Author's Note: I hate to say it…but… this is the final chapter in this story. I feel like I'm going to cry!! This story took a year to complete and it feels great and horrible at the same time. I wish I didn't have to end it, but there is nothing more to write after this chapter :*( I hope you all enjoy this new chapter for the last time.
Dedicated to: sodapopgirly83, jjdjd, jackie-chan1230, SasoLOVE111, Raven1123, stargazing-sweetie, MidKnight Karina, minniemousemom, Abmonkey8, White Fatalis, just-let-me-go, Otakugal, LadyPassionofHate, xXbunnyholicXx, A'den Neytiri Kad, Natalie, BlueTwilite, snorkabuziaczek, LadyYakamichi, shadow miko, kitty cullen, Hypnotized Angel, The Reveiwer known as Name, Blackrose74, nightwish635, .berri-blossom , Em-i-lo, midnightblue123, XSweetXSourXSoulX, narubby23, lloo161, sleeping itasaku fangirl, DarkMangaIza, nickeledwards, Gobi5no5Houkou, and any others that read this story to the very end :)
Please enjoy it :)
Sakura stayed wrapped in Itachi's hold as she mulled over her predicament. 'Am I willing to give up my work for him?' She looked around the room to see her dearest friends and family watching the scene with hope in their eyes. 'But…if I do…I can never roam the night again. I can never crawl around in the dirty parts of the world looking for ones I have to interrogate. I'll be locked away in this castle until I die…I…don't want that.'
Itachi watched her closely as her emerald eyes receded to her thoughts. 'I can't push her on this decision. I must give her time to consider every action. I will wait for her. There is no one else I'd rather have. No one sparks my emotions like she does, no one can…dare I say it…control me like she could. The power she holds over me is scary but thrilling at the same time.'
"Itachi…I…" He felt her bring her injured hands against his chest and try to push him away.
He ignored her pathetic attempts to push him away from her and tightened his hold around her waist as if to tell her he wasn't going to let her go. "Sakura listen…"
Sakura shook her head. She didn't want to spend the rest of her young life in a castle. 'This isn't my world. It will never be my world.' She looked up into Itachi's onyx eyes with sorrow. She didn't want to hurt him, but they were from two different worlds. He belonged in the gold covered thrown with servants and an obedient wife that would bare him children and nothing else. Yet, she belonged with the scum of the village looking into every underground fight for the next victim that would cause her country harm. His world would not accept her into a royal society. None of the countries would take Itachi seriously with her at his side. 'The last thing I can do is bring Kohana more harm than good. They won't accept me, I know how I am and I know that if I talk to those high stuck up snobs like Fugaku, they will treat Itachi like a spec of dirt. I wouldn't allow myself to ruin his life.'
"I don't…"
Fugaku felt the room freeze as he watched his son attach himself to the pink haired woman at his side. He practically proposing to the disobedient woman had him steaming with anger. 'What is Itachi doing?! Bringing that thing into our family is like bringing the plague back to Kohana.' He glared at the young woman that stood comfortably in his son's arms. 'She's a leech! She won't leave him alone. He can do much better than that. She doesn't deserve the crown. A proper princess does!'
His angered state caused his body to stomp down onto the marble floor. His fists balled at his side and his body began to shake with the amount of disrespect Itachi was showing towards their family name.
"Itachi I object! This is preposterous!" He stood next to the couple and pulled Sakura off of him with a violent tug.
Itachi released Sakura immediately, not wanting his father to hurt Sakura even more than she already was. He gave Sakura a soft look before he glared at his own father for his disrespectful interruption.
Sakura didn't object to the separation, but Fugaku's force made her cringe as his hand crushed violently on her injured shoulder. She stood still, swallowing the pain, as Fugaku's hand held her shoulder tightly. 'He's so angered by Itachi's offer.' She studied him through the corner of her eye. His body was shaking and his chest was heaving up and down at the rough breaths he was taking. 'He thinks Itachi is making a fool out of him, out of their family, out of everything Fugaku stands for. This is why I wouldn't fit in. They care about their image too much.'
"Father do not make me ask you again." Itachi said in a steady tone, his red eyes never blinked as he watched his father's every move.
"She doesn't belong here Itachi! She is a spy! Her skills have nothing to do with politics or proper edict. All she knows how to do is kill others and swindle information from them! It is a useless skill for a Queen to have. I will not allow you to make a mockery of the Uchiha family!" He stepped back from Sakura and pointed an accusing finger her way. "You are nothing but trouble to my family and my country. You don't belong here. How Tsunade allowed you to be her apprentice is beyond me. You only care to make me look bad!"
The room fell silent at Fugaku's outburst. Tsunade and Jiraiya watched their young spy with worried eyes. There was no telling if Fugaku's words would sway Sakura's opinion. Mikoto and Sasuke couldn't help but stare at the eldest Uchiha with shocked eyes. The once strong and wise King was showing his true colors to the world. By his actions it was unimaginable that the quiet and kind hearted Mikoto married the ruthless and subjective Fugaku. Iruka looked back and forth between the King, Sakura, and Itachi not knowing what was going to happen. Sakura stood too still for Iruka to predict any of her actions; it was as if she was a robot. Kakashi, however, wanted to shove his employer into the stone wall and make him let Itachi defend himself. The situation was all too familiar of Rin's father immediately denying his request to take Rin's hand in marriage.
