'He's gonna kiss me, he's actually gonna kiss me!

'Could he possibly feel the same way about me? Does-'

I felt his lips brush mine and then-

"Ow. Something stung me."

And that's all I remember. Until I woke up covered in goo, so cold. And although I often think about it we've never mentioned that near-kiss in his hallway. Damn that bee.

True, the flirting has increased, and then yesterday he said he loves me. Okay, so he was probably delusional, but hey, a girl can dream can't she. And now I'm driving to the hospital to pick him up and take him home. 'Because he's your partner Dana' I tell myself. 'Nothing more.' But hard as I try I can't help sometimes wondering what would have happened if there'd been no bee.

"Hey Scully," he says as he sees me come through the door. He's sitting on the edge of the bed, ready to leave and flashes me a grin.

"Hey Mulder," I reply and I feel my heart melt.

We arrive back at his apartment and I help him inside. It's a little awkward for a moment.

"Coffee?" he enquires.

"I'll make it," I reply. "You rest."

"Scully I'm fine, really." He tries to protest but sits on the couch anyway.


She makes the coffee and sits beside me on the couch.

"Thanks for taking such good care of me Scully," I say, gazing into her eyes. They're a deep blue, set out on her porcelain complexion. The afternoon sunshine is falling on her copper hair making it glow like a flame.

She smiles at me and my heart melts. If only it hadn't been for that damn bee, I'd know what it's like to kiss her. She's so beautiful.

"Scully-" I begin, and stop, not sure if I can continue.

"What is it Mulder?" She looks at me with concern. "Are you feeling funny again?"

"No, I'm fine. I just-" Five years. Five years I've known her and I still can't bring myself to say it. 'Just tell her,' I scold myself.

She's still looking a bit worried. "You know you can tell me anything."

Okay, I can do this. "Yesterday, Scully. About what I said. I know I was in the hospital and I know I'd been banged on the head, but I remember what I said. And I want you to know that despite all those things, I meant it. I love you Scully." There, I said it. I look at her, hardly daring to breathe.


He just said it again!

I smile at him. "Oh, Mulder-" I begin but that's as far as I get because he's kissing me and this time there are no bees to interrupt us.

He pulls away after a moment. "Is this okay?" he asks nervously.

"It's very okay," I reply and I kiss him this time. His hands are in my hair and then on my back.

The kiss breaks off and he holds me tightly. It feels so good - I've wanted this for so long.

"I love you, Mulder," I tell him. "I wanted to believe you yesterday, but I didn't dare hope-"

"Scully, I've loved you since the moment I saw you five years ago. You walked into my office and I just knew one day we'd end up like this. When I thought I'd lost you in Antarctica I couldn't bear it. If anything had happened to you..."

"Well it didn't." I tighten my arms around his neck as he pulls me on to his lap. I kiss him again. "I'm still here and I always will be. You won't get rid of me that easily!"