Kanna: Welcome to my second story ever!! Cuddles Cousin!!

Evil Flippy: Who cares!!

Kanna: Can you go away!!

Evil Flippy: No I'm stuck here because of you dammit.

Kanna: Well be good and do the Disclaimer.

Evil Flippy: Alright just stop nagging me. Kanna does not own HTF's characters but she does own that annoying bunny Kyra... man I hate her.

Kyra: Love you to Flippers!!

Evil Flippy: Shut up!

Kanna: Now on with the story!!

Chapter One: Meet Kyra!

Cuddles was in his online chat room talking to Lumpy...

CuteNCuddles- Wats up Lumpy?

I'mLumpy- Nothing I'm just going to my second job in 10 minutes so I came on for a quick look...

CuteNCuddles- Oh ok how many jobs do you have?

I'mLumpy- ... you know I don't really know.

CuteNCuddles- WOW.

HandyMan has just logged on

HandyMan- Hey wats up you guys??

I'mLumpy- Oh hey Handy!! Nothing so what up with you and...

HandyMan- Wait who are you talking about!

I'mLumpy- Oh crap!! Nothing I g2g to second job you guys so bye!

I'mLumpy has logged off

HandyMan- I hope he wasn't talkin about her. But dang how many jobs does that guy...

CuteNCuddles- Don't ask me so wats with you? Did you ask HER out yet?

HandyMan- No... ask HER out yet?

CuteNCuddles- No...

MusicManiac has logged on

MusicManiac- Hey Cuddles and person I don't know!! Wats UP!!

CuteNCuddles- Hi... who are you??

MusicManiac- WAT!! You forgot my E-MAIL!! Well I haven't talk to you in awhile but you better not have forgotten that I'm coming for a visit in about 30 minutes. YOU DIDN'T FORGET THAT RIGHT??

CuteNCuddles- Wait tell me who you are and maybe I'll...

MusicManiac- You FORGOT!! I can't believe it!! Well I'll make it a suprise. So see you in 30 minutes or less Cuddles. Bye friend of Cuddles I don't know yet!

MusicManiac has logged off

HandyMan- Well... that was weird.

CuteNCuddles- Yeah it was... g2g I don't know who that was but I better fix my house up.

HandyMan- Ok see ya later man.

CuteNCuddles has logged off

HandyMan- Great now I'm alone.

CleanCutie has logged on

CleanCutie- Hi Handy!! How are you??

HandyMan- Uhh... sorry Petunia... g2g!!

HandyMan has logged off

CleanCutie- Uhh... ok?

30 Minutes Later

Cuddles was cleaning his house and had just finished when he heard the doorbell ring "Woo finished just in time!!" Cuddles said, as he went over to open to door. There he saw a silver bunny with black cheeks, long black hair ,and her big bunny ears sticking out of it; she was wearing a black dress that went past her knees and black short heels.

"Kyra!!" Cuddles said, very shocked to see his big (and trouble making) cousin "Hey Cuddles suprise!!" Kyra said giving him a hug. 'Oh crap she going to find out who I like and after that... after that..." *Ding dong* "I'll get that Cuddles since you seem to be a little space cadet right now." Kyra said as she walked over to the door. "Huh? What you say?" Cuddles said when he heard someone's voice, someone he hopped he was wrong about. "Hi there I'm Kyra what's your name little one?" "My name is Giggles! I'm looking for Cuddles, do you know where he is?" Giggles said looking around. 'OH CRAP NOT HER!!!!!' Cuddles said as he started to shake...

Kanna: That a wrap!! For now of course.

Cuddles: Oh man I'm scared!

Giggles: Umm... Cuddles... who do you like anyway?

Cuddles: *Silence*

Kanna: Yeah Cuddles!! Who do you like anyway??

Cuddles: Umm that doesn't matter...

Giggles: Don't worry Cuddles you can tell me I won't tell anyone.

Cuddles: Uhh... umm... you see...

Kanna: While Cuddles studders we will have Lumpy tell you guys something important.

Lumpy: Please review!! Kanna needs some feedback.

Kanna: Yes I do...