"Poor Sakura." Iruka commented to everyone as the outspoken woman stood quietly in front of them.
"Did you see Forehead though? She was backing away from him before Fugaku even came into the picture." Ino observed as she watched her best friend stand there limply. "She's not herself."
Tsunade nodded her head in agreement. "Something is making Sakura second guess which she should choose. She doesn't really know what she wants anymore."
Jiraiya shook his head back and forth denying what he was seeing. "We talked about this! Sakura is not supposed to think with her brain, but with her heart. She told me of her feelings for the Uchiha, and now when it really matters she is backing away."
Kakashi placed a calming hand on Jiraiya's shoulder. "Sakura might be thinking with her heart Jiraiya." His grey eyes studied his daughter with understanding. "She is taking in every possible event that could happen."
Sasuke thought back to all the times Itachi would defend Sakura against their livid father, he never really thought that Itachi had feelings for the crazy woman until it was announced to the world. "But isn't this what Sakura wants too? Doesn't she want Itachi?"
Mikoto grew worried when she saw Sakura become separated by her husband. 'No Sakura don't deny Itachi! He loves you; don't turn your love for him away…' Her heart began to sink as her worst fear was about to come true.
"You would think that's what she wants…but it's as if she's too scared to decide anything." Iruka told Sasuke. 'This is a different Sakura. She really cares for Itachi and she really cares for her line of work. To pick between the two things she loves…it's a horrible choice.'
Itachi took a step in-between his father and Sakura, making sure to block Sakura from Fugaku. "You have no say in this decision Father."
Fugaku snorted at his son's comment as his red eyes practically laughed in his face. "The only way that you could override my authority Itachi is if…" The laughter in his eyes washed away from as realization settled in.
Itachi let a smirk of his own settle across his pale face as he watched his father catch on to his plan. "…if I claim the crown." He finished.
Gasps filled the room as the royal guests watched the scene on top of their tables. No one knew what was going to happen next. The idea of the rebellious Itachi claming the thrown suddenly was unexpected. Rumors around Fire Country made it seem that Itachi was never going to give into his father's wishes, and all of a sudden he was. It was a puzzling request.
Tsunade, Iruka, Jiraiya, Ino, and Kakashi froze in their spots while Mikoto and Sasuke stared, gaping, at Itachi. The demanding outburst would surely change everything.
"Why would he claim it now? Doesn't he know that will only make Sakura want to get away from him?" Ino whispered, afraid of killing the tension. "He should know how Sakura feels about the royal stature. She'd never allow him to bring her into that line of duty."
Tsunade shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows what is going on in that man's head. At this point he's playing with the luck of the dice."
"Itachi is like Sakura. He always has a plan…but his are more…thought-out. Sakura uses what is given to her to form her plans while Itachi assumes what people do and plans his actions according to what he knows they will do."
Sasuke turned to Kakashi with a raised brow. "If he is this planned out then why is he claiming the crown now? Doesn't seem like a good plan to me." Sasuke mumbled as he crossed his arms across his chest.
"Fugaku has offered the crown to Itachi several times once before and he waits till now to claim it." Mikoto stared at her eldest son with pride and fear in her raven eyes. "He wants Fugaku to not have a say in who he marries…he waited until he was sure of Sakura's feelings before he took on the responsibility of being King. It is the only way to ensure that Itachi could marry the woman he wants to marry."
"Looks like Itachi is just as sacrificing as Sakura is. He will give up his freedom to have Sakura. He'd rather have her than his right to do whatever he wanted." Tsunade said with a light chuckle.
Fugaku glared at his son and ripped the crown from his head. The gold pointed crown shinned against the candle light as the rain subsided and the lightning seized. The night sky slowly brought out the full moon as the violent winds and storms came to a standstill. The bay windows allowed the full moon to shine even more light into the room as Fugaku was absorbed by the light, looking down at his crown that he clutched to. His red eyes stared at his beloved symbol of power and then to his betraying son.
"Now you decided to take my crown?! After all the times I've tried to make you take the responsibility? You choose now to take it?"
"Hn." Itachi answered emotionlessly as he watched Sakura from the corner of his eyes. 'Come on Sakura for once let me predict what you will do.' His move was a dicey one but it was the only extreme that could ensure him victory.
"By law you are obliged to hand over the crown to your son Fugaku." Mikoto softly said to her husband, knowing that she was aiding her son. 'I've watched Itachi play tricks on the guards just to pick at their brains. As a mother I think I would recognize one of his schemes.'
The reluctant growl from Fugaku startled everyone. 'Itachi just wants the crown to marry this little wench. Sure he's ready to be a King, more than King…but he cannot have that little parasite as a wife! Hakate or not, she is not meant to rule Kohana let alone be an Uchiha! I will not welcome her into my family!'
"Mother is right Father. Hand it over." Itachi said as he raised his hand out to take the twinkling headdress.
