Kanna: This is my first story so please go easy on me. I'm not that good with grammer so if you see any thing that wrong please review and tell me. Now Nutty with the Disclaimer!!

Nutty: Thanks hehe Kanna!! Kanna hehe does hehe not own me hehe Flaky hehe Lumpy hehe or any hehe of the Happy Tree Friends!! Oh hehe and not hehe Candy Land! Flaky can you hehe take me hehe to Candy Land??

Flaky: Um... sure Nutty

Nutty: YAY!!!!


Chapter One: The Bet

One day Nutty was walking by a new toy store called Too Many Toys and said "Ohh! Heehe!! I hehe wonder hehe if there is hehe candy in there hehehe!!" He decided to go in and find out for himself. Inside he saw Lumpy who came over and said "Hiya Nutty!! Welcome to Too Many Toys!! What would you like??" Nutty said "Is their hehe candy in here?? I HEHE WANT HEHE CANDY!!" Lumpy "Calm down ok... um... no Nutty... there is NO candy ok... this is a TOY STORE." Nutty screamed "BUT I HEHE WANT CANDY!!! I WANT HEHE IT NOW!!!!!!!!" Lumpy said "OK OK!!! Here take this game called Candy Land and leave quietly ok." Nutty jumped for joy, took the box, and ran screaming "CANDY CANDY HEHE CANDY LAND!!!"

He was too busy screaming and running he was not paying attention and bumped right into Flaky. "Ouch that hurt, sorry Nutty." She said and she looked down, saw the game and said "Oh I love that game can I play with you??" Nutty said "What hehe game?? All I hehe have is hehe candy!!" Flaky thought 'He must actually think there is a candy land in there.' then said "Nutty... you know there is not a actual candy land in there. It's just a game." Nutty said "There isn't aww... do you hehe want to hehe play?" Flaky said "Sure but I must warn you nobody has ever beat me! So lets make this interesting... if you win i'll give you THIS!" Then Flaky showed him a chocolate bar and he said trying to grab it "OHHHH HEHE ME WANT!!!!!!" Then Flaky said "No no no you have to win it by winning the game." Nutty sighed and said "Okay hehe but what if you win hehe??" Flaky said "If I win you can't have eat candy for a week!!" Nutty screamed "NOOOOO!!!!!"

Kanna: Will Flaky win?? Will Nutty have to give up candy for a week?? Why am I asking you everything?

Evil Flippy: Because you don't even know yet!!

Kanna: Shut up!! I do know!!!

Evil Flippy: No you don't!!

Kanna: That's it!! I'm getting Kyra out here!! Kyra come get Flippy!!

Evil Flippy: NO please!! Don't do it!!

Kyra: Flippy!!! Come here now!!!

Evil Flippy: Oh h*** naw!!! HELP ME!!!

Kanna: Well that's it for now!!!

Kyra: Please Review people Kanna needs feedback!!

Evil Flippy: And I need HELP!!!