Reviews for As Simple as Black and White, right?
ziyik05 chapter 19 . 12/21/2016
Aww ;( Naruto wasn't in the story but I still enjoyed it
Kagomie17 chapter 19 . 2/21/2016
Amazing twist on naruto and a story I really enjoyed reading. I love the way Sakura was portrayed in this(:
Jaeiline6573 chapter 19 . 12/31/2015
Omg god I love this book it's like the best yet I just love how u made this stories ending I just love it
The Blood Thirsty Silver Wolf chapter 19 . 11/29/2015
I couldn't stop reading! I loved this story! The suspence, the drama, the comedy, the everything! Amazing! I loved it! XD

~Wolfy-chan out~
Elvashak chapter 5 . 9/9/2015
Type your review for this chapter here...
Guest chapter 19 . 7/14/2015
Sasuke's too cute here, too naive as well haha he's like in the anime before the massacre hahaha and oh i so love this story, sakura's a badass and at the same time had a royal blood...yay! ItaSaku forever!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/14/2015
Oh my! It's getting complicated that kakashi knows the truth now...
Guest chapter 4 . 7/14/2015
Sakura can be a bodyguard for the queen too haha
idk chapter 19 . 7/6/2015
U come up with the most amazing plots. this was a great story although I wish there were some lemons:3 and babies.
berryhd chapter 19 . 6/22/2015
This has to be the best story I have read in a long time and I read a lot of fanfiction lol. The plot line, the details, the emotions that flowed through your writing kept my eyes glued to the screen. This was extremely well written and epic and loved every chapter of it. Would love too read more of you work :)
Nyxie-pixie chapter 19 . 1/17/2015
After reading this story i think i am in love with u! Just kidding but seriously awesome did a wonderful job
Mandy uchiha chapter 19 . 4/17/2014
skaterrockgirl chapter 19 . 12/28/2013
This fanfiction is so cool, i love it so much! I will read it again and again and again cos' i am in love with it!
Eva Foster chapter 19 . 11/5/2013
Oh my glob, that was AWESOME! I love love love love love love love LOVE IT! Someone should make this into a movie or something! Too bad there's no Naruto, but oh well. Hope you keep up the good work!
SiLlY chapter 10 . 7/14/2013
not really sure about this, but your itasaku fight scene doesn't make sense unless he has 3 legs. She was holding one, so he couldn't switch his weight to the other foot. And, it says his right foot came to the ground and his left foot twirled in the air while the other (3rd?) leg was still being held by sakura
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