Fugaku slammed the crown down into his son's hands and glared at the woman behind Itachi. "You are not meant to rule my country."
Sakura watched the crown wide eyes. Itachi took the crown from Fugaku without a second thought, there was no stutter in his demand; Itachi really wanted the crown. 'Oh no, no, no. This isn't going to work.' She took a couple steps back and shook her head vigorously from side to side.
Itachi reached out to Sakura, trying to keep her near him, but she pushed his hand away. She stopped when her back gently bumped into one of the tables with a crowd on top of them. She could feel the guests watched her from above but she could only look at the sonic Uchiha with heartbreaking eyes.
"You're Father is right Itachi. I don't belong here." She looked up at the staring royal guests and laughed lightly. "You really think that I would dress up like them?" She pointed to one of the woman's well made dress that gave her the ideal figure. She then looked down at her bloody attire with a lonely linen thread tied around her waist. "I don't even like wearing this white piece of fabric. I'm not fit to rule a Kingdom Itachi. I was made to crouch in mud and watch bastards like Orochimaru die. A castle isn't the right place for me. I would ruin you…not help you."
Sakura watched his face for a reaction, anything, that showed her that he was happy that she was leaving him…but all she saw was a twitch of his mouth.
Itachi swallowed down his emotions as Sakura gave him the much predicted speech. For the first time Itachi had predicted Sakura's decision. 'Now do it Sakura. Do what I know you will do.'
The room was filled with gasps as Sakura turned down the hard to refuse Uchiha. The young women glared at the servant. She was walking out on the most handsome man in Fire Country! How she was able to turn her back on the man that obviously loves her did not make sense to them. Others felt the heart break in their own hearts at Sakura's denial. They watched the Uchiha Prince trying to find the heart break that Itachi should be feeling.
"She can't do that!" She walked next to her son and stared at her retorting back. "Sakura don't leave him!" Mikoto yelled out, her own heart ached at the horrible turn of events.
Tsunade walked next to the shaking Mikoto and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Sakura is entitled to her own opinion Mikoto….there isn't much we can do to change her mind."
"But this isn't how it is supposed to go." Jiraiya said, his romantic dream of the two of them escaping shattered right before his eyes.
"Sakura…what are you doing?" Ino watched the hurt in her friend's eyes. 'It's hurting her more to leave him than to stay with him. She thinks that she is doing the right thing by leaving him. Forehead you stupid woman! Just claim the man and hide him from everyone else!'
Iruka watched Sakura hold back the tears that threatened to fall as she shoved Itachi away from her. 'Sakura look at yourself. You don't want to leave him…he doesn't want you to leave him either. Think about what you're doing! You're turning your back on the very person that cares for you more than anyone else in this room.'
Itachi stopped walking towards her; he had to let her walk alone. "Sakura…"
The hurt in his eyes was well disguised to everyone, except for Sakura. She felt the wall she held up begin to crumble as she saw his hurting state. 'I'm sorry Itachi…it just wasn't ever meant to be…we are two different people…'
"I'm…I'm sorry Itachi." She managed to mumble out as a lone tear dripped down her bloody cheek and down her neck.
Itachi never took his eyes off the spirited woman as she turned her back on him and walked towards the double doors. Once she crossed those doors Itachi would never see her smiling face again, he would never hear her sarcastic insults, her laughter, or feel her body against his. If he wanted to stop her from exiting out of his life, forever, he needed to do it now.
Sakura kept her eyes forward as everyone watched her back come closer to the double oak doors that would show her the night sky. 'I will no longer have to step foot into this castle again… I'm sorry for everyone that had to be hurt…but this is the best thing for everyone.'
Before Sakura placed her shaking hand on the giant door handle she felt a firm grip on her left wrist. 'What the…' She turned around to see a glaring Itachi holding her wrist.
"Itachi let me go!" She shouted as she tried to free her hand from his tense grip if she didn't get away from him now she was afraid she'd change her mind.
Itachi ignored her protest and pulled her against him. "You're a very stubborn woman Sakura Hakate." He whispered in her ear as he snaked his arms around her waist to ensure himself she wouldn't go anywhere. "If you waited for me to explain myself you wouldn't have walked out so quickly." He said as his fake sorrow was replaced with a smirk.
Sakura's face came crashing into his chest as his words traveled to her ears. She felt her body relax as he held her against him, but that didn't mean her mind relaxed. "What the hell are you talking about?!" She looked up from his chest to his face to see his typical Uchiha smirk plastered on his face. His onyx eyes were no longer sad, they where…confident? "You…! You faked that whole thing?! For what?! What the fuck is wrong with you Itachi! Why the hell would you send me over the edge like that?!"
Itachi said nothing as he allowed the wild woman to thrash against his hold. With her injuries her thrashing were nothing more than pokes but he didn't care. He moved one of his arms from her waist and lifted her at her knees. Her movements froze when she felt her feet being lifted off the ground. "Sakura you think I'd give you up for this crown? I knew you'd run away at the sight of the golden piece of metal." He dipped his head low to her ear as he carried her back to their audience. "Getting the crown was the only way I knew you'd walk out on." 'Even then I still wasn't sure what you would do.'
