Freak walks out in an ICP hoodie, black jeans and brown boots with his hair slicked back.

Freak: hey every body I decided that to make up for not updating for so long I would release chapter 9 and 10 at the same time so here to do the disclaimer is… MRS. MADISON!!!

Mrs. Madison comes out in the same cloths as before.

Mrs. Madison: oh, Freak, dear, it's good to see you again.

Mrs. Madison then hugs Freak.

Freak (breathlessly): Mrs. M (gasp) can't (gasp) breath

Mrs. Madison drops freak

Mrs. Madison: sorry, dear

Freak: it's okay. Would ya mind?

Mrs. Madison: oh of course. Freak with a pen owns nothing from El Tigre

Freak: and now on with the show… I think you may have cracked a rib…

Long Time No See

Chapter 10:


(Part 2)

Django and Zoë had walked for the better part of an hour before stopping at a hotel. The manager allowed them to have a room for free considering who they were. Django took the key card gratefully and made his way down the hall with Zoë in toe. Django opened the door to the room and promptly, flopped onto the bed. The whole time he and Zoë had said nothing to each other and it was driving her crazy.

Zoë: so, are you ready to talk?

Django (muffled): 'bout what?

Zoe had seemed very agitated by that.

Zoe: you know god damn well "what!"

Django flipped over on the bed so he was facing the ceiling and sighed.

Zoe: look, you know Manny only said that cause he was worried of…

Django: OF WHAT!?!

Zoe flinched

Zoe: of this, of what you get like when you see…


In his ranting the guitar playing zombie had turned away from Zoe. She walked up behind him and hugged her undead boyfriend. He relaxed noticeably. She turned the skeletal form around.

Zoe: but you have anew life with us…

Zoe kissed Django.

Zoe: with me.

Django: I know, and I'm glad, it's just…

Zoe: what

Django lied on the bed in the room, Zoë walked over and sat next to him and he placed his head in her lap.

Django: he is…what I was, if that makes any sense, and I can't help but despise him for it

Django and Zoe were silent for some time. Django had taken to staring at the ceiling again, while Zoë looked out the window. She saw a flock of birds fly past one had broken of in a different direction. She then looked down at the walking dead that she had fallen in love with.

Zoe: did I ever tell you what happened?

Django's eyes had drifted closed.

Django: when?

Zoe: on the day I left the flock?

Django's eyes shot open, he slowly lifted himself into a sitting position and looked at Zoe with all the seriousness he could convey.

Django: you said you didn't want to talk about it.

Zoe: well… now I do

0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o flash back 0o0o0o0oo00o0o0o00o0o

Three months after Zoe passed her test (see chapter 5: legit) and Zoe had to tell her family the choice she had made. She had decided to pack her bags, incase she had to make a quick get away. She walked into the kitchen / dinning room of her family's home / lair. She was wearing her street cloths, her mother and Grandmami were in normal cloths as well. Her mother was wearing a red skirt, black shoes and a blue blouse with her hair done up in a bun. Her Grandmami had a black shirt, blue skirt, a red shawl, black shoes and glasses on. Her mother was at the stove cooking pancakes while her Grandmami was waiting at the table.

Grandmami: ah, good morning Zoe

Zoe (meekly): good morning Grandmami

Carmelita turned and greeted her daughter with a plate of pancakes

Carmelita: Good morning Zoë, how did you sleep?

Zoe (meekly): Morning mama. Fine mama

Carmelita: are you alright, dear?

Grandmami: you seem like you have something on your mind.

Zoe: I do, I have something very important to say

Grandmami and Carmelita stopped and paid careful attention to Zoe.

Zoe: I'm in love… with Django of the dead…

Carmelita's jaw went slack and Grandmami was silent. Zoe decided to continue

Zoe: and I've decided to become a hero.

It was at this that Carmelita became furious.


Grandmami: CARMELITA!!! Allow me to speak with Zoe alone.

Carmelita left the room steaming; Zoe had a few tears in her eyes as Grandmami walked over to her.

Zoe: go ahead yell at me, disown me, beat me, I'm still going.

Grandmami sighed and reached into her pocket. When her hand emerged it held a photograph.

Grandmami: Zoe, look at this picture

Zoe wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at the picture. The photo was old and in black and white, it was of a man standing proudly, he wore a long sleeved shirt with a bird on the front, on his pants were feathers along the sides and he had a wide brimmed sombrero with another bird emblazoned on the front, he also had a black mask with a short, Protruding, fake beak right about where his nose would be. On his back were two large robotic wings

Zoe: who is this?

Grandmami: that was your great grandfather, my father, Alihandro Aves, he was also known as the great hawk, he was one of miracle city's first hero's…

Zoë looked at the eldest member of the furious flock in awe. This man, this hero was the father of one of the most notorious thieves in the world.

Grandmami: and I was once training to be the same.

Zoe: but… why did you…

Grandmami: become vileness… love can do things to you, Niño. El Puma Loco, the first time I met him… I fell for him, and became what I am, to impress him… it may not have worked out but I still met a good man. You deserve the same chance.

Grandmami Aves hugged her granddaughter. With tears of joy in her eyes Zoë hugged her back, at least someone understood

Grandmami: I'll go talk to your mother, but you might want to leave now.

The bird themed teen nodded and walked back to her room to get her things while her grandmother walked into the room that her mother had left through. Zoe called a taxi service and it was there within the hour. As she was getting her bags into the car her mother walked out to the street. For a moment they just stared at each other as Carmelita walked over to her daughter. She gave her a stern look.

Carmelita: I'm not happy about what you're doing…

Zoe remained unfazed. Then the stern look from Carmelita faltered into a sad frown.

Carmelita: but I understand

Carmelita hugged Zoë.

Carmelita: just stay safe, and be happy.

Zoe hugged her back.

Zoe: thank you, mama, I love you

Carmelita: I love you too, Niño

With that she packed the rest of her bags in the taxi and waved good bye to her mother and Grandmami.

0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o end of flash back 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0

Zoe: and you know the rest

Django looked at his girlfriend with regret in his non existent eyes. He reached up and rubbed Zoë's cheek.

Django: oh my god, Zoe, I never realized how much you had given…

Zoe: no, I'm glad to be here. Manny and Mike are like brothers to me, and Raven, and now Frida, are like sisters.

Zoe looked at Django with love in her eyes

Zoe: and I have you

They met half way and kissed.

Django: okay, okay, I'll apologize to the fur ball.

Zoe: good

Zoe then tried to get up from the bed but was pulled back down by two very familiar arms.

Zoe: what the…

Django: but ya know… we do have the room for at least today…

Django and Zoe looked at each other with an all to familiar mischief in their eyes, But just as the festivities were about to start.


Zoe: what the hell was that!?

Django (inner monologue): son… of a… bitch

Zoe: Django!!!

Django: right, right

They promptly left the hotel tossing the room key to the clerk as they left

0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o end of chapter 10 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o

Freak is lying on a medical bed with bandages around his mid-section.

Freak: well I hope you liked it, cus to wash out all the fluff in my system there's gonna be a big fight sequence next chapter. Oh also I would like to invite freakwithapen'sbiggestfan to do next chapters intro. So as please review, flames will be severely punished…

Freak pulls a small device from his pocket and pushes a button on it. Part of a large explosion can be seen from off screen.

Freak: I have more of these, and as always…

Voice of screen: Mr. Freak with a pen, it's time for your sponge bath.

A very attractive female nurse walks in.

Freak: aint life just grand? Anyway as always peace to all my fellow freak.