I'm no hero. Like a mantra I repeat those words in my head, over and over again. This is stupid; I'm a thief, not a hero. Still I stare down at the people being rounded up by Slade's minions and couldn't turn away. Still I took risks, still I picked fights, and still I save lives.

Why do I do it? Why did I break into a heavily protected Slade lab and steal the Zinothium suit? Sure it could help me steal but the risk was way too high for the payoff. But I did.

When I got the suit I could have disappeared and just robed the wealthier followers of Slade, those who would be too embarrassed or too afraid to admit they had been robed. That was the safe choice, it was the smart choice. So why am I now breaking into a heavily guarded repurposed Star Lab, to rescue a bunch of metas I don't even know? FOR FREE! But I am.

Why did I keep the name Red X knowing it would only give me more attention? Why am I so stupid!?

He thought these thoughts as he sneaked through the lab. He cursed himself as he disabled the security. He felt like a sucker when he told the metas how to sneak out. His instincts told him to cut his losses and leave as he sent a wave of X shaped beams cutting the locks on the prisoners. He smiled when he stole a couple of blueprints.

At least I'm not a complete idiot.