Sakura felt a shiver roll up her spine as his hot breath tickled her ear. 'He…he planned on me running away? Then why would he accept the crown?' For once in Sakura's life she couldn't predict his actions. A hidden smile seeped onto her face. 'The boot is on the other foot.' She thought with humor.
Emerald eyes watched as everyone's eyes trailed after them, waiting to see what would happen next. She allowed the man to carry her back to the middle of the crowd and lower her gently to the floor. She stood still as Itachi straightened out his posture and held up the golden crown decorated with its royal rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds. "You have to trust me Sakura." He whispered to her.
Sakura looked into his eyes trying to find his motives, but it was as if he didn't want her to know anything. Itachi could see the anger cross her face as her nose scrunched up in annoyance. He couldn't resist the urge to bend down and claim her lips with his. The simple kiss sent his emotions on fire but he broke apart before he continued any further. He didn't need the whole country watching him ravish Sakura. 'They've seen enough skin from her.' He thought possessively.
Sakura, however, stood on her tip toes dumbfounded by the Uchiha's actions. 'What is going on?' She leaned into his kiss, missing the warmth he gave her. 'Who cares!' She would have continued their kiss but his facial expressions told her no.
Sakura wasn't the only one that was confused by the Prince's actions. They were certain that Itachi was broken hearted by Sakura's pick, but when he comes back carrying her bridal-style in his arms with a smirk on his face, they weren't as sure as before.
"I'm just as confused as Sakura." Jiraiya said while he scratched the back of his head, even his writer's experience couldn't clear the fog on this situation.
"What is he going to do now?" Ino asked, staring wide eyed as her friend was kissed, for the second time, in front of the royal embassy.
"You're son is very confusing Mikoto." Tsunade said as she tilted her head at the, yet again, change of events.
"Welcome to my world everyone." Mikoto said with a smile. 'Itachi is going to do something to win Sakura I just now it.'
"Yeah you try living with him. He's not a bundle of roses." Sasuke grumbled out in annoyance, his brother was always confusing.
"I knew there was a reason why I liked him." Kakashi said with an approving smile. 'He's a good match for Sakura. They both like to play games with others minds.' A shiver crawled up his spine as he pictured the two of them teasing one another. 'I feel bad for their offspring.'
Itachi turned from Sakura's direction and stared out into the crowd of people. He stared at the crown in his hands and then to Sasuke. 'Everyone knows I don't want to follow my father's footsteps. I know someone that will be a better King than he will be.'
"Here little brother." Itachi said as he tossed the beloved crown in Sasuke's direction. Sasuke reached out and caught the golden crown with ease. "I never wanted the position. You will do more good with it than I ever will."
Sasuke caught it with wide eyes. He looked at his older brother and then back at the crown. The Uchiha smirk soon spread across Sasuke's face as his brother's plan clicked in his head. "Hn." Sasuke nodded his head at their unspoken agreement.
Fugaku turned around and snatched the crown out of the smirking Sasuke's hands. "I did not give you the crown to toss it around like some accessory! You must take it seriously!"
Itachi glared at his stubborn father and pried the man's hands off the crown. "The law states that the one who possesses the crown can make the decision." He turned to his youngest brother and placed it in his hands. "I denounce myself for being next in line. This crown goes to Sasuke when he is of age Father. That is final."
Sasuke received the crown once again with even wider smirk. "What are you going to do Itachi?"
Itachi smirked at his little brother and walked back to Sakura's side. He stared down at the petite woman and lifted her on top of his boots. His victorious black eyes stared down into Sakura's shocked emerald ones. His large hand came up to her cheek and caressed it lightly with his thumb,
Sakura felt the warmth from his hand as his thumb stroked her cheek. For that moment she forgot where she was, who was around, the events of the night, and she could only see Itachi. All she wanted to see was him, the man that she absolutely loved and wanted to keep for the rest of her life.
Itachi's smirk grew wider when her head leaned into his touch and her eyes fluttered closed. "I think it is obvious Sasuke." He answered as he captured the dazed Sakura into another kiss.
Sakura was brought back to reality by Itachi's voice, but his kiss soon sent her back to her dazed world. 'No matter how many times he does that I will never get used to it.'
Itachi brought a hand around her waist to bring their bodies closer. His other hand tangled itself in her head as he pushed her lips closer to his own. Sakura agreed to the passionate kiss and threw both of her hands around his neck. With the remaining strength she had she lifted herself onto her toes and used her arms to lean her body even closer.
The passionate display made the room grow silent. Many watched with warmed hearts as the sign of affection. It wasn't every day that an Uchiha displayed their affections towards their women in front of everyone. Normally they liked to keep their pleasurable secrets behind closed doors.
Their kiss reluctantly ended when Itachi pulled away. He lowered Sakura from his feet to the floor and kept her closed to her side by wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The man turned to the royal crowd that watched the event with mouths opened wide.
"The Ball must end early thanks to unplanned circumstances." His eyes fluttered back to the dead Orochimaru momentarily before he bowed to everyone respectfully. "Allow the guards to escort you safely to your carriages."
