine, she's a worse driver than Danny."
Dash frowned and interrupted, "impossible!"
Danny crossed his arms, "don't be a baby. Let it go!"
"And ten, she wears glasses at home," Sam heard Paulina growl under her breath, and Sam smirked, "sorry, there's just so little to you that I had to take what I could get."
"You couldn't say something nice about me, Manson?" Paulina said scathingly.
"I did a couple of times, remember, we're doing facts," Sam shot back, "plus, you said not to compliment you - it takes all the fun out of insulting me."
"You little-"
"Okay!" Lancer interrupted, "next pair, please."
Yeah, I'm sure Mr. Lancer didn't want them to be mean to each other for this assignment, but, with the pairs he chose, what was he expecting to happen?