The guests didn't move for a few seconds, too stunned at the casual way Itachi addressed them all. With a few confused looks to one another they climbed down from the tables and slowly walked to the main exit of the Uchiha castle. The guards stood at the doors and escorted every family to their awaiting carriage. As the crowd began to diminish Ami and Maya came out of the bathroom, the wine completely washed out of Ami's dress.
Ami looked around to see everyone leaving the Ball. "Where is everyone going? The Ball has just begun!"
Maya shrugged her shoulders as she took her sister's hand and lead her into the middle of the Uchiha's. "I don't know Sister but we missed something." She caught sight of the stained walls and shuttered at the stench. "Look!"
Ami stopped walking at the sight of the dead man's body. "Oh my god!" The smell in the air made Ami squeal out in horror. "This is disgusting!"
Ami shoved her sister's hand away and ran up to Itachi, not noticing the attached Sakura. "Ita what happened? I wasn't gone that long!"
Itachi turned around as he heard the annoying voice behind him. He looked down to see Sakura shutter as she heard Ami's voice. His arm gently squeezed Sakura's shoulders, showing Sakura she didn't have to deal with the annoying woman alone.
Ami's mouth dropped to the floor as she saw Sakura attached to her man's arm. Her arm rose into the air as her index finger pointed at Sakura. "What do you think you're doing with my man Haruno!"
Sakura looked up at Itachi and then at the fuming Ami. She ducked out of Itachi's arms and encircled her own bloody arm around Ami's shoulder.
Ami gasped at the sight and smell of the blood that covered Sakura. "Haruno get your dirty self off of my dress! It's worth more than your life!"
Sakura simply chuckled at Ami's insult and lead her to the door. "Listen Ami, I've been more than nice to you and you're reaching my patience." She released Ami from her grip and turned to smile at the Uchiha that never moved from his spot. She watched as Ami ogled at her man. "If you dare make a move on him Ami…my dirty self will slice every bone in your body."
Ami glared at Sakura. "What makes you think that Ita is yours? Everyone knows him and I are going to get married."
Sakura laughed out loud and shook her head. "Think again Ami. Itachi is mine. You are to never come near him, or Sasuke, ever again. If I hear that you try to I will personally see to your demise."
Ami watched in a scared manner as Sakura pulled out a bloody kitchen knife and began to play with it. Ami felt sick as the dried blood stuck to the blade. The blood made her picture her own blood being on the very knife that twirled around Sakura's fingers.
"This isn't over Haruno." She growled out frighteningly as she grabbed Maya and ran out the castle.
An inward smirk crossed Itachi's face as he watched Ami shiver uncomfortably and then roughly grab Maya. His eyes danced with amusement as the two of them walked out of the door in a hurried manner, hoping to get as far away from Sakura as possible. He never took his eyes off of the smirking pink haired woman as she hid the knife back under her dress.
"She won't be bothering you again." Sakura said with her smirk still on her face.
Itachi said nothing as he pushed Sakura under his arm and kissed the side of her neck. "I could have handled her myself."
Sakura shivered as his kisses trailed from her neck to under her ear lobe. "She needed to know that she couldn't mess with you anymore."
Itachi smirked at Sakura's response and continued to walk towards the remaining people in the room. "Little possessive?"
Sakura gently pushed her elbow into his ribs. "No one asked for your opinion Uchiha."
Itachi felt happiness settle in his stomach as the realization that Sakura was finally his settled in his stomach. He looked ahead to see familiar faces waiting for their return. The happy couple stopped in the now empty room. Tsunade, Jiraiya, Iruka, Ino, Mikoto, Sasuke, and Fugaku stared at them with mixed expressions.
"What are you planning on doing now Itachi?" Mikoto asked them as she walked over to her son.
Itachi slowly removed his arm from Sakura and allowed his mother to hug Sakura. "You know what I want to do Mother." He said as he watched his mother cautiously, ready to pull Sakura away if Mikoto hugged her a little too hard.
"Why don't you share your plan with the rest of us Itachi? You're not the only one that cares for Sakura." Tsunade said with a calculating stare.
Jiraiya shook his head. "Don't let Tsunade scare you; she's just a little over-protective."
"A little?" Ino added in with a smirk. "Try a lot!"
Itachi remained emotionless as Sakura's family commented on each other's statements. The once quiet people suddenly came to life. 'It is amazing how more talkative they get once their secret is out.'
"I will be taking Sakura into the world."
Sakura stared at Itachi with wide eyes. "W-What?"
Itachi looked down into her shocked emerald eyes and nodded his head. "Hn."
Kakashi smiled at his daughter's reaction and then nodded gratefully to Itachi. "Weren't expecting that huh Sakura?
Sakura numbly shook her head from side-to-side. "No…I didn't."
"Wait you two can't leave me here alone!" Sasuke yelled at them. 'Why do they get to have all the fun?!'
Mikoto giggled at Sasuke's remark. She snaked her arms around the teenager and gave him a hug. "Don't worry Sasuke they aren't leaving just yet."
"When are you two leaving?" Iruka asked, Mikoto brought up a very good question.
Itachi looked at everyone with a calm stare. "Once Sakura's wounds are healed."
Fugaku felt his vision blur at the revealed plan. 'That little bitch ruins everything!' He glared at the pink haired woman for the last time before he turned on the back of his heel and slammed the back door behind him.
Their conversation came to a momentary halt as Fugaku's frustrated slam echoed through the room. Mikoto sighed as she smiled apologetically towards everyone.
"Please ignore him. He's just angry. He'll cool down."
"I'm sure he will." Ino said with a grunt. "He doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way."
"Ino, now is not the time to start that." Tsunade said with a stern voice.
Ino snorted and crossed her arms. "Whatever Tsunade. You know it's true."
Kakashi looked away from the slammed door and studied Sakura's stance. She looked exhausted and hurt. "Itachi you can fill us in on your plan later. Sakura you look like you can barely stand. Let's get you to Shizune."
Now that Kakashi mentioned Sakura's tired state Sakura did notice that she had been using Itachi support her. "I didn't even realize how drained I was."
Kakashi shook his head as he circled his arms around his daughter. Itachi reluctantly released Sakura from his side to allow Kakashi to take her to receive medical attention. 'In time Sakura we will be together, with no one to question it and we will both be free of this castle.'
As Sakura used Kakashi as a crutch she saw Anko pop her head out of the kitchen door. Her worried expression was enough to make Sakura stop walking and motion for Anko to follow.
That night Sakura stayed bed ridden while Shizune patched up her injuries. During that time Sakura explained her predicament to Anko and Itachi revealed his plan once Sakura was fully healed. The night of anticipation and worry slowly faded from everyone's mind. It was a fresh start of a new life, for everyone.
Months passed as Sakura was kept under strict watch by Shizune and the Uchiha's. They wanted her to receive the best recovery possible. Sakura found herself having seven different babysitters to help her cope with being locked up.
It wasn't until Sakura could fully rotate her arm without a shutter of pain, did Shizune deem her ready to leave her office. When the announcement was made Mikoto had the servants fetch the needed supplies that would send Itachi and Sakura on their way.
The final moments arrived as two horses' were saddled with Itachi and Sakura's belongings on the side of their saddles. A servant held the anxious horses in place while Itachi and Sakura said their final goodbyes.
Itachi hugged his mother as she sniffled back her tears. "Be careful Itachi. Life outside these walls is nothing like Kohana."
Itachi kissed the top of Mikoto's head. "Hn."
He made his way to Sasuke and nodded his head. "Keep this place afloat little brother."
Sasuke nodded his head. "Keep yourself afloat Itachi. You're the one that will need it."
Itachi smirked at his brother and came face-to-face with Kakashi. "Kakashi." He said with a respectable nod of his head.
Kakashi tilted his head to the side. "Take care of my daughter Itachi. I trust you to protect her with your life."
"Hn Kakashi. Don't worry." Itachi said with a confident nod. 'I would protect Sakura until my last breath.'
Tsunade snorted as she jumped into the conversation. "Doesn't mean we don't get to warn you Uchiha."
"If you do anything to hurt Sakura, Tsunade and I will know. We are the spies that trained Sakura you know. We will hunt you down and unleash a new world of pain." Jiraiya threatened. "We didn't teach her all we knew."
Itachi took their threats expectantly. They were Sakura's family, of course they will scare him into never hurting Sakura. 'They don't have to do such a thing…but I wouldn't expect anything less.' He looked to see Sakura hugging an energetic blonde. 'I would never hurt you Sakura, I will never let anything bad happen to you ever again.'
"You better stay in touch with me Sakura!" Ino said as she hugged Sakura once again.
Sakura laughed at her excited friend. "Yes Ino, for the fifth time I will send a crow your way whenever I can."
"And I mean tell me about everything Forehead." She said as she tilted her head in Itachi's direction.
Sakura felt her cheeks heat up at Ino's suggestions but glared at her childhood friend. "Bye Pig!" She told her one last time as she gave the blonde on final hug.
"Bye Sakura."
She stared sadly at Anko. "I wish I could spring you from this place Anko."
Anko smiled at Sakura and shook her head. "Please Pinky. Is there anywhere else I would be? The kitchen is my home, just like the open land is yours. Now go out there and live a little!"
Sakura nodded her head and smiled brightly at her big sister figure. "Take care of yourself Anko."
Anko twirled her butcher's knife around her fingers absentmindedly and gave Sakura thumbs up. "Same for you Pinkie."
With a turn of her heel Sakura came face-to-face with Mikoto and Sasuke and gave Mikoto a hug. "I will miss you. It won't be the same not having to get up and take care of you Mikoto."
Mikoto wiped her tears from her eyes. "I'll never find someone as trusting as you Sakura, but you deserve to be free. You've been cooped up in this Castle for too long. Don't worry about me. I'm in good hands."
Sasuke gave Sakura a hug once she was done with his crying mother. "Keep Itachi in line Sakura. He needs to be disciplined."
Sakura giggled and ruffled Sasuke's raven hair. "Of course Sasuke. And I expect you to be more mature the next time I see you."
Sasuke grunted. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Mikoto didn't miss Sakura's eyes travel over to her bedroom window with the sour looking Fugaku looking out. "Don't worry about him Sakura, he will get over it…it will just take some time."
Sakura absentmindedly nodded her head. "I just don't want you to have to deal with his temper. It isn't fair to you."
"Sakura." Mikoto said. "I've dealt with it all my life I can handle this. It's a piece of cake." She winked to give Sakura the extra reassurance she needed.
Sakura smiled at the notion. "You've got a point Mikoto."
Mikoto pushed Sakura to Kakashi. Kakashi eyed his daughter with pride and engulfed her into a bone crushing hug.
"Be careful out there Sakura. You might want to go a little slow until Itachi gets used to you. I can't afford to loose you again."
Sakura buried her face into her father's chest and giggled lightly. "You got it Kakashi. Don't worry I think Itachi will catch on quickly."
Kakashi shook his head and ruffled the top of Sakura's head. "You're mother would be very proud of you."
Sakura looked up to the sky as she pictured her mother looking down at her from the heavens. "I know Kakashi. She can now rest knowing that everything is finally resolved."
Kakashi swung his arm around Sakura's shoulder and kissed the top of her head. "Never forget that we will always be with you. Wherever you go Sakura, we will always watch over you."
Sakura stood up on her toes and kissed the side of Kakashi's cheek. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Don't forget to write to me."
"I would never forget to."
Kakashi kissed Sakura on the top of her head one last time as he reluctantly guided her to Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Iruka.
Tsunade grabbed Sakura's arm and pushed the petite woman into her big bust. Sakura allowed her mentor to suffocate her with her big breasts. 'I won't be getting hugs like this for a while.'
"I can't believe how much you have grown. You better remember me once you're halfway around the world."
"Tsunade I will never forget you. I'll make sure to tell you of everything I find. I promise. Who knows I might send you back some…gifts."
Tsunade broke Sakura away from her chest and flashed a proud smile. "Load on the gifts!" She and Sakura laughed at Tsunade's own excitement at the mention of the gifts. "You've come a long way Sakura. Take in the freedom. You have only one life to live."
Jiraiya found Sakura and lifted her off the ground into a hug. "Show that Uchiha how troublesome you really are. Finally someone else can see how it feels to watch over you. It's like a twenty-four seven watch with you." His eyed the eldest Uchiha as he said goodbye to his mother one last time. "Maybe you'll even get a little something from him?" Jiraiya finished as he winked at Sakura knowing full well she won't have any trouble with that..
Sakura playfully punched Jiraiya in the shoulder as a blush covered her cheeks. "Once a pervert always a pervert."
"Don't be too hard on him Sakura; he's just said that because you are leaving him." Iruka said.
Sakura smiled at Iruka and captured him into a hug. "I know. I'll miss him too."
She stepped away from her small family and smiled gratefully. "That you….all of you. You have done everything for me and I can't be any more grateful. I'll miss you greatly."
"Live your life Sakura." Tsunade said with a smile.
"Don't worry about us we had our fun." Jiraiya said with a smile.
"I'll take care of these two." Iruka said reassuringly. "I've been doing it even before we found you."
Sakura smiled at them all and waved. "Well I guess this is goodbye. I will tell you everything!"
They watched as Itachi took her from them and tossed her up onto the awaiting stead. Once he was sure she was comfortably sitting on the horse he jumped onto his own. He strapped his belongings securely and waved the servant away.
Sakura did the same to her own items and grasped the horse's reins in her hands. The feeling of the breeze wisped across her face in a comforting manner. She looked to her left to see Itachi staring at her.
"You ready?" She said with a smirk.
Itachi nodded his head as his own smirk graced his handsome face. "Hn."
"Bye!" Mikoto yelled out as she watched them get ready to gallop off into the distance.
"Don't run into too much trouble!" Iruka yelled out.
"YOU BETTER VISIT US FOREHEAD!" Ino yelled at the top of her lungs.
Itachi stared at Sakura as she shook her head at their family's shouting. He stood up straight and dug his heels into the horse's side. His stead stood on his hind legs and galloped away into the mountains.
"Hey! You ass hole! You're a cheater!" Sakura yelled after him as she sent her mare forward to gallop after Itachi.
Kakashi laughed as his daughter chased after Itachi. "She'll be good for him."
"Maybe a little too good." Tsunade said with a smirk.
"Only time will tell us what will become of them." Iruka said with a smile.
"When am I going to be able to run away from this place?!" Sasuke yelled as he turned around and began to walk to the castle.
Mikoto shook her head while Jiraiya placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Mikoto we will get Sasuke set up too."
"Thanks Jiraiya." Mikoto said as they all followed the infuriated Sasuke into the Uchiha Castle.
Sakura and Itachi road side-by-side, through the mountains, only stopping when their horses, or themselves, were thirsty. The realization of being free hit them as soon as the sun hide and the moon shined in the sky.
Itachi and Sakura pulled the saddles off their horses and lay in the grass, looking at the night sky. Itachi used their bags as his pillow as he made Sakura lay on top of him.
The sounds of the night creatures surrounded them as Sakura curled into a ball against Itachi. Her head wiggled deeper into his coat as she tried to block out the nightly breeze.
"Hey Itachi?" Her voice was muffled by the fabric that covered her mouth.
Itachi mindlessly traced designs in Sakura's back as he lazily watched the stars twinkle in the night sky. "Hm?"
Sakura cuddled deeper into his embrace and began to play with his long hair that he let loose. "Why did you choose to roam around the country?"
Itachi inwardly chuckled at her naïve question. "You don't belong in a castle Sakura."
"I know that." She said with a bite in her tone. "I want to know why you really choose the run around all creation."
Itachi sighed at his persistent woman. He sat up and placed the comfortable woman in-between his legs. One hand held her chin, while his other hand brushed her pink locks away from her face, making him able to see her beautiful face. "You deserved the open land Sakura. You were never meant to be caged like an animal." He looked deep into her eyes, getting lost into the endless pools of green. "Besides…"
Sakura leaned in closer to him as her eyes flickered from his eyes to his mouth. "Besides what?" She said with a sassy smile.
Itachi pulled her head to his lips as he kissed the woman with every ounce of passion he possessed. He never wanted this moment to end, they were finally together, peaceful, and no one could stop them.
Sakura grabbed Itachi's hair to lift herself closer to the romantic man that held her close. The two of them broke apart as the need for air was evident. Itachi never looked away from her eyes as he said his next words.
"I love you Sakura."
Sakura felt her heart skip a beat at Itachi's confession. She moved her hands from his hair and a giant smile spilled across her face. Itachi watched as the excited woman encircled her arms around him and delivered a tight hug.
"I love you too Itachi." She said as she initiated another kiss.
The two sprawled out on the grass, under the moon and stars, and finally completed what their hearts desired. That night, the forest was filled with screams of pleasure and bliss as the two lovers were finally able to show their true feelings for one another, with no one watching and with not a care in the world. The way it was suppose to be.
Word of the eldest Uchiha running around the world with Tsunade's apprentice reached every high leader in Fire Country. It was shocking at first to hear of the strange love but it wasn't until the married couple proved their killer team work of a desired alliance. Some called upon the fighting duo for help while others wanted to make a treaty with Itachi and Sakura.
Years passed and the two lovers constructed an organization called Akatsuki. Itachi knew Sakura wasn't one to settle down in a wooden cabin and neither was he. The two of them made this organization to utilized misfits that felt like they didn't belong in their own country. Itachi and Sakura made sure to channel their new teammate's abilities to track down the evils in the world. Every country heard of the duo's insanely strong organization. The location of Akatsuki was a mystery to all, only a selected few knew where it was.
The citizen's made up stories of their love live, or even the organization. Soon stories made the children want to be just like the Akatsuki or some wished to find such a romance. The organization soon possessed the name as Guardians, because that's what they did, they watched over everyone.
Only Itachi's and Sakura's family knew what truly went on. The two would visit their old home town as much as they could; it always filled Sakura with happiness to see her family's smiling faces. They were able to see how much Sasuke had grown and to catch up on old news with their family.
Now, Itachi and Sakura run with the wind in their faces, branches under their feet, leading their team from city to city, finding and killing those who threatened society.
"Can we take a break my feet are killing me." Deidara complained as he tried to keep up with Sakura and Itachi's fast pace.
"We have only a few more miles Deidara can't you hold on a little longer?" Sakura growled out to him.
"You'd think after a year he'd be able to keep up with us." Sakura whispered to Itachi.
Itachi shook his head at his wife's comments. He had learned that she was not one for patience. 'Deidara I suggest you keep your mouth shut before Sakura unleashes a very scary side that I don't think you want to see.'
"Yeah right! This little complaining fucker doesn't like to do shit Sakura! Can't we just leave his ass?" Hidan said with an evil grin.
"Why don't we just leave your ass here Hidan? You're more annoying that Deidara." Kisame said with a groan.
"Want to go cock sucker?!"
Sakura growled at the fighting members. "With both of you shut the fuck up?! My god! You're more annoying than Ino! We have two miles left. It's not that complicated. Either stop arguing or keep quiet until we get to Suna."
"Tobi says we listen to Sakura. Tobi thinks Sakura gets scary when she is mad and Tobi doesn't like it when Sakura gets mad."
Kisame sighed as he increased his speed. "Unfortunately the little squirt has a point."
Itachi felt the air around their fighting teammates quiet down after Sakura's outburst. 'I told you everything would be simple Sakura. No longer do you have to hide anything, you are the free person you wished to be.' Itachi secretly stared at Sakura with love in his eyes. Ever in a million years would he have pictured himself a leader of an organization, married to the most head strong, and scariest woman he has ever met. But life had a funny way of making things work out.
Sure, it can get very complicated. Life is anything but simple. It can be thrown off its original course only to have it jump onto another one. It goes from black and white to color in a matter of seconds. So the question remains…it is as simple as black and white, right?
Author's Note: For the last time of this story: I hope everyone enjoyed the final chapter to the story!! I'm very pleased to see how many reviews this story got even though it is not of the show's original story line. Thank you again for taking the time to read and review the chapters and this chapter. Thank you for everything :) If it weren't for you this story would not be as successful as you all made it :)